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Stepney Union, Charles Booth, London, May 1889

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Stepney Union, Charles Booth, London, May 1889

Postby Nevis » Wed May 11, 2016 11:35 pm

I am currently following a pauper widow called Mary aged 48. Her husband has died. She declares that she was pregnant 16 times and has 5 surviving children. She also discovers she is again pregnant with no means of support (although she never had anything much to begin with). The Board of Guardians for the poor bury her husband for the sum of £6 then give her some money for some black funeral clothes for herself and the children. They also decide to provide her with a mangle, so she can provide for her family by washing clothes. Her story doesn't end there.
Here is Mary's record taken from Charles Booth's "Widows and others having children maintained at school, May 1889." :read
Other records to follow ...
Mary Ann Brown
Mary Ann Brown age 48. 112 North Street. A Widow since April 4th 1883.
Total no. of children 16, surviving, 5 of whom under 13 ... 3.
Children: Robert b.1873 Richard b.1876 Emma b.1878 William b.1880 Sarah b.1882

Occupation: Tailoress.
Changes of address: 5 changes of address (all in district) recorded, also one move to Canning Town.
Cause of Pauperism: Death of Husband.

Brother. John Pritchard. Coalwhipper. Has 4 children. In 1877 worked in Regent's Canal Basin. Wife Jane applies for medical relief.
Dec 1888 living at 121 Eastfield Street. Applies for medical relief for wife.

Sister. Sarah Thomas, (wife of William H. Thomas. In May 1883 husband applied to S. Asylum, had medical relief, then went into the workhouse.
Oct 31st 1883 applied for relief, taken to C.O.S. Referred by C.O.S to A. Brown who gave assistance for wife's confinement. Jan 29th 1884, Wife applies for medical relief for husband.
Sent to sick Asylum. Caught smallpox after being therre 17 days. Sent to smallpox hospital and died on ship Atlas, March 14th 1884.

Brother of Husband. Thomas Brown, Lighterman, 2 Devonshire Place. 1878 to 1887 locked up 2 or 3 times for assaulting Wife and Police. Wife gets relief from Guardians. Half Brother of Husband Abel Too, a Lighterman died in 1858. His Widow Mary Too applied for relief May 8th 1877. Sons grown up and will not support.
9 adult relatives are mentioned of whom 4 have received relief.

General notes about Mary Ann Brown.
Has a son Robert 15, who lives with her and is a Woodchopper. Rent 1 shilling and sixpence a week.
Statement by Widow.
Husband is a Lighterman, died April 4th 1883, shortly expected another child to be born (Boy, Charles was born in 1883 and died March 10th 1886.)
Received from Burial Club £9 and 10 shillings, collected £6, total £15 and 10 shillings.
Paid for Funeral £6, Mangle £5, and bought black clothes for herself and children with balance. Kept self and children from Fathers death to date of application (June 20th 1883) by mangle. Wished for 3 children to be admitted to schools. Guardians admitted 2, Emma and William.

Visitors report.
Satisfactory. House clean, woman honest and sober. Oct 31st 1883. Reported. Sold mangle, could not get enough work to support family. Sarah admitted Dec 20th 1883.
Jan 9th 1884 C.O.S gave 5 shillings. July 2nd 1884 applied for medical aid for infant Charles 1884. Assisted R.O visited, found woman had been given notice to quit her room, and Landlord was about to seize her furniture. Landlord said she had not paid any rent for some weeks, she was always drinking. Made further enquiries in 'Blount?' Street and was told by neighbours that Mrs Brown was a hard working respectable woman and that the Landlord was a low ruffianly fellow.

August 14th 1884, Charles ill. Applied for medical relief attendance. Aug 19th 1884, child now weaned, and if Guardians would admit the 2 children, C.O.S. would send her to a convalescent home. August 21st 1884, the 2 children admitted and woman went to C. Home for 2 weeks. Oct 20th 1884 to April 1885 reports child Charles ill at various times and asked for medical relief. This continues until the death of the child on March 10th 1886 when the Board allowed 18 shillings for burial. Sep 1887, son Robert in Union Shoeblack Brigade and earns 1 shilling and sixpence per week with breakfast and tea. Mrs Brown requires medical attendance, similar application in Nov 1887.
April 25th 1889 Board orders Sarah to be given up to her Mother.
Emma Burch
Emma Burch, aged 38, 4 Gun Lane, rent, 2 shillings and sixpence. Widow since June 1884. Total no. of children 5, of whom under 13, 4.
Emily? Sarah 12, Ellen 9, William 5, Mary 2 (illeg.) in schools.
Occupation, Charing & C, 7 shillings and part of food. Changes of address, 4 addresses. From July 1884 to date. All in district. Previously at 64 Maroon St, Limehouse for 2 years and 17 Northumberland St. for 3 and a half years.

