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Bigamists tried at the Old Bailey, London England.

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Bigamists tried at the Old Bailey, London England.

Postby Nevis » Fri Nov 19, 2021 5:03 pm

Francis John Taylor, age 45, a Secretary, feloniously marrying Josephine Sabina McAvoy, his former wife being then alive.

Mr. Bodkin and Mr. Graham-Campbell prosecuted; Mr. Huntly Jenkins defended.

EDITH PAGE MCCLINTOCK, 31, St. Bernard's Crescent, Edinburgh. Prisoner is my brother-in-law. I was present when he married my sister. I live with them. This is the certificate of their marriage.

Cross-examined. Two or three years ago my sister told me that a niece of her husband's had turned up. We spoke about her sometimes. She told me she had met her at the North British railway station, Edinburgh, when she was seeing her husband off to Glasgow. I remember prisoner leaving for a holiday in February, 1912. It must have been the first Saturday in February, because I generally go to my brother's Communion Service the first Sunday in February and first Sunday in August, and I was not there; I was not well. My sister was crying because Mr. Taylor was going away; I said, "I see why; you want him to stay." I stopped with my sister to keep her company instead of going to the Communion Service. Prisoner returned the following Friday, February 9, early in the morning. I saw him about 8 or 8.30 at breakfast. That evening Mr. and Mrs. Taylor went to their prayer meeting at Guthrie Street. I remained at home. I opened the hall door for them when they returned. Taylor went to Glasgow in the afternoon. I did not know that he was going to the Guthrie Street meeting. Mrs. Taylor said it was fortunate he turned up because he played the organ in my place. I remember Stanton coming to the house next day, Saturday. On Sunday Taylor spent a quiet day at home. I remembered remarking to him that he had had an easy day, because he lived such an active life. At my sister's request I provided £150, which was paid to Miss McAvoy's solicitor.

Re-examined. I do not remember prisoner telling me where he had been for his holiday. My sister told me a card came from him on the Wednesday. He said he had been to Bristol and London. He said he stopped at the Salvation Army on Wednesday night. I remember telling my sister, "It would be a cheap lodging that night." I do not remember whether that was said in prisoner's presence. I should say it was an exceptional thing for him to stop in such a place. This letter of February 13, 1912, looks like his writing. After his arrival on February 9 he did not go away again for four or five days till he went with us to the Keswick Convention. Stanton often comes to the house, but not once a week. I do not remember when he came next after February 10. My brother-in-law was angry when he knew I had provided the £150. He was angry because we were so simple and that the money was given to Miss McAvoy. I was not at the lawyer's office when the money was paid over. The niece was spoken of as Mrs. Lomas, a young widow. I never heard the name of McAvoy till lately. I only saw her once, at the police court. I cannot remember what was said about her before prisoner. I said to my sister, who was going to invite her to stay with us as a friend for two or three days, "I had no objection to doing my best to help my brother-in-law and sister, but I draw the line at attending to a niece who seems to be so restless she cannot do something when her husband has been dead for two years."

