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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jun 11, 2016 10:41 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 83:

‘About half-a-days ride,’ the tracker replied, ‘up there.’ He pointed toward the sun setting in the west behind Moriarty Range.
‘We’ll return to Cunnamulla and see what Sergeant Gray wants us to do.’ Constable Andersen said. Each remounted their horse to return to Cunnamulla before the sun dropped behind the horizon.
Sergeant Gray met the men when they rode into the rear of the police station. ‘How did you go?’ He asked Andersen.
‘Found the place where he held up the stage – here are the remains of the cash box – nothing inside. Tracked him across to the other side of the river but lost his tracks in gibber country. Think he may be heading toward Moriarty Range,’ Constable Andersen reported.
‘Knock off tonight. Go back to your barracks. I’ve sent a message to headquarters and other police stations around the district to be on the lookout for the bushranger. He’ll turn up somewhere. Not much more we can do tonight,’ Sergeant Gray admitted.
‘Do we re-start the search in the morning Sarge?’ Constable Andersen asked.
‘No, no use, you’d be like a dog chasing its tail. He’d been long gone by now. Hope he makes a mistake and turns up somewhere he’s known. Goodnight everyone, sleep tight.’ Sergeant Gray left the company of men to finish their work.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jun 18, 2016 4:04 am

Thank you dub. Here is the page for today: 'The Shearer' - Page 84:

Hannah heard a knock on the front door at Ma’s Guest House where she’d been staying since the hold-up. She walked to open the door. ‘Hello Mr Shirley, do come in. Good to see you again. I’ll fetch Ma for you.’ Hannah said.
‘I’ve come to speak with you,’ Mr Shirley replied. ‘Something important.’
Hannah beckoned John Shirley into Ma’s home. ‘Follow me through to the kitchen where Ma’s baking fresh bread. Would you like a cuppa?’ She asked over her shoulder.
‘Yes please, a cuppa would be fine,’ John answered and followed Hannah into the kitchen where he saw a grey haired elderly woman standing over a wooden table kneading dough.
‘Ma, this gentleman is Mr Shirley. He’s the man who saved me on the stagecoach from the bushranger.’ Hannah introduced John Shirley to Ma.
‘A blessing to meet you Mr Shirley and thank you for saving this girl, she means the world to me,’ Ma said and extended her hand after she’d wiped it on her apron to shake John’s hand.
‘I didn’t save her. She was brave how she spoke to the bushranger. At least she got him to tell us his name.’ John answered.
‘Do take a seat and I’ll make you a cuppa. How do you take it?’ Hannah asked.
‘Straight black from the pot, thank you Hannah.’ John looked at the fresh cooked bread, his mouth salivating.
‘Would you like a slice of fresh cook bread and jam Mr Shirley?’ Ma asked, noticing how his eyes went to the bread.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Jun 18, 2016 11:33 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 85:

‘Call me John please, and yes thank you I’d love a slice of bread and jam.’ John sat on a chair opposite Hannah.
Ma prepared the cuppa and a slice of bread, placed it on a plate and put both in front of John. ‘There you are.’
John ate the bread. ‘This is the best bread I’ve tasted, and you should be congratulated.’
‘I bake daily with all the mouths to feed around here.’ Ma answered.
‘When are you returning to Roma, Mr Shirley?’ Hannah asked.
‘Tomorrow and this time I’m riding. The reason I’ve made a visit is I want to ask you something important.’
‘What is it?’
‘I want to offer you a position to teach here at Cunnamulla State School – if you want it.’
‘If I want it? Yes of course I want it! How – why – why me?’ Hannah’s excitement overflowed to the other two.
‘The school has been operating for almost a decade now and I want to try something new. I want you to teach at the school, however, it will be under the tutorage of Miss Wallace who is the fulltime teacher. I’ve spoken with Miss Wallace who knows you.’ John explained.
‘Yes – yes – of course.’ Hannah’s face exploded into a smile.
‘If you come with me now, we can meet Miss Wallace who will start with your tutorage. She’ll explain what she requires from you,’ said John.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Jun 19, 2016 9:46 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 86:

‘I’ll get my bonnet.’ Hannah rushed from the kitchen to her room, retrieved her bonnet and returned to the kitchen.
‘A pleasure to meet you, Ma,’ John said, as he rose from his chair, I think Hannah should enjoy her time learning to be a teacher.’
‘Mr Shirley – ah John - my heart is open to you for offering her this position. She’ll stay here.’ Ma said emotionally, and gratitude to John.
Hannah returned to the kitchen, ‘I won’t be long Ma. This is exciting news! Now I can remain in Cunnamulla where Joe is.’
Whilst John led his horse by the reins Hannah walked beside him to the small building near the Warrego River. John secured the reins of his horse to the hitching rail and escorted Hannah to the office, ‘Good morning again, Miss Wallace. I’d like you to meet Hannah Young, your new assistant and pupil.’ His smile showed how important he felt it was for Hannah be given this opportunity.
‘A pleasure to have you Miss Young, you came highly recommended from Mr Shirley and I’ve known you and your family since I’ve been here teaching.’ Miss Wallace answered sincerely.
‘When can Miss Young commence her duties?’ John requested.
‘Today is Friday. Why not start fresh Monday morning at nine o’clock sharp?’
‘Miss Wallace, when I return to Roma I’ll have my wife monitor Miss Young’s progress. I’m sure you’ll be co-operative under these terms,’ John replied.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Jun 20, 2016 9:47 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 87:

