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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat May 28, 2016 11:08 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 69:

‘Yes please but I’ll make it. I need to earn my keep somehow.’ Hannah gathered a cup and saucer from the cupboard and put them onto the table opposite Ma. ‘Is the tea pot hot?’
‘Sure is – always.’
Hannah prepared a cup of strong tea sat opposite Ma picked up a freshly cooked biscuit to chew the edge. ‘Can I have another?’
‘Of course, have as many as you want,’ Ma answered. Hannah took another biscuit and quickly devoured it.
‘Ma, have you any parchment with a nib and ink so I can write a letter to Joe?’ Hannah asked.
‘Yes on top of the cupboard, there should be sufficient ink left.’ Ma answered.
Hannah finished her cup-of-tea, ‘leave it there, you attend to your writing, I’ll wash these things before we have lunch. You go on and do your writing in the quiet of Joe’s bedroom if you want.’ Ma told Hannah.
Hannah picked up the bottle of ink, nib and holder, parchment and rushed off to Joe’s bedroom to write her letter. She had so much to tell him.

My Dearest Joe,

You may be surprised to read this letter for I am staying in your bedroom at Ma’s home. She is a delightful person and I know why you think of her as your mother. I’ve shown her your ring (or should I say our ring) she was delighted when I told her about how much we love one another.

I’m saddened to hear about Bluey Simpson. I’m pleased nothing happened to you for I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t see you again.

I’ve told Pa how much I love you, but I don’t think he’ll ever realise how much I do. I’m still his little girl. We parted without waving which tells me he’s still angry at me for telling him about you.

I hope this letter finds you well my love. In a couple of days I’m off to Brisbane and after I finish my schooling I hope to return to Cunnamulla as a teacher.

Your Dearest Love

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun May 29, 2016 11:27 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 70:

Hannah completed the letter, folded and sealed it with wax. She returned to the kitchen and handed it to Ma, ‘Can you hand this to Joe when he’s next in town? I’ll leave you my address in Brisbane. You never know he may want to write to me.’ Ma placed it under a jar on top of a cupboard.
Two days passed quickly, Ma spending as much time as she could in Hannah’s company, parading her around the different shops in town and boasting of how they were friends. When the time arrived for Hannah to leave, she wrapped her arms around the lady’s shoulder and squeezed. ‘Ma how can I thank you for this time we’ve had together, I’ve loved it.’ Tears dwelled in Ma’s eyes. She choked with emotion and couldn’t get the words out of how she really felt about Hannah. Her Joe was indeed lucky.

Chapter 10

Hannah boarded Cobb & Co stagecoach departing Cunnamulla to Roma early in the morning. The railway line ended at Roma so she had a journey from Cunnamulla to Charleville with an overnight break then onto Roma to board the train to continue her journey to Brisbane.
When she boarded the coach a man boarded at the same time. They sat opposite to one another, ‘Hi there, I’m John Shirley,’ the stranger said and held out his hand to Hannah.
‘I’m pleased to meet you. I’m Hannah Young. How far are you going?’ Hannah asked and shook the stranger’s hand.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue May 31, 2016 12:06 am

'The Shearer' - Page 71:

‘To Roma. I’m District Inspector for Education. I’m returning from inspecting Cunnamulla State School,’ He replied.
‘Oh my gosh, I don’t believe my luck!’ Hannah placed her hand over her mouth. ‘I want to become a school teacher and return here to Cunnamulla and teach.’ Her smile and expression impressed the stranger.
‘You are in luck. My wife trains all the teachers before they’re transferred to the country. I might be of help to you.’ He smiled.
‘Something is going right for once,’ Hannah replied.
‘Have you had bad luck?’
‘Ah – it’s a long story.’ Hannah sighed.
‘I’m happy to listen – there’s not much else to do. This is my first trip with Cobb & Co as I normally ride my horse. It went lame and I thought instead I’d take the stagecoach,’ John replied.
Either one hadn’t noticed the coach leave the depot to begin the journey. The horses’ hooves clip clopped along the sandy track only used by locals and Cobb & Co coach, and followed Warrego River which meandered along, glistered by the morning sun striking the brown coloured water.
‘Do you have a large district to inspect?’ Hannah asked.
‘I’ve many schools to inspect, some farther west than here. Normally I travel about four to five thousand miles a year,’ John explained.
‘We’ll stop at Coongoola for smoko,’ a male voice called from above.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue May 31, 2016 11:11 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 72:

‘Okay,’ John shouted back. ‘Yes, my job takes me many places. I enjoy my time with each teacher to see habits of neatness, politeness and cleanliness more important issues than the imparting of facts.’
‘I’d love to teach children and I have much to offer.’ Hannah said excitedly. By the time her final words got out she felt the stagecoach slow almost to a stop.
‘Stand and deliver!’ The words echoed through the still air as the stagecoach came to a halt. She looked from her window to the front of the stagecoach to see a man mounted on a horse holding a pistol in each hand. His hat pulled down over his eyes, a bandana wrapped around his face, bright blue eyes the colour of the sky peered directly at her, ‘All out!’ He shouted.
‘Throw down the cash box and all passengers leave the coach!’ The stranger yelled, ‘come on!’ He swung one pistol in the direction of the passengers and held the other on the stagecoach driver. He dismounted with ease and walked toward the driver, who’d handed down the cash box.
‘Don’t be afraid – I’ll protect you,’ John whispered to Hannah as they alighted from the coach and stood in front of the bushranger. Hannah had previously read about bushrangers but never in her wildest dreams thought she’d be held up by one.
‘Hand over your wallet and belongings,’ The bushranger commanded and placed one pistol into its holster, whilst keeping the other on the three occupants. John took his wallet from his coat pocket; handed it to the bushranger. Hannah opened her bag and removed her purse containing all her money. The driver handed over his merger belongings.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jun 02, 2016 1:13 am

'The Shearer' - Page 73:

‘Is that all?’ shouted the bushranger looking directly at Hannah, ‘What about the necklace around your neck?’ Hannah didn’t want to part with Joe’s ring. Her eyes filled with anger at the thought of handing over Joe’s ring.
‘Isn’t money enough, this is a present from my boyfriend’.
‘Take it off or I’ll take it off me self’, the bushranger commanded, pointed the pistol in her direction. Hannah removed the necklace handed it to him.
‘What’s your name, so I can tell my boyfriend, Joe Ryan, who stole his ring?’ She didn’t want to part with her prize possession without knowing who stole it from her. John calmly squeezed her arm.
‘Billy Wells – everyone knows my brother Joseph! The police murdered him - tell your boyfriend.’ He laughed, holstered his pistol, gathered the loot, mounted his horse and rode into the scrub.
Hannah placed her hand to her brow. She felt faint and exhausted to think the stagecoach being held up not far from Cunnamulla. ‘What do we do now?’ she asked quietly.
‘No good going onto Charleville because the money from the bank’s been stolen. Better return to Cunnamulla and tell the police about the robbery,’ The driver said.
‘Good idea,’ John agreed. Hannah and John got back inside of the stagecoach whilst the driver climbed upon the seat to turn the horses around in the direction from which they’d come.
‘I’ve never been robbed in my life.’ Hannah said after a short distance. He’s taken all of my money,’ Tears started to well in her eyes, ‘and Joe’s ring – what will I do?’
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Thu Jun 02, 2016 10:19 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 74:

‘Don’t worry, the police will catch him and you’ll get your ring and money back,’ John reassured Hannah. John formed an idea to help Hannah and hoped she’d agree with his proposal. ‘I’m staying at the Railway Hotel, if they’ll have me, until I withdraw money from the National Bank to see me through.’
‘I’m staying at Ma’s Guest House – not far from the Railway Hotel, only a couple of houses up the street.’ Hannah felt much better.
Soon the stagecoach pulled up in front of the depot office, and an attendant called to the driver, ‘What’re you doing back so soon?’
‘We’ve been robbed, Billy Wells, he said his name was. Where’s the Sergeant?’ The driver replied.
‘Across the road at the police station, do you want me to fetch him?’
‘No – I’ll go myself.’ The driver crossed the road and walked into the police station where Sergeant Gray stood behind the counter.
‘We’ve been robbed Sergeant, Billy Wells, said his name was. Something about his brother, the police murdered him.’
‘What the hell – we’ve never had a hold-up in these parts since 1880 – what’s the place coming too? Where did this happen? You said his name was Billy Wells?’ Wonder if he’s related to the Wells who attempted to rob the National Bank about six years ago and climbed a tree to escape. He was hung so it can’t be him, unless he’s a ghost.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Jun 03, 2016 11:45 pm

'The Shearer' - Page 75:

‘That’s the name he gave – happened at the twelve mile north of town. He told us to ‘stand and deliver’ and we did. He stole the cash box the bank gave me to deliver to Charleville and all my money and things from the passengers.’ The driver told the Sergeant.
‘Where are your passengers now?’ Sergeant Gray asked.
‘Over the road at the depot – they’re upset,’ The driver answered.
‘Constable Andersen – gather the troopers and tracker, saddle the horses, take the driver with you and find this fellow. He couldn’t have gone far. Scout along the river and look for tracks. Report back to me when you find anything,’ Sergeant Gray instructed, ‘Would you mind going to help and show Constable Andersen where the stagecoach was held up?’ he asked the driver.
‘Sure will. I want my money back. It’s all I have to me name.’
Sergeant Gray walked to the depot across the road to speak with the passengers. When he approached the office he saw a male and a female seated in the corner on a seat. ‘Are you the passengers who were held up?’
‘Yes – I’m John Shirley and this is Hannah Young.’ John held his hand out to shake Sergeant Gray’s hand. ‘This has been a terrifying experience not only for me but also for Miss Young,’ he explained.
‘Can you tell me your version of what happened?’ Sergeant Gray took a notebook from inside of his coat pocket, a pencil from his shirt pocket and opened his notebook to begin to take notes of their conversation.
‘By all means – yes, one minute we were chatting in the stagecoach and suddenly a male voice shouted, ‘stand and deliver’. The coach stopped and a man mounted on a horse wearing his hat pulled over his eyes, and a bandana across his face, pointed two pistols at us.’ John explained.
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