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Pat Ritter. Books

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Sep 11, 2015 10:39 pm

'Awesome - OMR - Stories' - Page 22:


What makes us as human beings excited to the point of ecstasy when endorphins rush to our brain and overfill it with joy? When I have a wager, my mind erupts into pictures of winning money. I see myself throwing my arms in the air, a huge smile on my face and a heart almost bursting from my chest. Throughout my life these waves of hope have happened each time I’ve place a bet either on a horse in a race, taking a ticket in lotto or even placing a bet with keno. My mind overflows with thoughts of what I would do with the winnings.
After a lifetime of wagering in the hope to win that BIG PRIZE, I continue to ride my waves of hope. Each week I’ve got to continue for without these waves of hope I hold no chance at all in collecting the BIG PRIZE.
Only a couple of weeks ago at the Cooyar RSL Club I placed my usual wager of six numbers on keno. Whilst sitting and watching each number light up – five of the six numbers were there. I only needed number 2 to win the huge prize of six numbers. Over and over in my mind I repeated number 2, number 2, and suddenly number 2 came up. All six numbers were there displayed on the television screen. All I could say was ‘yes’ and punched the air with my fist.
My heart pounded; my mind almost exploded when suddenly I realised I’d ridden my waves of hope and at last won a BIG PRIZE. In my excitement I instantly wanted to share my news with someone; I saw Pam playing the poker machines. ‘That’s good’, was all she replied and returned to playing her machine.
The game I play is six numbers at a cost of 10 cents per game with a keno bonus. Each game shows a bonus of either a standard game from two to a bonus of ten. This game was a bonus of two; I won twice the amount of prize money. It costs a total of $20.00 for 100 games. This win gave me a dividend of $360.00.
In this instant my waves of hope worked however in many cases it hasn’t worked. Do I give up – not on your Nellie? I’ll continue with my waves of hope and hopefully win the BIG PRIZE either in lotto or keno. You may ask why I continue to believe in my waves of hope to win the BIG PRIZE. Why not! Life is too short and I’ve been gambling using my waves of hope ever since I can remember from the age of ten years old.
In that time I’ve never won the BIG PRIZE however there are still many years left. My waves of hope will carry me through and it will come true just like the keno win.
Word count: 487
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:19 pm

'Awesome - OMR - Stories' - Page 23:

Never Give Up.

Napoleon Hill stated in his book Think and Grow Rich the words – Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit. Many years ago I was browsing a bookshop and a title of a book flashed into my zone. This book was titled ‘Never Give Up’. I purchased it and took it home to read.
The author wrote the book to help others who wanted to give up on life. It was a strong message of hope and resilience. His story began when he was a qualified barrister practicing law in Melbourne. It was during the early 1980’s. He owned his own law practice and the lion’s share of his clients came from the Melbourne underworld. More times than not he’d win their court case and they’d be exonerated.
One thing lead onto another and he became involved in money laundering. Members of the underworld gave him money to launder through casinos. Life couldn’t have been better; he had a wife and family, a highly regarded law practice, and drove the latest BMW.
Eventually the money laundering stopped and to keep up his gambling habit, he stole money from the trust accounts of his practice. On losing the trust account money he was arrested and sentenced to seven years imprisonment. He lost his wife, children, law practice and his BMW.
Whilst in prison he was protected by prisoners whom he’d previously defended in court and made several new acquaintances. On his release on parole, he and another prisoner whilst drunk armed themselves with a firearm and robbed a liquor store. This time he received fourteen years in jail.
One evening he was lying on the bunk in his cell and thought how his life had changed over the previous decade. His thoughts told him the only person who now was in his life was his mother who had never given up on him. He’d never spoken or seen his wife and children.
He was grossly overweight; depressed and wanted to end his life. Then a flash bulb went off in his mind; a spark of hope for the future he decided at that moment to run a marathon, a distance of forty-two kilometres, in ten years.
His attitude changed. In the exercise yard of the prison, the size of a tennis court, he commenced to walk. He changed his eating habits. He read literature about exercise and healthy eating.
Over the next decade he continued his regime of exercise and diet and eventually on being released from prison completed a marathon. Not only did he complete the marathon he became an entrepreneur and invited world leaders to visit Australia and speak. His story was inspirational in that he NEVER GAVE UP until he reached his goal of what he wanted to do.
Word count: 472
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Sep 13, 2015 10:01 pm

'Awesome - OMR - Stories' - Page 24:

The Lady Killer.