SABINA JOSEPHINE MCAVOY . I live at 26, The Promenade, Portobello, Edinburgh. My father and mother live at Leeds. I have a brother Joseph and one named David. Five years ago I was living in Leeds. Before that I had been in London. I was an unfortunate. I have never had a child. While I was living in Leeds there was an annual meeting between the Scottish and English Navvies. My brothers were in no way interested in that. I first met prisoner about four years ago on the street in Glasgow. The only time I saw him in Leeds was when he took me there after the first marriage, four years ago. He gave me the certificate dated March 24, 1909. I had known him about six weeks. I met him the first night I went out in Glasgow. He gave me £2 to go to a hotel with him. I said I could not go that night and he promised to meet me a fortnight afterwards. We met and stayed at the Buchanan Street hotel as Mr. and Mrs. Lomas, from Stirling. My aunt, Mrs. Chalmers, lived in Glasgow then. My mother stopped with her for two days after I met prisoner. My aunt has seen prisoner. She witnessed this form of marriage. He came to the house where I was staying and said he took me for his wife and I was to say I took him for my husband. He said, "We are legally married now," in my aunt's presence; another woman was present; I do not know her name. He left me the night of the marriage saying he would come next day, as he had to go to Scotland Yard on special business. He came the following day, and brought the certificate. Exhibit 4. There was no William Fraser present at the ceremony. I told him it was not the truth that was on the certificate. He said, "That is the way the Scotch people do it in a marriage like ours." I have found since that it was his own handwriting. That night we went to Machester. I stayed three weeks; he stayed one week. He said he had to get back again for his business. He paid the expenses; he sent money by letter to Mrs. Platt, where I was staying. He wrote me often. After a fortnight he sent my fare to return to Glasgow. I returned. He took me to a room in Roland Street, Maryhill. I stayed there ten days. I did not like the place and begged him to get a house. He did not stay one night in Roland Street. He used to come every afternoon. He said he was on special duty and could not stay at night, but he would later. He always went by the Edinburgh express. I have never seen him off at the station. He took a house at 18, Percy Street, Maryhill. I was there six months. He said it was too much rent. He furnished the house and paid for everything. I had no servant. I had a niece living there; she is ten years old now. After leaving that house we went to 11, Bannatyne Avenue, Alexandra Park. We were there nine or twelve months. He left me for part of the week and every other week-end. The next place was 25, Devon Street. He had to leave there; he made an exhibition of himself. The next place was 31. Ibrox Street. That was the last house we had together. Dr. Dunning attended me at Devon Street and Ibrox Street. I under went two operations. I sent for him once to attend prisoner, who had had too much drink the night before. He suffers with asthma and the doctor gave him a prescription for his chest. I will bring the prescription after the adjournment. Dr. Dunning saw him each time he attended me. Prisoner was at each operation and went away the same night, saying he must attend to his business. He told me he was a detective when I first met him. At that time I knew he was a missioner. While living in Bannatyne Avenue I saw some papers in prisoner's pockets, a quarterly letter to the Navvy Mission, and a first-class railway pass between Edinburgh and Glasgow in the name of Francis John Taylor, 71, St. Bernard's Crescent, Edinburgh. Up to that time I had known him as Fred Lomas. I saw the name of Mrs. Taylor in the quarterly letter. I asked prisoner who she was. He said, "My mother, of course." I said, "I did not know you had a mother living." He said, "Oh, yes." I said, "Why do not you take me to her?" He said she was a lunatic in a genteel way and she had a sister as sort of guard over her, and that was why he did not care to take me there. I said, "Surely this is your pass." He said, "Yes, that is my pass; I travel in that name." I believed him, as I thought he was good and religious. Long before the marriage at St. Pancras he admitted that he was a missioner. He ceased to be a detective when I found out about the pass. I was on the car one night about three years ago, and saw "Scottish Navvy Mission" on some windows in High Street, Glasgow. It reminded me of the papers I had seen, and I got off the car to see. The door was fast. I saw "Francis John Taylor, Superintendent," written across the door. I told him about it that night, and he admitted he was Taylor, the superintendent of the mission. I have been to many missions with him—Inverkeithing and Guthrie Street—but not since the St. Pancras marriage. I know Mr. Naismith. I was introduced to him by prisoner as his niece, Mrs. Lomas. I asked why he introduced me as his niece. He said he lived with his mother, and he promised his father on his dying bed always to take care of his mother, and he did not care to upset her, as she was afflicted mentally, and if I loved him at all I would prove it by leaving matters as they were. Two months before the St. Pancras marriage he told me he was going to take me up to London to be married. I was always worrying because he would not marry me under the English law. We were married on March 9. We were in London some few days before. He wrote to 16, Woburn Place for rooms. The lady there could not put us up, but Miss Tyack across the road did so. I think we stayed there seven or eight days. I think we gave the name of Lomas. Prisoner said we were to be married at a registry office and that we must find some witnesses. The day before the marriage took place we went to the registry office to give notice. Mrs. Cripps went with us. I had known her some years. She was caretaker to Dr. Cooper, of Gray's Inn Road. I introduced prisoner to her as Mr. Taylor. I saw the notice of marriage filled up at the Town Hall. Prisoner signed it. Mrs. Cripps got her husband to witness the marriage ceremony. I also got Mrs. Page to come. I knew her three or four years ago. She used to do cleaning for me. I did not know a man named Hilton; I knew him as Harry. He was brought in to look after the surgery while Mrs. Cripps went with us to the Holborn Empire the night we were married. I saw prisoner sign the marriage register. I recognise his, Mr. and Mrs. Cripps', and Mrs. Page's signatures. After the ceremony we had breakfast at Reggiori's Restaurant, opposite King's Cross Station. The whole party went to the Holborn Empire except Mrs. Page. We had supper at a restaurant and returned to Miss Tyack's. Next morning—Saturday—we prepared to go home to Glasgow. We broke the journey at Leeds because I was anxious to show my mother the English certificate. My brother went with us by the midnight train that night, and we arrived in Scotland on Sunday morning. I asked my brother to travel with us because Taylor was so fearfully drunk I did not like to travel alone with him. My mother did not see the marriage certificate that time, but later. Taylor said he had left it in his luggage at the station. My brother stayed with us about a week at 31, Ibrox Street. We passed in the name of Taylor there. Several of the neighbours at Ibrox Street knew prisoner as Taylor. Dr. Dunning knew us always as Lomas; he has heard me addressed as Mrs. Taylor. I showed my brother both marriage certificates in the presence of prisoner. Early in the summer after the wedding, on February 9, we went to live at Whiteinch. I went to Portobello for the benefit of my health. Prisoner engaged rooms there with Mrs. Welsh, 49, Regent Street. I stayed there alone; he had to go to Keswick Convention. He stayed one night in that house. The next place we lived at was 43, Bath Street, Portobello, Mrs. Barnett's. Prisoner often stayed there. I forget whether it was for one night or the week-end. I had a servant there. I had a child in my charge, the little boy I have now. He is two years old. When the mother brought him she said she had had a letter from my husband. I saw the letter. It was typewritten. I said, "He must have sent that from the office unknown to me." The baby was five weeks old when I got him. We had just gone into Devon Street. Prisoner wrote me suggesting the adoption of the child. While we were in London the little girl who worked for my mother took care of it. I wanted to take it with me, but prisoner would not allow it. We had many quarrels in Mrs. Barnett's house. I objected to some of his language and said people would take me to be his mistress. Mrs. Barnett was there when I said that. On leaving Mrs. Barnett's we went home to Whiteinch. Sometimes prisoner would stay there for a week, at other times he would come on Thursday night for week-ends. Then he would come on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights. His explanation was that he had missions all over Scotland which he was obliged to visit to see that things were right. In autumn last year I found out that he was married when I went to 31, St. Bernard's Crescent, Edinburgh. He had been away from me for a long time and would not give me money for food or anything. I wired him to that address that I was going to Leeds. He told me he would be at his mother's. I followed him on the 10.5 p.m. train from Edinburgh to Glasgow. I saw him in the company of two unfortunate women. They told me they had letters from him promising marriage, etc. He heard them say that. They said they did not know I was his wife. They left me alone with him. I told him I should go to his mother that night. He did not open his lips. He travelled first and I third. When I got out at Edinburgh I could see nothing of him. It was too late to go to his mother's that night. I went the following morning. I saw Mrs. Taylor. I had seen her once before, when I went by train to Glasgow to ask him for money to pay the landlady. I heard him say, "Good God, she is here." I said, "Who is here?" He did not speak. She came up. She was in a bit of trouble, I think, by the look of her. She said, "Will you not open the carriage door to me?" He said, "Do you not see we are not alone?" He told me before this that she took fancies into her head. I was under the impression at that time that she was not quite right in her mind. I took her to be his mother until she said certain things that made me think he was telling me a lie. Next morning, when I saw Mrs. Taylor, she noticed that one of the rings I was wearing was one that she said she had given to him. I took it off my finger and gave it to her. I do not think I saw him again until after I took proceedings. Between October 30 and September 13 I agreed to a settlement, which had been arranged by my solicitor. I received £121 in Mr. McPherson's office. I did not actually see the money pass between the solicitors. I was there when it was handed over. At one of the meetings between the prisoner's lawyer and myself Mr. McPherson said to prisoner, "Why did you pay for her board and lodging if you do not know her?" He said, "I did it out of charity. She asked me for charity and I would help you in the same circumstances." He denied being my husband. The money was paid next day. I undertook not to molest him in any shape or form, neither did I. The reason I have taken proceedings is that he would not leave me alone, and I have to get my living as best I can. He was so brutal to me the night I went to the Mission Room with Mrs. Cripps that I thought the only way to be left alone was to report the matter to the police. I went to the Edinburgh Police and told them he was my legal husband. They asked for my marriage certificate. I said he had stolen it. Mrs. Cripps heard him say he had married me in England and was free in Scotland. When I first met him he had a moustache and small beard as he has now. Afterwards he shaved. I asked him why. He said, "You are so much younger than I am and I look younger without it." I said, "No doubt you do." I produce the prescription I promised to bring Cross-examined. The first time Dr. Dunning was in my house was at 25, Devon Street. That was perhaps two years ago. He came to attend the child that prisoner had adopted. Mr. Taylor said I ought to have children. That was the nature of the operations I underwent. It was done to please Taylor. I sent for Dr. Dunning unknown to Taylor when he attended him. I had no nurse. My mother attended me in both operations.