Relief given. Had 3 children in schools, Sarah 12, July 1884 and Ellen 9, July 1884. The latter now in schools.
Cause of Pauperism, death of Husband.
Sisters, Ellen Smith, Servant, Single, and Caroline Smith, Servant, Single. Late Husbands Sister, Mary Ann Philpot. Husband a Painter. None marked as receiving relief.
General notes:

Woman's statement. July 8th 1884. Husband died at 27 Amoy St. 4 weeks ago. He was a Painter. Tried to join Clubs but they would not take him. Cannot keep children, apply for relief.
Sent to C.O.S.
Has house 7 shillings and sixpence a week, lets 5 shillings and sixpence. July 22nd 1884, been to C.O.S Committee, wish 2 children admitted and woman to learn a trade. At Husbands death got
£10 from insurance, £1 from Mansion poor box and £3 and 8 shillings and sixpence. Funeral cost £6. Black bought with rest of £10 and used other money to live on.

C.O.S decided to lend her a sewing machine and give 50 shillings to teach her, and allow 8 shillings a week whilst learning. Sarah and Ellen admitted to schools.
June 1885 to Jan 1887 applies 4 times for medical attendance for self and child.

On Aug 7th 1887, an anonymous letter arrived saying that this woman had an illegitimate child and had given way to drink. R.B finds this to be correct. Child, Mary Burch.
Sept 1887 Guardians order children to be removed. Case offers reconsidered. Sept 1888 Emily gone to service, 2 shillings a week and food. Want Sarah home from school to nurse child.
Catherine Briggs
Catherine Briggs, age 29, 29 North St. Rent 2 shillings. Spinster, children illegitimate. Catherine 10, Samuel 9, (in school) Honora 7, (in school) William, dead.
Occupation, Factory Hand. Earns 10 shillings a week at Clarke, Nicholl & Coombs.
Change of Address: 3 addresses since Jan 1884, all in district. Previously at High St. Bow for 15 months and Bruce Rd, Bromley for 2 and a half years.
Relief given. Medical relief and afterwards 2 children admitted to school.

(Father) Samuel, in Mile End Workhouse. 2 brothers, Fish Porters, married sister in match factory.
Another brother, single, Richard Vincent admitted to Bromley House August 1885, age 30, suffering from Rheumatism.
Sister, Mary A. Willmore, 6 London St. This woman and her husband applied for medical relief Aug 21st 1883.
Note says the sisters Catherine and Mary and a brother were brought up in the Sutton schools.

Woman's statement.
Jan 23rd 1884, Samuel Vincent, age 37, Fish Porter at Billingsgate had a paralatic fit this morning. He has lost the use of his limbs. Want the Doctor to see him.
Have lived with him 5 years. First child is his but born before we lived together.

Visitor reported room clean and fairly comfortable. Man sent to sick Asylum.
June 1884 woman seeks admission for confinement.
Sept 1884 seek medical aid for William.
Oct 1884 applies for interment order for William Briggs.
Sept 1884 applies for medical attendance for Samuel and Honora, also for their admission to schools. Children admitted. Samuel Dec 1884, Honora Dec 1884.
Elizabeth Clarke
Elizabeth Clarke, age 39, Address, 5 Repton Street. Rent 3 shillings. Widow - June 1884.
Children: Louisa 20, at home, Elizabeth 14, servant, John W. 13, Sutton Schools. Jessie 11, Sutton Schools. Beatrice 7, at home.
Occupation: Washing etc. Part food and 3 to 6 shillings a week.
Address in 1884, 2 Brenton St, previously 8 years at 42 Salmon Lane. No other change.

