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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jan 13, 2017 11:24 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 141:

'No. Who are you?' Mr Clarke slurred, removed his hand and appeared to settle and glared at Joe to try and recognise him. 'Can't say I do.'
'Five years ago I worked here as a shearer. This place was run down then. The working conditions we put up with were deplorable.' Joe's stern voice loud enough for Mr Clarke to hear his words clearly. 'Nothing's been done since I worked here. It's a disgrace!'
'Yeah, alright, I'm not cut out to be a cocky. I thought I was after my father died and left the place to me. Honestly, I don't remember you. The place is in ruins. I can't do it any more. What'd you do with my bottle.' He asked.
'I threw it away and it smashed.'
'That's good rum.'
'It's not now.'
Silence came between them, Mr Clarke rubbed his chin with his hand, 'how long before I've got to go?' He asked solemnly.
'I'd like you off before morning.' Joe stated.
'There are no sheep left. I sold them to a neighbour last year. I never want to see another sheep in my life. I'll leave in the morning.' He spat.
Joe remounted his horse and returned to Kahmoo Station. Thought he would've put up a bigger fight. Must have been assertive and straight with the guy. I'll come back tomorrow to see what needs improvements.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jan 14, 2017 9:37 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 142:

After explaining to Nat his conversation with Mr Clarke he retired to the shearing quarters to get an early night. Shearing started the following week and he wanted to help Nat.
Sometime through the night Joe got up from his swag to go for a pee. Standing near a gum tree he noticed a far distance glow caught his eye. 'That's a fire coming from Tilbooroo Station', Joe mumbled to himself. He rushed to dress and ran to the homestead, 'Nat!' He shouted as he stepped onto the verandah.
'What's up?' Nat returned the call.
'A fire over on Tilbooroo Station. I'll saddle Joker and ride over.' Joe shouted.
'I'll come with you. Wait for me to get dressed. Saddle my horse, will ya?'
Joe quickly found Joker and a horse for Nat and saddled them before Nat arrived at the yard. 'The flames, it's a good hour ride but it's coming from Tilbooroo Station. Let's go!' Joe threw himself into the saddle, pulled his hat down on his head and kicked Joker into a gallop. Nat followed at a quick pace.
Finally arriving at Tilbooroo Station all that remained were ashes. 'Mr Clarke, where are you?' Joe shouted when he dismounted. No reply.
Everything lay in ruins, burnt to a cinder. The verandah where Mr Clarke sat earlier, totally burnt. Nothing left of the small building only burnt remains. The moon rays shone brightly enough to give Joe sufficient light to search through the remains of the homestead. His eyes fell onto a body completely burnt. Unrecognisable. A scorched bottle lay beside a body. 'Nat, over here,' Joe pointed to the body.

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jan 19, 2017 10:54 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 143:

'Bloody hell,' Nat said. 'Must've died in the fire. I'll ride into Eulo and get the constable. You wait here.' Nat commanded, remounted and rode off in the distance. Joe couldn't find anything but the ruin remains of the building. Everything got too much for him, I guess. Now he doesn't need to worry about leaving. Joe thought and waited.
Daylight broke when two horses approached. Nat and the constable arrived. They stopped their horses in front of Joe and dismounted. Nat introduced the constable to Joe as his Overseer. 'Let's have a look about?' The constable said and walked over to the ruins. Stepping across the burnt verandah the fire had cooled. He leaned down to touch the body and said, 'can't help this fellow,' and returned to where Joe and Nat stood.
'Not much else we can do here. I'll come back with a buggy and canvas to retrieve his body. I'll grab someone from Eulo to help me if you two want to return home. Thanks for letting me know. I'll come by your place next week to take a statement.' The constable said.
Nat and Joe farewelled the constable, remounted and rode home.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jan 20, 2017 9:38 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 144:

When they arrived home Martha met them at the front gate, 'is everything alright?' She asked.
'There's been a fire at Tilbooroo Station. Homestead is burnt to the ground. The fellow who lived there died in the fire. We've left the constable from Eulo to take care of everything. What about some breakfast, I could eat the arse out of a dead horse.' Nat said, 'Joe, would you put the horses away and come in for breakfast. We got enough for Joe?' Nat asked Martha.
'We always have enough for Joe.' Martha left the men to enter the kitchen and prepare their breakfast.
Meanwhile Joe unsaddled the horses and released them into a paddock. He returned to the house and smelt bacon cooking. 'Good morning Ma, we had an early start.' Joe said.
'A terrible thing to happen to that poor man. Reminds me of Mr Cummings.' Ma said as she set plates at the table. 'I'll make tea Martha.' Ma poured hot water into the kettle and made a pot of tea.
After everyone finished breakfast Joe said, 'Nat, shearing doesn't start until Monday. Will you be okay here by yourself until then? I want to go and tell Hannah what happened. You know what the bloody bush telegraph's like, they'll tell her I'm the one who perished in the fire.' Joe explained.
'You go right ahead. Say hello to our lovely daughter.' Nat gave his approval.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jan 21, 2017 10:09 pm

'Click Go The Shears - Page 145:

Joe arrived as Hannah finished school that afternoon and tied his horse on the hitching rail in front of the school yard. Hannah sighted Joe and called out, 'what are you doing here? Pa give you the sack.' She smiled knowing her Pa wouldn't sack Joe. Something else must be up.
'I wanted to be the first to tell you about the fire.' Joe met Hannah at the bottom of the stairs. He couldn't get over how beautiful she was. They were engaged to be married and he was the luckiest man alive to become her husband.
'What fire!' She exclaimed.
'The fellow living on Tilbooroo Station set fire to the homestead and burnt it to the ground. He perished.' Joe told Hannah.
'Not another fire.' She rushed to Joe and wrapped her arms around his neck. 'You weren't hurt, were you?' She asked and kissed him on the lips.
'No, yesterday I spoke to him and he told me he was leaving this morning. Guess he didn't want to leave. He'd been drinking heavy so it doesn't take much imagination on how the fire started. Everything burnt to the ground.' Joe explained. He walked beside Hannah with Joker following to the cottage. Joe held the reins.
After placing Joker in his stable he entered the kitchen Hannah stoked the fire to heat water in the kettle, 'I'll make a pot of tea. How you feeling?' She asked as she went about her task.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jan 22, 2017 9:29 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 146:

'I'm okay. I wanted to make sure you didn't think it was me in the fire because you realise what the bush telegraph is like. People around here would've had me burnt and buried by the time the news reached you.' Joe explained.
They shared their afternoon tea and spoke about general things happening in town. 'How long until you return to 'Kahmoo Station'?' Hannah asked.
'Monday morning to help out with the shearing.'
'Almost a week to be together. I'll get time off work while you're in town so we can enjoy one another. I want to do so much with you.' Hannah said and wrapped her arms around his neck. 'What about we go for a picnic tomorrow.' She whispered in his ear.
'I miss you. Have you thought of a date for our wedding?' Joe asked sipping his tea.
'Yes. Is Christmas Day alright!' Hannah squealed with excitement.
'Perfect,' Joe replied wrapped his arms around Hannah and kissed her. 'I'll tell your parents. Should we advise Brother Paul of the date?' Joe asked.
'Why don't we go and see him now and ask him. I know it's more than seven months away which should give him sufficient time to arrange everything. I want Nana and grandfather to be here. What about your parents? I haven't met them yet.' Hannah frowned.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:02 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 147:

'Yes, my parents. I almost forgot to mention. I wrote them a letter introducing you to advise them we were engaged.' Joe admitted.
'Why didn't you tell me? I would've written a letter to put with your letter.'
'You can still write them a letter. I need to write another to advise them of the date of the wedding.'
Soon after they finished their afternoon tea, excitement filled their minds, they walked to speak with Brother Paul at the church. Brother Paul greeted them with a smile and when they asked him about the date of their wedding his words, 'that's the birth of Jesus. Can't your wedding be another day?' He asked sincerely.
'Brother Paul, if 25th December 1896 is available for our wedding in your church. We would be grateful.' Joe stated matter-of-fact.
'Yes, yes, it's so unusual for a wedding on that day. I'll make the arrangements. Before you are married I need to explain to both of you about what marriage is and its meaning.' He continued.
'When ever you want to speak with us about our vows, you let us know and we'll arrange a time when Joe is in town.' Hannah explained.
'Thank you both and congratulations. I wish you the best.' He shook their hands and allowed them to leave.
They couldn't wipe the smiles from their faces.
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