Dr. MATTHEW DUNNING , 3, Eglington Street, Glasgow. I have attended the last witness. I performed two operations. (Witness explained the nature of same.) I knew her as Mrs. Lomas. I do not remember attending a Mr. Lomas. I have seen a Mr. Lomas. He is prisoner. I have often had conversation with him. This card handed to me has on it a prescription for Mr. Lomas. It is a nerve tonic. He had slight bronchitis at the time.

(Thursday, March 13.)

JOHN HALL , Superintendent Registrar, St. Pancras District. I produce the registrar of marriages. It shows that a marriage took place on February 9, 1912, between John Taylor and Josephine Sabina McAvoy. I am not able to identify the parties to the marriage. The notice of marriage shows that notice was given by F. J. Taylor.

JOSEPHINE SABINA MCAVOY , recalled, further cross-examined. Prisoner changed his name from Lomas to Taylor and Taylor to Lomas so often that I got bewildered. My father is a bricklayer. I was going to so describe him in the marriage certificate, but prisoner said, "You had better say building contractor; it sounds better." I stated that I first met prisoner in Leeds to my solicitors because I was ashamed to let them know I had been an unfortunate woman. I told them I first met him in connection with the Navvies' Mission. I did that to shield him. When he asked me to become his wife (speaking of the Scotch marriage) I was at my aunt's. She was present, also a lady friend of hers and another unfortunate. This was at 93, Calder Street, South Side, Glasgow. I laughed and said he did not mean it. The day afterwards we went through this form of marriage. My aunt and her friend were present. In my information I said my mother was present. That was untrue. I did it on the impulse of the moment because I did not know the other woman. I did not say to him the first time I met him, "Good evening, Mr. Taylor, you are my uncle, I believe"; he addressed me. I did not say I was the daughter of his brother Jim. I did not tell him his brothers William and Sidney were dead. This is the first time I have heard their names. I did not say I had married a man named Graham, a professional singer and that I had taken small parts myself at the Woolwich Hippodrome. I gave him my address in Calder Street and told him he could come and see me. The first time I heard of the name of Lomas was when I asked prisoner his name. He took the rooms at 26, Promenade, Portobello, through an advertisement; he wrote to several. I was at several meetings that he addressed at Inverkeithing. He knew practically everybody in the place and they all knew him. They all thought I was his niece. I heard one or two ask him how Mrs. Taylor was. I never heard anybody ask him, "How is your wife?" I was under the impression they referred to his mother. I did not go about saying I was his niece; if I was asked I used to say "Yes." He made me. I often used to go to meet him at the Waverley Station for money to pay my way. In April, 1911, I there saw a woman I now know to be his wife. I did not say, "This will be my aunt." I did not say, "I will separate you from your loving Janet." Perhaps you are referring to the incident where two unfortunate women stood talking to him. I thought he was my husband. I brought an action against him for £2,000 damages. I think I told my solicitors before it was settled of my past life. It was not money I wanted. I would not have brought him here at all if he had treated me as a human being. I am left with a baby to bring up which was adopted at his suggestion. He refused absolutely to do anything for me. I expected maintenance from my husband and went to my solicitors. I do not think they advised me to take criminal proceedings. After the writ had been served. I met him opposite the G.P.O., Edinburgh. Mrs. Cripps and my landlord were with me. She came up to Scotland to identify prisoner. He had stolen my marriage certificate from me. Mrs. Cripps did not say if prisoner would make it worth their while they would produce the man who went through the form of marriage in London. He offered £200 if I would let the matter drop. I left him in the street because my solicitors advised me not to have anything more to do with him. At one interview after I had been to my solicitors I asked him for a ring as a keepsake. He gave me the one I put on his finger the day we were married. Mrs. Cripps and I called upon him at his mission room in Guthrie Street. I did not ask to be allowed £1 a week; I asked for no money whatever; nor did Mrs. Cripps; all she asked was for him to come out of the mission room and speak to me. I wanted him to leave me alone. I told him I should have him arrested if he did not. He had written several letters concerning me which were not true. I said, "I shall have to tell people you have committed bigamy." He said. "If you do that I shall have to do my time, but they won't keep me; nobody would believe your word against mine." I have never given birth to a child. For his sake I told my father and mother I had. Sergeant Page asked whose child it was that was with me. I said, "Mine"; birth was not mentioned at all. The whole of the manuscript book handed to me is my writing. It is my life story. Mr. Campbell, the solicitor, gave me his word of honour it would never be used. A little of it is true and a great deal false. A great deal of it was written at prisoner's dictation. The part about abortion is not true. I have never been in the family way.

(Friday, March 14.)

HY. ROBERTSON , doorkeeper, Clerkenwell Police Court. Prisoner was committed to this court. He was admitted to bail. I produce the bail book which prisoner signed.

Mrs. TREMINA BARNETT , 43, Bath Street, Portobello. Miss McAvoy was introduced to me by Mrs. Welsh as Mrs. Taylor. Last August she engaged a room for herself, maid, and child. It was arranged that the nights Mr. Taylor came her maid slept with mine. I have seen the child; it is outside the court. Prisoner is the man who came there as Mr. Taylor. Mrs. Taylor stayed about ten days. The day they left Mr. Taylor came in the forenoon. He was irritated about the loss of an umbrella and kept hurrying Mrs. Taylor to catch the train. She said, "You are not always in such a hurry to get me with you." He said, "I don't want you with me; I wish you were dead." They left in a cab. About a month later I received a letter from her from Glasgow asking if I could put her up for the week-end. I wrote my terms. She came and stayed five or six weeks, bringing the maid and child. During that visit prisoner came once to dinner and several times to tea. He did not stop at night during that visit. Two or three times I heard her scolding him and accusing him of kicking and abusing her. On one occasion she was sitting on his chest on a couch. He said, "Mrs. Barnett, you have heard of a husband being sat upon." I said, "We are having a practical illustration of it to-day." It passed off as a joke. Once in the course of quarrelling she said to him, "By the way you use me people might think I was your mistress and not your wife." He said, "No one would think that, Topsy."

Cross-examined. I am friendly with Miss McAvoy. I have had one or two visits from her since she left my house, and I have visited her. She talked her affairs with me sometimes and told me of her husband being unkind to her. Mr. Taylor has been to my house a good many more times than three. He only slept there once. I do not remember him complaining of her using the name of Taylor. I never saw him kick her.