Detective Bundy Quicksilver peered at the elderly lady found dead in the hallway of her home. He absorbed each small detail to piece together the jigsaw of how this tragic homicide happened. Around her neck a thin cord, obviously used to strangle her. Congealed blood was on her right hand on the webbing in between the thumb and forefinger. Her mouth open indicted torture suffered at the hands of her killer, gasping her final breath.
Money was stolen from the cash register from the store, how much was not known, because the only person who knew was now dead. How was this killer to be found? It must be someone who knew her, or a regular customer at the store. With part of the jigsaw puzzle worked out there were many pieces yet to be discovered.
By chance, or could it have been great police work, a male person was apprehended while spending fifty cent pieces at a hotel. Detective Bundy Quicksilver commenced to question the suspect. They drove to the suspects home and there discovered a travelling bag and on searching the bag found many more fifty cent pieces and other coins.
After hours of interrogation the suspect admitted killing the woman. How he did it was another story. He admitted he went to the rear of the store and found the lady in the kitchen. She had her back to him. Silently he stole past her and went to the cash register. When he pushed the key to open the till it made a loud ring sound. Before he could do anything the owner stood behind him and recognized him by name.
He swung around and punched the elderly lady in the chest forcing her bodily back past the open toilet door. When she landed on the floor her head struck the pedestal and knocked her unconscious. The killer thought he’d killed her and returned to the cash register to empty the contents. When he was about to leave he heard murmur sounds coming from her. He knelt down and grabbed her around the waist and as he did so she swung her arms around his waist.
In his right hand hind pocket in his trousers was a knife with the blade sticking out. Her right hand pieced the blade and blood spurted from the wound. In his haste to finally kill the woman the killer pushed her to the floor. Above his head was a cord hanging from the ceiling to switch the light on, he cut the cord with his knife, placed the cord around the neck of the woman and strangled her.
When he appeared in court, headlines in the local newspaper read, ‘The Lady Killer’ was caught.
Word count: 458.
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:01 pm

'Awesome - OMR - Stories' - Page 25:

His Or Her Misfortune.

Saturday night became one of those nights which I dread to think about. We attended a birthday party at a hotel to celebrate the seventieth birthday of a friend. I didn’t mind going to dinner at the hotel, it gave me an opportunity to play my favourite gambling game – keno, but my mind wasn’t fixed on celebrating the birthday; instead I wanted to win the major prize in keno.
Whilst waiting for our birthday girl to arrive, I pondered the likelihood of myself celebrating seventy years and wondered if my family would take me to a hotel to celebrate the occasion. We waited for the other guests to arrive. I asked my partner, ‘do you want to play keno.’
‘Knowing you – you’d probably put it on anyway – put on a game for me then.’ She filled out a gaming coupon. My usual game of keno is to select six numbers, at a cost of ten cents a game, also include the keno bonus and play the same numbers for one hundred games. This gave me five hours of entertainment for a cost of twenty dollars.
I placed a similar game for my partner. She played six numbers at a cost of one dollar per game for twenty games for an investment of twenty dollars. She has no keno bonus and the games play for one hour.
The guest of honour arrived with the remainder of the family and we got to chatting about family things, the weather and how everything else in this wonderful world was going.
When I play keno I always place myself in a position at the table to see each game. My numbers are fixed in my mind so if at anytime one of these numbers appears on the scene my mind takes an excited jump of ‘come on’! In one game, five of my numbers appeared on scene and I was waiting for the number 5 to be drawn to make it six numbers. The bonus game was showing five times the amount. If the number 5 appeared before the conclusion of the game I would win nine hundred dollars. Alas number five didn’t appear so instead I won forty dollars.
A couple of games later my partner turned to me and said, ‘all I need is number eleven to win.’ Her eyes glued to the monitor she wished for number eleven. It didn’t appear. Because five numbers came out instead of six she won eighty dollars. She missed out on eighteen hundred dollars.
Instead of winning a total of twenty-seven hundred dollars between us we won one hundred and twenty dollars. It was his and her misfortune.
Word count: 450.