Relief given 3 children admitted to schools in 1884. One given up to Mother in Sept 1886. Cause of Pauperism, death of Husband.
Relatives. Father and Mother, William and Rebecca Digby of Braintree. 2 brothers, Charles, a Farm Labourer and Thomas, a Farm Labourer.
Sister, Sarah Potts, Samuel St, Limehouse. Married a Bricklayers Labourer. This woman was admitted to Smallpox Hospital Jan 1878 and husband paid 2 shillings and sixpence per week (only one resident in Union).
Late Husbands. Father, John Clarke, Scavenger. Brother, Frederick Clarke, Shopman, Islington. Sisters, Emma Clarke, servant, and Elizabeth Clarke, married.

Woman's statement.
July 2nd 1884. Husband John, a Carman (26 shillings) died 3 weeks ago. Received £12 from Oddfellows, spent £6 on funeral, £5 on clothing and boots, lived on rest. C.O.S gave me 7 Shillings yesterday and told me to apply for admission of 3 children. Husband only ill 4 days. Worked 9 years for Mr Prior.
July 4th 1884. All enquiries very satisfactory. Man a tee-totaller, good Husband and Father. Wife good woman. Home and children very clean and comfortable.
Elizabeth, John and Jessie admitted August 1884.

Sep 10th 1886. Have got (Maud?) to Service and want to take Elizabeth from schools as I can keep her here. I earn about 4 shillings a week, Louisa gives 5 or 6 shillings and Maud earns 1 shilling and food.
Sept 24th. Elizabeth given to Mother.
June 14th 1887. Asks for childrens clothes to be given her as she can use them at home. Granted.
Louisa, factory hand, about 6 shillings. Elizabeth, servant, 2 shillings and food.
Emma E. Clark
Emma E. Clark, age 36, 21 Maroon St. Widow since June 1885.
Children. Emma 16, John 14, William Thomas 12 (Sutton schools), Elsie 8 (Sutton schools) and Ethel 6.
Occupation: Housekeeper for her Father, a Ships Compass Maker, also Tailoress (earned 6 or 7 shillings at this in December 13th 1886.
Change of address. Was living at 19 Maroon St. at death of Husband and for 7 years previous.
Eldest child born in Salmons Lane, afterwards in Aston St. and Devonshire St. Mile End, then Maroon St.
After Husbands death moved twice before going to her Father. Always kept in Parish.

Relief given. 3 children admitted to schools.
Relatives: Father, J. Barton, 21 Maroon St. Brother, Thomas Barton, 23 Endive St. Late Husbands Mother, Sarah A. Clark, Poplar.
Brothers, William in New Zealand and 3 others in Bow and Poplar (married). Sister, Sarah Clark, factory hand.

Woman's statement. July 28th 1885. My Husband John was a clerk at Mr Gardiners at £2 and 18 shillings a week. He died June 15th.
In Burial Club from which received £19 and 10 shillings also £10 from Mr Gardiner. Spent £6 on funeral and £7 on clothes.
I intend earning living by washing but cannot support all children, nor can friends help. Want John, William and Elsie admitted to schools.
Visitors report: Satisfactory. The 3 children admitted Aug 4th 1885. May 3rd 1889 John sent to a situation as Page.
Phoebe Dix
Phoebe Dix, The Vicarage, St. Paul's Rd. Widow (Sept 1885).
Children: Edith Lavinia 19, Stephen (Sutton) Matilds 8 (Yarmouth).
Occupation: Servant at St. Pauls Vicarage since May 1888, gets food and 8 shillings per week.
Change of Address: Was living at 101 Rhodeswell Rd. when she makes application. Previously 4 years in Endive St. Limehouse.
Relief given. Medical attendance and 1 child admitted to schools.
Relatives: Mother, Mary Howell, Norfolk (has Parish relief). Brother, John Howell, whereabouts unknown. Sister, Mary Ann Kay, Husband a Labourer. Lives at Yarmouth.
Cause of Pauperism, death of Husband.

Woman's statement.
Jan 1st 1886. My husband died on Sept 21st 1885. He was a Carpenter and was paralysed for 2 years.
Belonged to a Club and had 12 shillings a week for 6 months, 6 shillings a week for 6 months and 2 shillings to the end of his life.
Received £14 from Club at death and spent £4 for funeral. Kept family on my earnings and balance until now but cannot continue to do so.
Want my boy Stephen admitted to schools. My youngest child is at Yarmouth, shall have to pay 2 shillings and sixpence a week for her when able.
Child admitted. Visitors report house very comfortable and the woman has a good character.