JAMES NAISMITH . In February last I held the position of missionary at Rossyth for the Scottish Navvy Mission. I lived at The Poplars, Inverkeithing. Prisoner was my superintendent. He resided at 31, St. Bernard's Crescent, Edinburgh. One room was used as an office. I have met Mrs. Taylor and Miss McClintock. I understand prisoner went for a holiday from the end of January to about February 12 last year. I had occasion to write him during that time. I wrote to St. Bernard's Crescent. I received a letter from him dated February 13 from that address on Navvy Mission paper. Before this case began I saw Miss McAvoy on a tramcar. Prisoner was with me. He said she was Mrs. Lomas. I saw her once after that when I took up duties at Rossyth. Prisoner and I left Edinburgh by the 4.30 train for Rossyth. I was going to the mission and prisoner went for his niece to Inverkeithing. We all three went to the hall together. He said nothing about her that I remember particularly, only that she was his niece.

JOSEPH MCAVOY , 10, Wright Street, Elsecar, Leeds. Miss McAvoy is my sister. I have two brothers, William and David. They are both married. The little boy outside the court is my sister's own child. About twelve months ago she came to our house with prisoner. He told me he was a detective. I travelled to Scotland with him. He was the worse for drink. He said he had come up from the wedding in London, and that they had been married at St. Pancras Registry Office. My mother asked him to stay the night; he said he had an appointment at Armley Gaol. Prisoner showed me both marriage certificates in Scotland. I stayed a week at Ibrox Street in the same house with them. He went away on Monday morning saying he would be away two or three days on business. He had a handbag with a suit of clothes in it. When he came back he was differently dressed. The third time he went away he travelled to Edinburgh with me. I have not seen him since until now.

Cross-examined. My sister did not tell me she had given birth to a child. I was in the house when my mother told my father of it. The first time I saw prisoner was four or five years ago. He was supposed to be married to my sister then. That was the Scotch marriage.

ALICE TYACK , boarding-house keeper, 16, Woburn Place, W.C. Mr. and Mrs. Lomas came to lodge at my house on February 4. They stayed till the following Saturday, I believe. I recognise Miss McAvoy as Mrs. Lomas. I cannot recognise prisoner. Mr. Lomas was clean shaven.

OCTAVIA CRIPPS , 107, Judd Street, Gray's Inn Road. Thirteen months ago I was housekeeper to Dr. Cooper, of 202 Gray's Inn Road. I have known Miss McAvoy between six and seven years. She used to come to my house. I knew her a long time before I spoke to her. I had not seen her for three or four years when she came to see me in Gray's Inn Road at the time she got married. That was February 6 or 7. I did not have any letters from her. She asked me to be a witness at the marriage. Mr. Taylor said he wished to be married by special license. I said, "Come to the Registry Office, I was married there myself," but I did not know the cost of a special license. On the way there he told me he was a private detective. He said, "I stay at the Hotel Russell; could not I tell them I stayed at your house?" I said, "Oh, yes, there is no harm, I have known Joseph McAvoy a long time." I was present at the ceremony on February 9. Prisoner is the man who married Miss McAvoy that day. After the marriage we went to lunch at Reggiori's. In the evening we went to the first house at the Royal Music Hall. I asked the boy Hilton's mother if he could look after the surgery. After the music hall we had supper at Meppon's, facing the "Horse Shoe," Tottenham Court Road. I saw them at 10 next morning at St. Pancras Railway Station going to Leeds. We had a drink outside Euston Hotel. I had one or two letters from them during the year, one from prisoner. He said he was fond of mussels and could not get any in Scotland. I sent him some. He wrote and thanked me for them. I did not keep the letter. I next saw them last November. I went to Scotland to meet Mrs. Taylor. I stayed at Mrs. Barnett's, 43, Bath Street, Portobello. I was there four days, when prisoner sent a telegram to Mr. Barnett. I was with Mr. Barnett outside the post office by Waverley Station. We saw prisoner there. I said to him, "Don't you know me?" He said, "Yes, Mrs. Cripps." I said, "What a silly thing to do." He said, "I only married her in England." He did not think it mattered. He did not deny marrying her. Three or four days after that I was with Mrs. Taylor, the maid and the little boy; we had lunch at a restaurant by Waverley Station; then we went to the museum. There Mr. Taylor turned to me and said, "Ask her to be lenient with me." I said, "I cannot understand that you should marry again when you are married already." He said, "I did not think it mattered in England." He saw us on to the bus and we returned to Portobello. I also went to some mission in Portobello. I remember going up a lot of flights of steps. I saw Taylor at the top of the stairs. I said I wanted to speak to him. He said, "All right, come into the room." I said, "No, come downstairs." He got his coat and hat. When he came down and saw Mrs. Taylor, he said, "Oh, Topsy, don't make a scene." She said, "I did not come to make a scene." We walked round till we came to some turning in Princes Street, where he said to Mrs. Taylor, "I shall put you in the same place where I took you from." I said, "You ought to be locked up." He said, "I shall only have to do the time." We left him. I have not seen him again till now.

Cross-examined. I made Miss McAvoy's acquaintance at a place of business I had in Judd Street, where she used to come and have a cup of tea. I only knew her as a customer. My husband was not in that business. He was at the Holborn Restaurant. I did not say that if Taylor made it worth my while the man who went through the marriage in London would be produced. Money was never mentioned. He wanted Miss McAvoy to be lenient with him. She did not answer him. I have not been convicted or charged. I never kept a brothel. I was convicted of keeping a brothel. I do not call that a conviction if I had not done wrong. That was before I knew Miss McAvoy. I went to Holloway for three months in the second division.

THOMAS CRIPPS , 107, Judd Street. I am a waiter. Last witness is my wife. I was present at the marriage at St. Pancras Registry Office. I signed the register. Prisoner is the man who went through the ceremony with Miss McAvoy.

MINNIE PAGE , 93, Cromer Street, King's Cross. I was present at the marriage and signed the register. Prisoner is the man who married Miss McAvoy.

HARRY HILTON , 107, Judd Street. I remember looking after Dr. Cooper's surgery one day in February last year. Miss McAvoy came there with prisoner that day.

Cross-examined. I have not seen prisoner since. I identified him outside the court yesterday. I fix the date as February 9 because I saw it in the papers.

Detective-inspector DANIEL GRANT , Edinburgh City Police. On January 23 I got a telegram from the London Metropolitan Police. At 7.40 that evening I went to the office of the Scottish Navvy Mission, 14, Guthrie Street. I saw prisoner and three or four other men, I told him I had a telegram from the London police asking for his arrest on a charge of bigamy. He said, "Yes, that is all right, but I understood my solicitor and the girl's solicitor had come to some arrangement, and that it was all settled." On the way to the station he said the sum of £150 was handed over to the girl by his solicitor in payment of damages. He was taken to the station and detained till Sergeant Page arrived from London.

