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Last Will & Testament of Samuel Mileham of Hurst, Berkshire.

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Last Will & Testament of Samuel Mileham of Hurst, Berkshire.

Postby Nevis » Wed Aug 05, 2020 3:30 pm

6th April 1843 Reading, Berkshire, England.

This is the last Will and Testament of me Samuel Mileham of Hurst in the County of Berks, Carpenter. I give and bequeath all my household goods and furnishings unto my daughters Elizabeth Keates the wife of Edward Keates, Musicians, and Hester Mileham and my sons Samuel Mileham and William Mileham and my son-in-law Joseph Sedunary of Reading Berks, Carpenter, or such of them as shall be living at the time of my decease equally to be divided between and amongst them. And I give and devise all those two cottages or tenements now used as one cottage in which I now reside situate at Sindlesham in the Parish of Hurst aforesaid unto my sons Samuel Mileham and William Mileham and their heirs and assigns for ever as tenants in common and not as joint tenants, the said Samuel Mileham to have the South end of the said cottage or tenement and the said William Mileham the North end of the said cottage or tenement. And I give and bequeath all my stock in trade and effects money book and other debts which shall belong to me at my decease (excepting my household furniture hereinbefore disposed of) unto Thomas Brant of Hurst aforesaid Baker and the said Joseph Sedunary their heirs and executors administrators and assigns upon behest as soon as conveniently may be after my decease to sell and absolutely dispose of such parts thereof as shall not consist of money, and collect get in and receive all monies owing to me and particularly a sum of twenty pounds owing to me by my son-in-law the said Edward Keates with interest thereon. And to stand possessed thereof upon (unreadable) to pay and apply the same in liquidation or towards the liquidation of my just debts funeral and testomentary expenses and particularly a debt of one hundred and thirty six pounds or thereabouts and the interest owing by me to Mr. John Neale of Reading aforesaid Gentleman being the balance of a mortgage debt charged on my seven cottages and tenements and hereditaments at Hurst aforesaid and of other monies owing to him by me as so much thereof as shall be then due and owing. and if there should be any surplus after payment of all such debts and expenses upon must pay and divide the same equally between and amongst the said Elizabeth Keates, Hester Mileham, Samuel Mileham, William Mileham and Joseph Sedunary. And I give and devise and bequeath all those my seven cottages or tenements and gardens situate at Hurst in the County of Wiltshire and now in the respective occupations of Mr Prentis and others (and which said cottages or tenements and gardens are charged as herein before mentioned with the payment of one hundred and thirty six pounds or thereabouts and interest but which is to be discharged by my Trustees and Executors as herein before directed) and also all those my four cottages or tenements and gardens situate at Sindlesham in the Liberty of Winnersh in Hurst aforesaid now in the respective occupations of Richard Blake and others with the brick kiln and land there unto adjoining with all and appurtenances there unto respectively belonging and also all those my four cottages and gardens situate at Sindlesham aforesaid now in the occupations of Thomas May and others.

(to be continued. .....)
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