March 24th 1886. Woman reports that her daughter Edith Lavinia has been in a home at Woodford since Dec 1885 to see if anything could be done with her.
She is stupid and lazy and always been a burden to Mother. Has had comfortable places but never keeps them. No prospect of getting her a situation as
have to remove her. Asks to have her admitted. Mrs Green gets her into Mrs Ballintines Mission (May 12th 1886) the Guardians supplying clothes and paying 4 shillings a week.
This girl continues to be a trouble. On June 1st 1886 the Mother reports that daughter was in Workhouse and that Mrs Ballintine had sent for her to give her a trial.

April 28th 1887. Mrs Dix reports that she is in a situation at 18 Meynell Rd. 8 shillings a week and food and that her daughter Edith had been in service 4 Meywell Rd. and subsequently 6 months with her Mother at no. 18. Mistress could not keep her because of her temper. Asked that she might be admitted to Workhouse. Referred to Hackney Parish.
June 20th 1887. Mother says that she had got an order from Hackney R.O for her daughter but she would not go into the workhouse.
Had been to a convalescent home for 3 weeks and then in Miss Catton home for one week but had to take her away. Miss Catton refusing to keep her. Want her admitted to Workhouse.
June 25th 1887. Mother said daughter had thrown up her situation. Guardians wished daughter to be sent to Mrs Green. She procures the girl a situation at Queens Rd, South Hackney. Work to commence on July 4th.
Dec 21st 1887. The daughter Edith came and says she has left her situation at 101 Rhodeswell Rd. on the previous night. Left because the Master took liberties with her, entering her bedroom.
Admitted to Workhouse.
Jan 10th 1888. Discharged from Sick Asylum and wants to be admitted to Workhouse. Subsequently, the girl gets a situation at Burgess St, but applies for medical attendance on Jan 24th 1888.
On the following day her Mistress discharged her and she was admitted to the Workhouse.
March 19th 1888. Edith is living with a Mrs Wilkins, 5 Regents Place. Gets 1 shilling a week and keep, is sent out to sell watercress. Wants medical attendance.
Oct 4th 1888 Mrs D. reports that she is in a situation at St. Pauls Vicarage (since May 1888). Gets 8 shillings and food. Pays 3 shillings and sixpence a week for her child Matilda.
Does not pay any rent as she had given up her room. Daughter is still a trouble to her. Thinks she is with the Salvation Army in Pennyfields (West Indian Road Shelter).
Oct 9th 1888. Edith again applies for medical relief. Is in a situation at Oxford Coffee House, 3 shillings and food. Not heard from her Mother for 5 months. Medical relief granted.
March 18th 1889. Mother reported that the daughter was married to a shoemaker named Jones. She held the certificate.
Sarah Ann Daley
Sarah Ann Daley, age 40, 108 Locksley St. Rent 3 shillings. Widow since April 1884.
Children: James 15, Errand Boy. Edward 11, Mary Ann 9, at Catholic schools. John 8, at Catholic schools. Patrick 7, at Catholic schools. Sarah 6, at home.
Occupation, Tailoress, earns about 8 shillings. No work for the last 3 months.
Change of address. Lived at 20 Dora St. when first application was made, previously lived in Galt St. and Pixley St. (1 year each).
4 changes made between leaving Dora St. and coming to Locksley St. All in district.

Relatives: Mans Mother, Daley, Dublin. Wife's Mother, Ann Garcia, 152 Rhodeswell Rd. A Widow, applied for medical relief April 2nd 1885. Granted for 4 weeks.
Cause of Pauperism, illness and death of Husband.

Woman's statement.
Aug 30th 1883. Says her husband worked as a Fireman on a National Line Steamer at £4 and 15 shillings a month, and 5 weeks ago was brought home in a cab by the ships Doctor.
Last Wednesday I received £6 for wages due. Cannot pay for Doctor. Order given.
R.O visited the next day, found the rooms decently furnished, man really ill. Eventually, man goes to S.A.
Oct 10th 1883. Applies for admissions of 3 children, James, Mary Ann, and John admitted. On the 12th of the same month, asked to have Edward admitted instead of James.
Man came out of S.A on Oct 23rd and was admitted to Victoria Park Hospital on Oct 30th. On Nov 6th the C.O.S. made the woman an allowance of 6 shillings a week for one month.
Feb 4th 1884. Wife asks that children may remain. Husband out of Hospital and hopes to get on board his old ship.
March 4th 1884. Wife reports husband again very ill, had done 2 weeks work.