Detective-sergeant FRANK PAGE , Y Division. In consequence of some information received from Edinburgh I made inquiries here. On January 24 I saw prisoner detained at the Central Police Station, Edinburgh. Before that an information had been laid before the magistrate at Clerkenwell on the depositions of Miss McAvoy, myself, and Mrs. Cripps. I read the warrant to prisoner after we got in the train. He made a statement to me in the train. He said, "I know I have got one wife with whom I am living. We were married in 1899 at the Windsor Hotel, Edinburgh. Her brother married us. I have never married anyone since, and Miss McAvoy has got someone to impersonate me. I was in Edinburgh and Glasgow when the ceremony is supposed to have taken place. This is blackmail, and my wife has already foolishly paid £150 in my absence to save trouble. I was angry when I knew that the money had been paid." I brought him up to Somers Town Police Station, where he was charged. In reply he said, "All right." After prisoner was in my custody I had the letter of November 12, 1912, respecting the child given to me in Scotland. I showed it to him. He said, "I wrote that letter to Miss McAvoy, as she thought I ought to take the child from her." On January 25 at Clerkenwell Police Court I had a telegraphic money order for £4 belonging to prisoner. I gave it to him against his receipt. I produce the receipt. Only the signature is in his handwriting. I produce photographs of his signatures.


FRANCIS JOHN TAYLOR (prisoner, on oath). I have lived for five years at 31, St. Bernard's Crescent, Edinburgh, with my wife and sister-in-law. I held the position of superintendent of the Scottish Navvy Mission since May, 1898. I first met Miss McAvoy in April, 1909. She spoke to me in Renfield Street, Glasgow, and said, "Good evening, Mr. Taylor, I believe you are my uncle." I said at once that I was not going to stand in the street, that I was going in to tea, and she could come in to tea and tell me all about herself. She said she was married and her name was Graham; that she was my brother Jim's daughter, that Jim was dead, also my brothers William and Sidney, and that their business was being carried on by their sons. I had not seen or heard of them for twenty years. She said Graham was a music-hall artist and that she herself had been on the boards, and that the last places they played at were Woolwich and Bradford, and they were out of an engagement. She gave me her address, 283, Calder Street, South Side, Glasgow, and asked me to call and see her. I returned to Edinburgh by the 5.10 train that evening and told my wife about it. I saw Miss McAvoy about a fortnight afterwards. I was seated in the train. She opened the door of the carriage and said she would like to speak to me, as she was in trouble. The train was about to start. I said I should be in Glasgow the following day and would meet her there on the arrival of the 5.5 express. She met the train. We went into the tea room on the platform. She said she had told me an untruth, that her husband was dead, and that his name was Lomas, that the man she was living with was not her husband, and that he was making her go out and bring men home so that he might rob them. I advised her to tell her story to the secretary of the Young Women's Christian Association in Glasgow. She asked for the address and I told her she could get it from the post office directory. She said she would leave the man and go into private lodgings and get work. I next saw her a week or two later. I simply shook hands with her, asked how she was, and begged to be excused as I was in a hurry. The fourth time I saw her was at the club, 7, High Street. She spoke about taking some rooms at 26, The Promenade. She had a number of letters in her hand which, she said, were replies to an advertisement, and asked me to read them and could I find time to call and see the room at Portobello. I saw the room next day, and wrote to her that the room looked comfortable and the outlook was pleasant, and if she decided to come that my wife and I would do all in our power to make her visits to Edinburgh enjoyable. That letter was sent to 283, Calder Street. Mrs. Begg was the landlady there. I visited Mr. Begg several times; he was lying ill. At 26, The Promenade, she always addressed me as uncle; I addressed her as Mrs. Lomas. I gave her no money while she was there. She stopped there a long time. In January, 1911, she went to Inverkeithing. I called upon her at High Street there when I was sent for by her. When I got there it was nothing; it was because I had not been paying her attention. I was not there more than a few minutes. Mr. Naismith was waiting for me at the station. I was addressing meetings there every week in January, 1911. She was at every meeting, so often that I complained to the then missionary and said that if he did not keep her and her friend (who was passing under the name of Lady Begg) out he would have to resign. The friend was the daughter of Mrs. Begg. They were continually in the vestry with the missionary. My wife went to the meetings occasionally. I was continually being asked how she was. I am known to nearly all this class of people in the north. I remember at a soirée, I made a joke. It was getting late and I said to the whole meeting that I should have to be going because I was a poor married man. That was said in Miss McAvoy's presence. In February, 1911, I was with my wife at Waverley Station, Edinburgh. Miss McAvoy came up and said she wished to ask my advice; she also said, "This is my aunt." My wife said, "Yes," and they said something about being pleased at meeting. Miss McAvoy expressed regret at not meeting my wife before owing to no one being at home when she called at my house. From Inverkeithing she went to 25, Devon Street, Glasgow. I went there by invitation. She used frequently to call at the High Street building and asked me to call; occasionally she would telephone. She lived there six or eight months. I never paid her anything. She always led me to understand she had an allowance from her husband's people. I have never had connection with her. I have never gone through a form of marriage with her in Scotland or England. I went for a holiday to Bristol on February 3. I wanted to revisit the scenes of my youth, and especially to visit my father's grave. I stayed there from the Sunday till the following Wednesday morning. I arrived at Paddington just after 10 a.m. I put my luggage in the cloak-room and went to the British Museum. I stayed there till I was properly hungry, then had something to eat and went to Tussaud's waxworks. In the evening I got my bag at Paddington. I bought a secondhand suit in Blackfriars Road for the purpose of having an inside view of the Salvation Army shelter in