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Pat Ritter. Books

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:55 pm

Finally I've completed chapter five of the book. Today I'm off to my weekly writers group at Pomona. I love attending these two hour session with other writers. Each week we're given a story to write from the facilitator. This is the story I present to the group this morning:

I’ll never try that again!

On the 21st of January 2012, my vehicle was involved in a road accident. This was the first road accident I’d personally experienced in forty-five years of driving.

It was an unfortunate incident because the driver of the other vehicle was well known to me. At the time I was more concerned no one was physically hurt. Vehicles can be repaired; however bodies take many years to recover.

Because my vehicle was insured, fully comprehensive, I never worried about the tow truck or the fees and costs because I knew my insurance company would pay all costs. Or so I thought at the time. It was a different story after the loss assessor examined my vehicle and decided it was beyond repair and to write-it-off.

Initially the loss assessor mentioned a pay-out figure of $4,500.00 would be paid by the insurance company for total loss of my vehicle. Lucky for him he was on the opposite end of the telephone as my words of astonishment filtered through the line.

Daily I telephoned the insurance company to determine who I may contact to talk to and explain my dilemma. Within two days I was cast to the winds of Australia speaking to faceless people on the end of the line. I spoke to a person in Adelaide trying to explain my unhappiness.

Eventually I spoke to a person who offered $6,100.00 settlement. Again my blood pressure rose above what it should have been. Not one person belonging to the company ever contacted me to keep me up-to-date with the progress of my claim.

After many hours of negotiating I settled on an agreed price of $7,300.00. Many hours of investigation to determine a fair figure to replace my vehicle I determined was $7,600.00. When I contacted the insurance company to clarify the amount we agreed on, they told me the amount would be transferred electronically to my bank account. They also told me because I pay the insurance monthly I had to pay for the remaining twelve months before the transaction would be transferred. Also to my astonishment no refund would be made available of the subsequent nine months payment of the policy.

To say I was flabbergasted was an understatement. From the beginning at the time of the road accident in which I was the victim, instead of feeling secure because the vehicle had comprehensive insurance, I’ve been screwed by the insurance company, in more ways than one.

I believe in honesty and fairness, however, after my personal experience with this particular insurance company, I’ll never try that again.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Mar 18, 2012 12:10 am

Today I'm starting on chapter 6 after I go and purchase a new car (or another car). You read yesterday about my accident a month ago. I've been lucky to pick up another car suitable for my transport needs.

I don't know if you believe in things happening in threes. First, a few months ago my television went to heaven; then the computer decided to give up (and you know I can't live without a computer) and on the day I was to collect my computer the accident happened. Hopefully today everything will be back to normal.

Through all of this I've managed to keep writing this book. It's in my mind all of the time; the storyline, characters, dialogue, where it's going and so forth. I set a goal to finish it by November this year so at this point I'm ahead of schedule. I find when I'm writing a book - I'm focused on writing the book and nothing else seems to matter.

Fortunately I live a very good life and have most things at my fingertips so nothing stops me from writing only myself if I get slack.

Just before I go: have a look under - 'The Drover' Angie's Diaries. It's great and I thank Angie for promoting my book.

Until tomorrow with more news.

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Re: Pat Ritter. Books

Postby dub » Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:38 pm

Yes that notion and belief that bad luck happens in three's... I had that experience probably three times or more :scratc (many years long gone and past)It's a pity that good luck dosn't occur in the same way :-D In my younger years I subscribed, even believed in the 3 thing ! But now coincidence is my stumbling block for this particular logic
Glad your three storm has now past ! :thunbsup
I'm thinking that maybe in the future 3 bad lucks will cancel, out to a good luck as we seed the 21st century (poetic license :-D )
Thanks Pat it evoked many thoughts :-D
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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:10 pm

Thanks Dub for your kind thoughts. Only I only hope three things happen for the good - or luck as you say. It would be wonderful. I can't complain too much for I have my health and I'm writing which I love to do daily. So there's two things. :thanks

Now on with the story:

You will be pleased to know I've received a cheque from the insurance company for the write-off for my vehicle in the accident. Honestly I don't know how I've suffered through the whole ordeal so now I can get onto what I love to do most and that is to write.

Yesterday unfortunately I didn't write anything to do with 'The Proposition' so today I'm writing chapter six, or part of it. I must say at this stage of the novel I am ahead of my schedule to complete the novel by November this year.

Getting back to Bundy and Kate sitting on the front veranda at Bundy's home after he'd cooked a great meal. Kate wants to know what's next. Bundy relates a story about when he was a detective he investiged young boys being kidnapped and taken by force to 'The Valley' for prostitution.

This news alarms Kate who instantly tells him he's on the wrong track. It may have happened in his day but today was different. Bundy asks her in a polite way of any information she'd gleaned from eight years of investigation work to come up with a better idea. She couldn't. They were at a roadblock.

Wait until tomorrow to find out in which direction do they follow.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:57 pm

This book has come alive. Whilst Quincy has this 'secret weapon' it doesn't help Bundy or Kate to know which direction to go along next. The needle is lost in the haystack and will be hard to find.

Bundy takes Kate back to the overhead railway bridge and the footpath where Mr Clayton last saw her son. The train left on time as usual that afternoon and a five minute 'window of opportunity' was open for either Peter to be abducted or he decided not to board the train.

These were the facts. Kate and Bundy needed to get more serious about their investigation. Kate has taken eight years to come up with very little. Bundy has at least determined the time and place Peter could have been abducted. It's a mystery to what happened on that faithful day when Peter Clayton went missing and has never been seen since. He was twelve years old, the same age of Bundy's grandson. He wouldn't know what to do if anything happened to his grandson.

What happened to Peter Clayton? That is the question. Wait for tomorrow to find out the answer or clues to his disappearance.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:41 pm

Sorry about yesterday. I was visiting my daughter and grandson. Each month I visit them in Brisbane to catch-up with the latest and I can tell you - I became most educated as far as the latest gadgets goes.

My grandson is twelve years old and has what normal twelve year old boys have, and that is a mobile telephone, which needs a small operation to get it away from his ear. He also has a I-pod. So if he didn't know, he helped me enormously with information for my latest book 'The Proposition'.

After I picked him up after school we went to McDonald's as all grandfathers and grandsons do; only this time he was excited his I-pod worked at McDonald's because of some wireless connection. I didn't know what he meant until he showed me my website.

Technology is marvelous and by having this visit extended my knowledge and gave me ideas of how to incorporate the latest technology into the story. Detective Superintendent Emerson is the guru for latest technology whilst Bundy is amazed by how to use it and what information it provides instantly.

You'll need to wait until tomorrow to read how I'm going to do it.

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Pat Ritter. Books

Postby patritter » Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:55 pm

You would be delighted I've completed chapter six. This story is going along fine. Bundy and Kate are working well together whilst Bundy is trying to learn as much as possible about modern day technology such as mobile telephones, i-pods, internet, google, facebook and every other gadget Kate uses in her work. He only wished in his day they had these gadgets instead of using good boot leather and common sense.

In chapter seven Kate and Bundy return to speak with Quincy who's 'secret weapon' takes Kate to another planet. She can't believe how this person has come up with such a brilliant idea to find the missing lad, Peter Clayton.

Chapter seven holds the key to unlock the door to find this lad either dead or alive. It's a mystery how Kate had never in her eight years of investigating the missing child considered this 'secret weapon' for one moment. Many things have changed since the Commissioner forced her to work with his ole buddy Bundy Quicksilver.

Wait until tomorrow to find out what happens in chapter seven. The mystery continues.

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