‘Yes, I’ll do my best at this end. I’ll be pleased to work with your wife to monitor Miss Young’s progress,’ Miss Wallace answered.
‘How can I ever thank you enough Mr Shirley for giving me this opportunity to reach my dreams? And in my home town! I still can’t believe how lucky I am to have met you on the stagecoach.’
‘I know you’ll do your best and with tutorage from Miss Wallace, you’ll make a fine teacher. I’ll leave you both to discuss your needs. I can’t wait to hear the results.’ John bid both a good-day and left the office.
After Miss Wallace and Hannah discussed the ground rules of her position, Hannah bid Miss Wallace farewell and wished her a great weekend. She would be at school bright and early Monday morning to start her apprenticeship as a trainee teacher.
She wanted to jump in the air with joy to satisfy her feelings to receive this wonderful opportunity. She wanted to share her happiness with Joe and instantly thought of sharing the news with her father.
Returning to Ma’s home, she knew she’d need to occupy another room before Joe returned from shearing, and she would discuss with Ma who was in the kitchen, ‘how’d you go with Miss Wallace?’ Ma asked.
‘I can’t wait for Monday, Ma, I’ve been thinking about letting Pa know about me staying here in town and living with you,’ Hannah said.
‘I think it would be a good idea to let him know. How will you do it?’ Ma asked inquisitively.
‘I could hire a horse from the livery stables and ride to our property. Hang on Ma – why don’t I hire a horse and sulky and we both visit my Pa and mother?’ Hannah was excited.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Jun 21, 2016 10:11 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 88:

‘I don’t know. You go and see your folks; you don’t want an old duck like me hanging around,’ Ma replied. In all the time she lived in Cunnamulla she’d never crossed the Warrego River; she was happy on this side of town.
‘Ma, I won’t take no for an answer. I’ll hire a sulky and horse and tomorrow we’ll go and see Pa and mother; and tell them about what I’m doing. They’d love to meet you and hear about your place.’
‘I insist on paying for the hire of the horse and sulky. I’ll pack a lovely morning tea and we can have a break on the way. I’ve never crossed the Warrego River since I’ve lived here. Wonder what’s on the other side?’
‘I’ll show you. Thank you for paying, because until I speak to Pa I haven’t any money. That awful bushranger stole all my money and Joe’s ring.’ Hannah’s voice quivered.
‘What about him? They haven’t caught him yet.’ Ma said.
‘Don’t worry about him Ma – I’d love to meet him on the trail – I’d give him a piece of my mind for what he’s done,’ Hannah said angrily.
Early the following morning, Hannah hired a horse and sulky from the blacksmith at the livery stable. As Ma waited for Hannah to return, she sucked in a deep breath to settle her nerves. She wasn’t used to going anywhere, especially to a property as valuable as Hannah’s parents’.
‘Jump in Ma and we’re away.’ Hannah’s bright smile spread across her lovely face, her eyes sparkling with her hair tucked under her bonnet. Ma climbed up onto the seat beside Hannah, placed a basket filled with goodies in front of her feet. ‘Let’s do it.’
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Jun 22, 2016 10:47 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 89:

Hannah flicked the reins at the horse sending it into a trot, ‘Steady on, Hannah,’ Ma put her hand on Hannah’s left forearm to make her steady the horse to a walk.
‘We’ll be right Ma I’ve been driving these horses since I could walk so hang on.’ Hannah pulled slightly on the reins to slow the pace of the horse and Ma settled back into the seat.
‘Hi there Alex!’ Ma shouted and waved when they drove past the front of the hotel where Alex was sweeping the front footpath.
‘Where’re you two off to?’ Alex called and waved at the ladies as they drove past the hotel.
‘Out to see Hannah’s parents. Be back late this afternoon,’ Ma called back as they’d passed the hotel and turned right heading toward the Warrego River.

Chapter 12

Ma had never crossed the Warrego River and knew little about what was on the other side.
‘How far to your parent’s property?’ She asked, when the sulky rattled across the old wooden bridge.
‘About ten miles – take a couple of hours. We’ll pull up at the six mile for morning tea. I can’t wait to see what you’ve packed,’ Hannah said with a smile.
‘Something special to celebrate you staying in Cunnamulla. This is a wonderful day. I’m pleased you coaxed me to come along.’
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