Blackfriars Road. I did not have much sleep there. Next morning I took the man who was lying next to me and gave him a good breakfast and had one myself in a restaurant the other side of Blackfriars Bridge. Then I came to St. Pancras, cleaned myself up a bit, and walked up the road towards the north side of the city, Pentonville Hill. I went to Drayton Park to look at a house in which I had lived twenty odd years ago and to revive a few old memories. Then I went to the World's Fair, Islington. I finished the day by going to the picture palace near St. Pancras Station. I left for Edinburgh by the 11.30 p.m. express on Thursday, February 8, and arrived at 7.30 next morning. I went straight home. I saw my wife when I got there. At breakfast I saw her sister and her maid. I lay on the couch till 1 p.m. I left by train for Glasgow about 3.30, where I had tea at the Vegetarian Café in Argyle Street. Then I went to the Navvy Mission room in High Street. There was no meeting that night. They were playing billiards, bagatelle, etc. I got back to Edinburgh at 8.5 p.m. I went to Guthrie Street. There was a prayer meeting going on when I got there. I saw the missionary, the speaker of the evening, and my wife. I expected to see her there. I am not in the habit of going to these Friday meetings. The organist had not put in an appearance. I sat down and played for them. Next day a man named Stanton came to see me. His child was dangerously ill and he told me the doctor had ordered it some special food, and asked if I would be good enough to assist them in getting it. I gave him 5s. I left an order at Jackson's for some pastry to be delivered the following Monday. I went to Glasgow by the 5 p.m. train and spent the evening playing with the men in High Street. I came back by the last train, arriving in Edinburgh at 12.20. Next day, Sunday, I spent in a quiet way. I had a friend call about 11.30 a.m., and we sat and smoked. He left about 2. I did not go out that day. Exhibit 13 is my letter to Naismith. The first part, "I only arrived from the South of England last evening, where I have been for more than a week" was an invention. I should have sent him £2 on the 7th and only sent him £1 8s. I sent him the cheque from Bristol. I had to withdraw the pamphlet (Exhibit 20) because I found my signature was being copied and used for begging purposes. The next time I saw Miss McAvoy after arriving at Edinburgh was the following week after the 10th. I received a message saying she had called at High Street and wanted to see me. She was living at Ibrox then. I called there. She introduced a young man as her brother. She made me a cup of tea and I left. Next time I saw her she told me she was going to move from Ibrox owing to some trouble with the neighbours about her dogs, and would I become security for a house she had seen at Whiteinch. I said I would write the agent if she would give me his address. She said I need not trouble to write, let it stand over. I heard no more about it. I called three times while she was living at Summerfield Cottage, Whiteinch. I did not see her brother any more. I have lent her sums of 5s., which she always paid back up to the end of last year. During the time she lived at Mrs. Barnett's she asked me to become security to a money lender; I refused. I never saw her after that till the Monday before the writ was served on me. I was alone in the compartment of a train at the Caledonian Station, when she came up. She seemed under the influence of liquor. She asked if the train stopped at Hilly Down. I said, "I believe it does, but to be sure you had better ask the guard." I closed the door and that enraged her. She shouted out, "I will separate you from your loving Janet." I pulled the window up then. I remember meeting her, Mr. Barnett, and Mrs. Cripps after the service of the writ. That was the first time I had ever seen Mrs. Cripps. I did not speak to her, nor she to me. Barnett said if I would make a settlement with Mrs. Lomas he had influence with the London Judge that when the case came before them it would be all right. He told me that they had made a charge and given information to the police that I had been inciting Josephine to make a charge, and then they named a certain minister, of having tried to indecently assault her; and that I had spread about reports that he had had immoral relations with her in Glasgow, and that I had given information that Mrs. Cripps procured young women for bad purposes, and that I had tried to ruin Josephine's friend who lived with her, and that he had seen me in the act, and her father was taking action against me. Then I said, "You are a set of devils; you can make your charges." I turned to leave them; I had had about enough. Then he said, "Now, Taylor, do be sensible, come down and spend the night with us." I walked away. The women did not speak at all that evening. They heard every word of the conversation. Next time I saw her she was with the little boy at Waterloo Place on the Saturday. She said she was in great trouble, owed Mrs. Cripps £50, and Mrs. Barnett £40, and if I would give her £100 she would go right away and never bother me again. Then Mrs. Cripps came up and said if I would make it worth her while she would produce the man who went through the ceremony of marriage; she would want £500. If I did not stump up, the charges that Barnett had made would be pressed. I left there and then, and Miss McAvoy threw me a kiss with her hand and went away. I saw her once after that at the post office, Edinburgh, about 8 a.m. in October. She told me that when she called at my house she left her ring on the table of my wife, that my wife was detaining it and she was on her way to High Street Police Court to put it in the hands of Mr. Duncan. I said if it was at my house she would have it without any trouble; I would get my agent to send it to her. I let her have my ring till she got hers. That is not the one that has been produced to-day. I have never seen mine. Miss McAvoy adopted the child before she spoke of it. I saw it in Devon Street; she showed me the registration paper. I said, "I hope it is all right," and she accused me of thinking it was her own. I did not see the story of her life till she handed me the MS. She wrote most of it at Inverkeithing. She told me she was going to write it. She wanted me to take it to a certain gentleman who, she said, had promised to help her. She said he would tell me it was all true. I did not help her with it or make a single suggestion as to what she should write in it. I was introduced to Dr. Dunning by Miss McAvoy in Devon Street, Glasgow, some few days after she had shown me his photograph. I never slept at that house. He attended me once at her request. I had a very bad cold. I never had the prescription made up.