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:04 pm

'Awesome - OMR - Stories' - Page 26:

A Bush Burial.
There’s an old stockman lay dying. His mates stand around him. Entertainer Rolf Harris wobbles his boggy board between his hands and sings, ‘watch me wallabies feed, mate, watch me wallabies feed, they’re a dangerous breed, mate, so watch me wallabies feed. All together now, tie me kangaroo down, sport, tie me kangaroo down, tie me kangaroo down, sport, tie me kangaroo down’.
Rolf’s voice echoes through the crowd of on-lookers all concentrating on the old stockman lay dying. In chorus they join Rolf in song heralding the life of the dying stockman. Alas the stockman hasn’t long to live before he meets his maker. His mind returns to when he was a stockman. At aged ten he realised his dream of wanting to work with stock and travel the outback never setting foot in a city.
He was a true blue Australian stockman from the tip of his akubra hat to the soles of his R M Williams boots. He wore spurs everywhere he went and even slept with them on. There wasn’t any part of Australian outback he hadn’t been. He helped to open up the Northern Territory with the sound of horse bells, droving cattle with packhorses, turning the lead when a mob rushed at night; and the many mates he’d worked with throughout his life again entered his mind.
It was a free life on unfenced routes through the back country mustering wild cattle to take to market. At night he rode the Nighthorse that picked its way around the mob. He’d sing in a low tone, country songs to pass away the time and to sooth the resting beasts. He was now at the end of the road not much time to reflect on his past life. Would he have done anything different? No – he was happy and content to go to the wide country above.
Echoing in the distance he heard Rolf Harris singing his favourite song, ‘tie me kangaroo down’ and as it faded he knew he breathed his last breathe. They buried the old stockman where he lay and placed a plague on the headstone which read:
‘Here lies the old stockman who died with his boots and spurs on to rest in peace in the bush he loved.’
Word count: 383

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby dub » Wed Sep 16, 2015 5:35 pm

Hi Pat, Cobber :aok
A Bush Burial

I loved the tale about the old stockman :yes
A first class read :thanks
I'm looking forward to doing some backtracking and catching up on...
:read 'Awesome-OMR-Stories' :read
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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Sep 16, 2015 10:22 pm

Thank you dub for your kind words. Here is the story for today: 'Awesome - OMR - Stories' - Page 27:

Bright Star.

Aboriginal dreamtime tells us on the passing of one of their people their spirit leaves mother earth and joins the cosmos of stars to form a pattern in the sky. Is it a myth or is it true? Aboriginal elders firmly believe their ancestors’ spirit form shapes and designs in the sky. Then what happens to our spirit as a non-aboriginal person.
In my case I’ve been taught if we were a good person on earth we would go directly to heaven. Is it a myth or is it true? In either way I don’t think anyone has experienced the feeling of heaven nor has knowledge exactly where it is.
Kerry Packer, Australian wealthiest person once stated he’d died and went to the other side and saw nothing. ‘Don’t kid yourself’, he said to a question from a report, ‘there’s nothing there only darkness. I should know because I’ve been there.’
Another time, it was shortly after my mother died many years ago. My sister was nine years old and she asked me where our mother was. Not to disappoint her I pointed to the sky and said, ‘you see the bight star. There she is looking down and watching over us.’
This appeased her; however I didn’t have any evidence to support the bright star was our mother and further could the aboriginal elders be correct in their beliefs our spirits form the sky above? I don’t know. Yes, it may have been a good idea at the time to tell my sister our mother was a bright star looking down on us and to keep us safe. At the time I knew no different whether the fact she was the bright star or not. However, I had no proof and therefore made it up as a lie or untruth to appease my sister’s sorrow at losing her mother at such a tender age.
After my wife lost her fight with cancer, my grandson often said, ‘look Pop there’s Nanna, the bright star in the sky. She’s looking down on us.’ With tears trickling down my face and hugging him I confirmed, ‘yes, it’s Nanna, she will always look down on us and keep us safe.’
Whether it’s mystical or not to a child’s mind there needs to be some hope of continuance with their loved ones. Whether it’s a myth or untrue the bright star could in fact be the person we speak of. Who knows? But until we prove different – we may as well appease our young ones by telling them the bright star is their loved one who sadly left us to look down from above to keep us safe.
Word count: 449

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