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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jan 06, 2017 11:36 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 134:

'What is it Joe. Is there something wrong?' She asked, concerned.
'I love you Hannah. I've loved you since the moment I first heard your voice when you spoke to me behind the cell door.' There it's out. My conscious is clear.
Hannah wrapped her arms around Joe's neck and kissed him strongly on the lips, 'I love you too. I didn't think I could love or trust anyone again, but I do love you.' She confessed.
After they confirmed their dying love for one another, wrapped in one another's arms, Joe thought he couldn't be in a better place. Hannah couldn't wipe the smile from her face. Joy filled her soul.
They wanted to share their love for one another with the world. This couldn't be possible for they were seen as single people living under the same roof with no chaperone. Enough gossip circulated through the town to know everyone in Cunnamulla were aware of their living arrangements. They didn't care. Each time they were seen in company, they held hands and often showed their love by publically kissing in the main street to display their affection.
Hannah couldn't get over how quickly the month passed before Joe needed to return to 'Kahmoo Station' to begin shearing. On their final day together whilst picnicking on the banks of the Warrego River Joe knelt on his right knee, took Hannah's hand in his and said, 'Hannah Young. Would you do me the honour of becoming my wife.'
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jan 07, 2017 10:32 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 135:

Without hesitation Hannah wrapped her arms around Joe's neck and screamed, 'yes, yes, yes. I'd love to be your wife.' They kissed to seal the deal.
Joe placed his hand into his trouser pocket and extracted a ring, he placed it on Hannah's left ring finger. Hannah couldn't be more happier nor could Joe. She held her hand up to the light, the bright sparkle from the ring shone. 'I'm coming with you when you ask my parents.' Hannah admonished.
Early next morning Joe hired a sulky and with Hannah drove to 'Kahmoo Station' to tell her parents and Ma about their engagement. Pulling alongside the front gate to the homestead Nat was the first to greet them when they climbed down from the sulky, 'I didn't know when you were returning. Martha and Ma will be happy to your both are here. Hannah you look radiant. This young man asked you to marry him?' Nat said and cuddled Hannah.
'Yes, he did Pa and I accepted. I want to tell the world.' She took Joe's hand and walked to the verandah. 'Hello mother and Ma, got some great news to share with you two. Joe asked me to marry him and I accepted.' She showed them the sparkling diamond ring Joe gave her.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jan 08, 2017 9:58 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 136:

'This is wonderful news, congratulations to you both. Joe, welcome to the family.' Martha said and hugged them both. Ma gave her congratulations with a hug. 'This calls for a celebration, don't you think Nat.' Martha said. She couldn't wipe the smile from her face and felt so proud of Hannah and more pleased she finally met a warm person like Joe to be betrothed. 'I'll put the kettle on.'
'Martha, I think we need more than a cup-of-tea. What about I break open a bottle of whisky I stored away for a celebration like this. Good on you Joe, I can't wait. When's the wedding?' Nat's excitement flowed over to the family.
'No date at this stage. Have we?' He asked Hannah.
'No. We wanted to surprise you with the engagement.'
By the finish of the day everyone including Ma were a little tipsy drinking the whiskey. Nat forced more drink onto them until the bottle emptied. Regularly during drinks he praised Joe on his fine work on completing the machinery shearing equipment ready for the forthcoming season.
'You'd better get your betrothed home before dark. Got a most important job for you when you return.' Nat informed Joe with a wink.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jan 09, 2017 9:51 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 137:

'Hannah, it's time to go.' Joe commanded.
'If you think you can tell me when to go Joe, think again. We're not married yet. Bye mother, Ma, and Pa.' She hugged each one and kissed them. A little wobbly on her feet with a light head, 'Joe, do your duty and escort your future wife home.' She hiccuped and took Joe's hand.
Waving farewell to her family Hannah placed her arms around Joe's neck and kissed him firmly on the lips, 'I love you,' she whispered in his ear, leaned her head against his shoulder and soon fell asleep.
By the time they arrived home darkness enveloped the town of Cunnamulla. Joe stopped at the back of the cottage, stepped down and carried Hannah in his arms into their bedroom. After stripping her of clothing, he dressed her in her pyjamas, pulled back the bed linen and lay her head on the pillow. Covered her, kissed her on the cheek, 'sleep safe my love.' He whispered.
Early next morning he rose and cooked bacon and eggs with toast. Placed a plate filled with food and a cup-of-tea on a tray and walked softly into the bedroom and put the tray with food on a side table. Hannah moved, shook her head, placing her hand to her forehead, 'I have a headache.' She swooned.
'Breakfast is ready.' He put the tray in front of her when she sat upright. She can't hold her liquor. He thought.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jan 10, 2017 9:52 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 138:

Chapter 15

Joe returned to Kahmoo Station later that day and spoke to Nat, 'what is it you wanted me to do which concerned you before I left yesterday?'
'We've got to do something about that mongrel over on Tilbooroo Station. He still thinks he owns the place. I've owned it for the past four years.' Nat spat, he never had the courage to face him personally since he'd taken ownership nor even set foot on the property.
'What do you want me to do?' Joe asked sitting on a seat on the verandah.
Nat left the verandah and walked inside shortly returned with papers and handed them to Joe. 'Here, have a look at these. They are the deeds to the property and I need him off before we can do any improvements.'
'If it's any consolation, when I worked there more than four years ago, it was a mess then. I'd imagine he's done nothing to improve the property since I worked there.' Joe explained. 'Again, what do you want me to do?' Joe answered reading each page of the documents.
'You go over there and throw him off. I want him off!' Nat spluttered. Redness rose in his cheeks.
'Why me!'
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:25 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 139:

'Because you are my Overseer and your job is to attend to these jobs I'm afraid to do.' Nat confessed.
Joe re-read the documents to understand what power he had to throw this person named Clarke off the property. He read the deeds which showed the property belonged to Nat Young and couldn't see any name Clarke only being the previous owner. 'Don't you want to come with me?' Joe asked timidly.
'Not particularly, I'm certain you are fully capable of handling this matter by yourself.' Nat hated confrontation and knew this would be an ugly scene to confront. Preciously he'd written letters of demand to rid this person from his property and never received a reply.
'I'll leave in the morning. Can I take these documents with me?' Joe asked.
'Yes, if they'll help.'
Joe saddled Joker early the next morning thinking about how he was going to approach this job. Apart from installing the shearing machinery, this was the second job Nat gave him since he became Overseer.
Riding across Moonjaree Creek heading directly to Tilbooroo Station as the crow flies, he inspected the boundary fence on the eastern side. This fellow's let the place fall into ruin. Joe thought. No wonder Nat wants to get him off the place. Can't wait to ask him if he's done anything to improve the shearing shed.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jan 12, 2017 10:29 pm

'Click Go The Shears' - Page 140:

Finally arriving at the front of the old homestead, a small building much older than he thought, a man sat on the front verandah holding a bottle to his mouth. Swinging down from his horse he called. 'Good-day. Are you Mr Clarke?' Joe walked to the verandah where this person sat. He never moved but his eyes scanned Joe from head to toe.
'Who might be asking?' His voice rough and slurred. He put the bottle to his lips to take another drink.
'I'm Joe Gibson. I'm the Overseer for Mr Young owner of this property. I want to speak with you.' Joe stood in front of this man who remained seated.
'You want to throw me off my place. I'm not going!' He went to rise and fell off balance back onto the seat. Joe grabbed the bottle and threw it over the railing.
'Are you Mr Clarke?' Joe again asked.
'Yeah! Why?'
Joe took the papers from inside his coat, 'these papers show Mr Young owns this property and you are trespassing.' Joe folded the papers and returned them inside his coat.
'I'm squatting, not trespassing. There's a difference. My father owned this property and handed it down to me.' He started crying and placed both hands to his face. His cry turned into a howl.
Joe felt uncomfortable. Nat owned the property and needed to think of an idea of getting this fellow to leave. 'Do you remember me?' He changed direction.
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