(Saturday, March 15.)

FRANCIS JOHN TAYLOR (prisoner, on oath). Cross-examined. My father died at Bristol about fifteen years ago. He was a printer in business for himself. Miss McAvoy gave the correct names of my brothers. They were older than I. I last heard of Jimmy twenty years ago. They all had children. The signature to the letter to Naismith and cheque are my ordinary handwriting when I am in a hurry. I was very excited when I wrote the letter to Miss McAvoy. I admit it is rather a businesslike letter. It is the only letter I have written for a number of years with a pen. It is not my ordinary signature. It was drafted by my agent, Mr. Campbell, and I was asked to write it out so that it could be handed to Mrs. Lomas's agent in answer to a request which he had made concerning the child. I was excited because it had been said I was the father of the child. The signature on the pamphlet I made different on purpose, because my signature having been published so much was being copied and used for begging purposes. I did not find this out after I was in custody; it was on November 8 when I came to London and saw the registrar's book in the registrar's office. It would be correct to say I wrote one way before the arrest and another afterwards. Up to the time of the arrest I always wrote similar to this in the cheque. In the signature in the notice of marriage the "h" is not exactly like that in the Naismith letter and cheque. The forgeries have been made from the pamphlet signature. I often talked to the girl about my father and brothers. She was able to give me a little information about them. I believed she was my niece. I did not take her to my home. I met her in Glasgow; my home is in Edinburgh. She could not have got back that evening. She asked me to call at the address she gave me, Calder Street. I have never been in that house. I do not think our next meeting was by accident; I think she was looking for me. I was seated in the railway compartment. I did not communicate with her. It was a fortnight after the second meeting when she said her husband was dead and the man she was living with was sending her out on the streets to get money. There is nothing more horrible than that my piece should be treated in that way. I did not think of going to the police; I advised her to go to the secretary of the Young Women's Christian Association. I thought she accepted my advice. I did not go to the association to find out whether she had been there. I was living in Edinburgh, and this was in Glasgow. Although I had a season ticket, I could not go backwards and forwards as I liked. I had to be out on business. When I next met her I did not ask if she was leading a respectable life. I never speak like that to any woman. My duty was to deal with men, not women, even with members of my own family. I was paid to deal with men. I spent an hour and a quarter looking at the lodgings in Portobello. I did not tell my wife about the horrible life the girl was leading; she is a modest woman and a most unsuitable person to deal with a case of that kind. I asked the girl to come to my house, and she said she came, but could not find anyone at home. My wife asked her to come and take tea in February, 1911. That was two years after I first met her. That sounds hospitable for a long-lost niece. Naismith was dismissed from the Navvy Mission for telling untruths and being lazy. I was not a frequent caller at the various addresses she lived at; I called at her invitation. She has mentioned three places where she resided that I know nothing about. I did not go to the lodging in 43, Bath Street, Portobello, before she occupied it. The landlady did not tell me there would be a front room vacant in five or six days' time at £1 1s. a week. I called three times whilst the girl was living there in answer to a telephone message. I have never slept in Portobello in my life. I have never ill-treated her. I have scolded her for things she was doing, and after speaking my mind I left. Mrs. Barnett's evidence is untrue. The girl told me she was going through an operation; she did not say what for, and I did not ask. I did not pay Dr. Dunning. He prescribed for me once. He was Mrs. Lomas's and her friends' medical adviser. I believe he is something more than a doctor, for the woman herself asked me if I could recommend her to a lawyer so that she could consult him about his treatment of her. I do not like to say what the "something more than a doctor" is. She said Dr. Dunning had kissed and insulted her. That was at Whiteinch. Directly Dr. Dunning renders his account he will be paid. The prescription Exhibit 11 is not the one Dr. Dunning gave me. I do not know the two chemists who have made it up. Dr. Dunning always addressed me as Mr. Taylor; I was never spoken of as Mr. Lomas. I went to Dr. Dunning and questioned him about assaulting the girl. He denied it. We had been friendly since 1911. I have seen him dozens of times. I have called and had a smoke in his surgery when I have been waiting for a train. I stayed at two boarding-houses in Bristol; I could not tell you whose. I gave my name there. I was not asked my address. I had some hair on my face then. I came to London on the Wednesday morning, March 7, leaving Bristol at eight. I went to the British Museum that day. I swear I told the girl eleven days before I left that I was going to Bristol and then to London. She said in all probability she would be in Leeds; could I make it convenient to see her there. I knew her parents lived at Leeds. Her father would be my long-lost dead brother. I have not visited my relatives for twenty years. I knew her parents were drunkards. I do not associate with drunkards. I did not go to Leeds. I was not accompanied from there by young McAvoy. I never saw him till I saw him in court. I have never described myself other than the general superintendent of the Scottish Navvy Mission till I left their service in November last. I have never taken a second suit of clothes to Glasgow nor carried a bag large enough to hold a suit. Miss McAvoy called at High Street one night when I was not there and left a message asking me to call at her Ibrox lodging the next time I was in Glasgow. The missioner gave me the message. That is how I came to be there after I returned from my holiday. Mrs. Cripps did not send me some mussels. We do not eat them in Scotland. I saw her at the G.P.O., Edinburgh, with Mrs. Barnett for the first time in my life. The first time I saw her husband was at Clerkenwell Police Court. I saw Mrs. Page for the first time in this court. I have not seen the lad Hilton to my knowledge before, or Miss Tyack. In February, 1911, Miss McAvoy saw me kiss my wife at Waverley Station and heard me say to her, "I shall be home by eleven, dear." When my wife came up Miss McAvoy said, "This is my aunt." My wife apologised for being out when she called. Mrs. Cripps and Mr. and Mrs. Barnett were blackmailing me. Barnett did not mention bigamy; he was asking for a settlement. I did not think of giving them in charge; I would have sooner given them a good hiding. I had already received the writ in the action. The £150 was not paid with my permission. I knew nothing about the settlement beyond what I was told by Miss McAvoy's agent, Mr. McPherson, a few days after I wrote the letter to her about the child. I have made over all my property to my sister-in-law in order that this £150 can be paid back. I told my agent that he and McPherson ought to be locked up for settling.

(Monday, March 17.)

FRANCIS JOHN TAYLOR (prisoner, on oath). Further cross-examined. I did not call at Dr. Dunning's surgery in January of this year. I did not tell him that my wife was telephoning to people saying I was ill-treating her and giving her no money, or that I had lost my situation in consequence. I told him in November that she had had me served with a writ for £2,000, and that my banking acount had been arrested. Dr. Dunning offered to give me a certificate that she was a bit hysterical, and did not know what she was saying, to produce if the Scotch writ went to the Court. I did not tell him that I could not pay his account as I only had £2 10s., but that it would be all right. I was not in Glasgow in January or February. I did not tell him that McAvoy was not my wife, that I had picked her up at the Central Station, Glasgow, and took pity on her. It is not true that my first visit to Dr. Dunning's surgery was in January, 1913. I had visited him on several occasions before and smoked with him. I have smoked his cigarettes and he has smoked my tobacco. ANET RODGER TAYLOR , 31, St. Bernard's Crescent, Edinburgh. I married prisoner in 1899. He was then Superintendent of the Navvy Mission. Our married life was perfectly happy. His relatives never visited us. One night, in the end of 1909 or the beginning of 1910, prisoner came in and said, "I met a young woman who addressed me in the street, 'Are you Mr. Taylor? I am sure you are my uncle.'" One day early in 1911 prisoner went to the Central British Railway Station, and I followed immediately afterwards to give him some money. With him was the prosecutrix. She said to me, "You are my aunt?" I said, "Oh, I beg your pardon, I know who you are." Prisoner then went off in the train. Prosecutrix and I walked away from the station together. I said, "I am so sorry you have been left such a young widow. How long?" She said, "Two years." I said, "When did you marry" She replied, "When I was sixteen years of age." I asked her why she had not called on me; she replied that she had called two or three times, but I was out. When we parted I promised to see her. I did not see her again until she called on me in October, 1912. I opened the door. She said, "You know who I am?" I said, "Oh yes, come in please." She came in and said, "I have come to tell you I am no longer your niece. I am married to Mr. Taylor." I smiled at her, but did not answer. She said, "You do not believe me I can see. Do you see that ring on my hand, well, that was my wedding ring." This is the ring produced. She threw the ring on the table; it fell on the floor. She said, "Where is your husband?" I said, "He is out." She said, "When do you expect him home?" I suggested she might arrange to meet him. She said, "Then we will meet to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock." I said, "You are forgetting your ring; do please pick it up." She said, "I shall never lift that ring." She then went out leaving the ring on the table. She did not come next day. When I heard that the writ had been issued I went to my lawyer and arranged that my sister should pay £150 to settle the action without prisoner's knowledge. He afterwards learnt it and said I was very stupid in what I had done; that I had done a wrong act. On February 3, 1912, prisoner left for a holiday and returned on February 9 at 8 a.m. He told me he had been to see his father, and that he had been to London to visit the Salvation Army shelters, and to examine the style of their beds, etc. He had breakfast, rested and went to 49, Castle Street, and returned to dinner at 1 p.m.; afterwards we went together to attend a prayer-meeting at Guthrie Street. The organist being absent prisoner played the organ. Mr. Maclaren was the speaker. John Wilson came part of the way home with us. The next day, Saturday, prisoner went to the Mission Hall. At 1 p.m. Ned Stanton called and went with prisoner to Glasgow. I gave prisoner a £1 note to give Stanton some money. On Sunday prisoner was in the house all day. Watson called and was with him two hours. The only time prisoner has been away from me was the week's holiday, February 3 to 9; on no other occasion has he been more than one night away from me since we were married.