She is earning 7 shillings a week. Medical relief given. Man was admitted to S.A on March 27th and dies in April.
On the 31st of March, the woman asked that Patrick might be admitted to the schools. Admitted Oct 6th 1884.
Woman confined and sends letter, child ill.
Medical relief granted for 8 weeks.
Dec 1884, the Widow and her child Thomas both ill and need medical attendance. Child dies on April 24th. Funeral expenses 16 shillings and ninepence are allowed.
Rebecca Dobson
Rebecca Dobson, age 40, 175 Eastfield St. Rent 4 shillings and sixpence. Widow since April 7th 1888.
Children, Henry 23, Daniel 21, Jane 18, George 15, Frederick 10 (Sutton Schools), Albert 9 (Sutton Schools). William 7, Elizabeth 5, Sarah Ann 2.
Children who have died, Caroline b.1873, Elizabeth b.1877, Emily b. 1882.
Occupation, Needlewoman.
Changes of address, July 1866 lived at North St, 1871 Conder St. 1877 90 Eastfield St. 1873 Mays Cottages, Eastfield St. 1880 105 Eastfield St.
1 Regents Court for 1 year, 9 Cam St. for 6 months. After Jan 1883 129 North St until 1887 when at 175 Eastfield St.

Relief given. Medical aid at various times, also 2 children in the schools from April 1888.
Cause of Pauperism, illness and drink.

Relatives. Mans Mother, Mary Dobson, 96 North St. Applied for relief that her sons be compelled to allow her something (1 shilling per week each).
Subsequently applies by her daughter for medical relief. Another daughter, Caroline Atkins, of this woman, living at 96 North St. applied to have her daughter Mary Ann Atkins, who is suffering from convulsions, admitted to Sick Asylum Dec 1886. Another of the mans sisters Mary Ann Pitt lives in North St. Mrs Dobson's Father lives in Walker St. Poplar.
5 relatives all living in district, 2 have had relief.

General Notes.
Find application was made by the Husband Daniel Dobson, a Jobbing Bricklayer in 1877. His child Caroline had died and he wanted medical attendance for the Mother.
Could not pay as he had paid for funeral. Applications are made for medical relief three times in 1878, also in 1881. Similar applications are made in 1883, 1884 in 1887.
In the first case Oct 17th 1883, the Husband had been out of work 3 weeks. 2 sons, Henry and Daniel, gave Mother 6 shillings and 4 shillings and sixpence per week respectively.

March 14th 1884. Woman's son Henry ill. Medical help granted.
Feb 7th 1887. William ill. Husband not earned more than £1 since Christmas. Daniel gives Mother 8 shillings a week, Jane at service, earns 2 shillings and sixpence a week. Mother does needlework.
Aug 1887. William ill. Husband met with an accident and not worked since. Daniel in Hospital. Medical relief granted.
Feb 1888. Man ill, wants medical relief.

On the 25th of Feb, the woman asks for a letter to the C.O.S., says she has 5 young children and 3 elder boys out of work at home.
Asst. R.O visited and found home clean and fairly comfortable. (R.O visited and says room comfortless, 2 dirty children).
A shopkeeper in North St. says man and wife are great drunkards. Another shopkeeper (Eastfield St.) says man is not lazy but both spend too much on drink.

March 1st 1888. Man admitted to Sick Asylum
March 22nd 1888. Man applies for re-admission, having come out on March 5th as did not like food and thought he could work. Re-admitted.
March 26th 1888. Wife says she cannot keep children and asks for admission of Albert and Frederick to schools. Children admitted.
The Father left the Sick Asylum again and died at 175 Eastfield St. April 7th 1888. Friends clubbed and buried him.
The son Daniel who was reported ill by Father in Feb 1887, was admitted to Sick Asylum on Nov 4th 1887.