EDWARD STANTON , printer at Bartholomew and Co., Geographical Institute, Duncan Street, Edinburgh. I have attended the Navvy Mission, of which prisoner was superintendent for eleven years. Since October, 1911, we have had Friday meetings. I attended two in October and two on February 2 and 9, 1912. Maclaren was the speaker on February 9. Prisoner came in about 8.20 and, the organist being absent, he played the organ. Mr. Maclaren announced that the following Friday a Miss Hodgson, of the English Navvy Mission, would attend. Prisoner left with his wife and John Wilson. The following Saturday, at 1.45, I called on prisoner for money to get medicine for my sick child, Mrs. Taylor gave prisoner a £1 note, which he changed at a baker's and gave me 5s.

JOHN WILSON , 48, High Street, Edinburgh, employed at Alexander Hunter and Fraser, Lower Gilmour Place, Edinburgh. I have been connected with the Navvy Mission for eight years. I attended a prayer meeting on Friday, February 9. Prisoner came in a little late and played the organ. I recollect it because the next day the football match was played for the Scottish Cup.

GEORGE FIELDING , 273, Canongate, Edinburgh, slater. I have been five years connected with the Navvy Mission. Since October 11, 1911, we have had Friday evening meetings. I recollect prisoner attending on February 9, 1912; he came in at 8.20 rather late and played the organ. I was surprised to see him, as he had never attended those meetings before. Maclaren was the speaker. The day before I had repaired some broken plaster at the mission. I reported it to prisoner. He said in joke, "All right, send your bill in."

Cross-examined. Witness admitted having had a large number of summary convictions for theft, assault, and drunkenness between July 19, 1893, and November 16, 1908.

THOMAS HEANEY , shoemaker, 172, High Street, corroborated as to prisoner attending the meeting on February 9. He also admitted having had a number of summary convictions.

JAMES MACLAREN . I have been thirty-one years with R. and R. Clark, printers, Edinburgh. I have been connected with the Navvy Mission for five years and have been in the habit of addressing the Friday evening meetings. I distinctly remember seeing prisoner at the meeting on February 9. He spoke of Miss Hodgson coming the following week.

WILLIAM RITCHIE , clerk, Lands Valuation Department, Edinburgh, corroborated as to seeing prisoner at the Mission office on Saturday, February 10.

ROSE WYATT , wife of Charles Wyatt, Bruce Haven Road, Limekilns, Fifeshire. I have known prisoner and Mrs. Lomas since 1911. She said she was prisoner's niece. My mother invited her to her house in Bruce Haven Road for a week-end. She occupied my bed-room. Prisoner had a room at Gardner's house, near by. Mrs. Lomas said she had been married very young, that her husband had died, that her father was prisoner's brother, and that Mrs. Taylor, being an invalid, she had to travel with Mr. Taylor as a companion. (Evidence in rebuttal.)

MATTHEW DUNNING , recalled. It is absolutely untrue that prisoner told me that McAvoy had stated that I had indecently assaulted her. I saw prisoner three days after McAvoy had had her second operation and not after that till January 7, 1912, when he called at my rooms and stated that his wife (McAvoy) was carrying on at a great rate, telephoning to his employers and all his friends, stating that he had been ill-treating her, not giving her money and that sort of thing. He said that her lawyers had arrested his money, that he had only £2 10s. in the world, but that my account would be all right. I told him not to worry about that. I offered to write a note saying that his wife's statements were due to hysteria. I understood he was in the detective service. He called again shortly before his arrest and said McAvoy was not his wife, that he had picked her up in Central Station, Glasgow, and had taken pity on her. (To the Judge.) I attended McAvoy for three or four slight operations. I conversed with prisoner about them. He perfectly understood the object of them. I only knew them as Mr. and Mrs. Lomas. I never knew prisoner as Taylor or as the superintendent of the Navvy Mission. When McAvoy was going to charge prisoner with bigamy her lady friend addressed her as Mrs. Taylor. That was the first time I heard that name.

(Tuesday, March 18.)

JOSEPHINE SABINA MCAVOY , recalled. The letter of September 4, 1912, to Mrs. Barnett is in prisoner's handwriting—I saw him write it. It refers to an umbrella which had been left at Barnett's. Ring produced I took from my finger in Mrs. Taylor's house and asked her if she recognised it. She said "yes"; it was the ring she gave her husband.

JOHN HOFBURGH BARNETT , 43, Bath Street, Portobello. I produce letter of September 4, 1912, which has been at my house since it was received. I first saw prisoner in September, when he was staying with McAvoy at my house as Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. On November 8, 1912, I saw him in the street in Edinburgh with McAvoy and Mrs. Cripps. Not being a natural born fool, I did not say if prisoner would make a settlement with Mrs. Lomas I had influence with the London Judge who would try the case and he would get off lightly; there was no conversation of the kind stated by prisoner. At the interview prisoner admitted he had married McAvoy at the Registry at St. Pancras. I was astonished and said, "You admit that now. Then the things you said before are all lies." He said, "Yes, they are all lies." He referred to the charge of bigamy to be brought against him; he was in a state of great contrition and said he deserved imprisonment—"I deserve bonds." I said, "If you repair as far as you can the wrong you have done I have no doubt it will have an effect in giving you as merciful a sentence as possible." Verdict, Guilty, with a strong recommendation to mercy.

Sentence: Six months' imprisonment, second division.


(Thursday, March 13.)

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