After Fathers death, application is made for the children to remain. Various applications (6) are made for medical relief during 1888 for the woman and her children.
A truss was supplied.
Jan 4th 1889 woman applied for medical relief for Sarah Ann. Reported George at home earning 1 shilling and sixpence and food. Henry out of work.
Daniel at work and gives 6 shillings a week. Jane out of work, she is lazy and won't work. I have lost my work in consequence of my children's illness.
April 25th 1889. Reports Henry works at Fish Curer's but does not keep himself. Daniel is out of work. Jane, Shirt Finisher. George, Errand Boy.
Elizabeth, William and Sarah Ann all young.
On June 5th 1889 Mother applies for medicines for Henry 23, who is ill. Living at 18 North St.
Sarah Ennever
Sarah Ennever, age 33, 38 Walker St. Rent 2 shillings. Married, Husband in Colney Hatch Asylum.
Children 7, surviving, 4. Albert 10 and Ernest 8, both in Sutton schools. Lydia 4 and Oscar 4 months. Occupation: Washing etc.
Changes of address. 2 addresses previous (1 year 8 weeks) to 19 Locksley St, where she had lived since June 1885. Subsequently, 3 addresses before 38 Walker St.
Relief given, 2 children educated at schools. Husbands late employer gives 5 shillings per week, formerly 10 shillings a week.

Relatives. Mans father, Frank Ennever, in Mile End Workhouse, lives at Cubitt Town.
Wife's sister, Lydia Jerrard, Bermondsey. Wife's brother, William Vyner, Bermondsey.
Husband, Fred Ennever, age 33 in Colney Hatch.
Cause of Pauperism, lunacy of husband.

Woman's statement.
Nov 22nd 1887. Said husband had del. tremors, could not control him so applied for admission. Husband was a Barman at Lovat Arms, was born in 1855.
Admitted as a lunatic and subsequently discharged quite well.
Feb 16th 1889. Husband now in Colney Hatch, was sent there by Mile End Parish authorities when living at 93 St. Paul's Rd.
Landlord of Lovat Arms is allowing 10 shillings a week. Asked C.O.S for advice, am not earning anything at present. Husbands father is in M.E Workhouse.
Asks that 2 boys be admitted to schools.

Asst. R.O visited and reports that the Landlady of 21 Locksley St, says that the woman is a great drunkard and neglected children.
Similar report from Landlady of no. 17 Locksley St. The 2 children Albert and Ernest were taken in at B. Workhouse on March 18th 1889 and sent to Sutton schools 4 days later.
Jane Fisher
Jane Fisher, age 47, 17 Burgess St. Rent 2 shillings and ninepence. Widow since Aug 1886.
Children. Thomas 14, at Dr Barnardo's. Llewelyn 13. Elizabeth 11 and David 9, both in Sutton schools.
Occupation, Charwoman at Sick Asylum, 9 shillings and ninepence a week.
Change of address. At 3 Burgess St. when first applied. All children born at different addresses (4). 3 in Mile End Old Town Workhouse, and the 4th in Bow Common Lane. Previous to 3 Burgess St. at 63 Rhodeswell Rd, 3 years. 2 changes between 3 Burgess St and 17 Burgess St. Both in district.

Relief given, 2 children admitted to schools.
Cause of Pauperism, living up to means in earlier years. No savings. Death and previous illness of the husband.
Mans Sister, Jane Fisher, Glasgow.
Wife's Mother, Ann Wade, Merthyr Tydvil.
Wife's Aunt, Johanna See, Bayswater.

Womans statement.
July 15th 1886. Said her husband Thomas B. Fisher, a Traveller, had been ill 5 or 6 weeks but could not pay for further medical attendance. Asked for his admission to S.A.
C.O.S had given 7 shillings on Tuesday. Asst. R.O visited and said that room was poorly furnished and not very clean. Mrs Chisholm, Turners Rd, had known the Fishers for some time.
Wife was a deserving and hardworking woman (sober). Man had been in good situations and should be better off. Had lived above his means, mixing in company of people better off than himself. Was at one time Headmaster of a school in Paisley. Admitted to S.A July 19th 1886. Woman, by advice of C.O.S asks that 2 youngest children should be admitted to schools.
Elizabeth and David admitted. Man died in S.A on Aug 15th 1886.
Sept 14th 1886, C.O.S are assisting and lady had sent £5 to her.
June 10th 1888. Obtained work at S.A. 9 shillings and ninepence a week.
Nov 6th 1888. R.O recieved a letter from Mrs Chisholm, Mrs Fisher appeared strange.
Visited, and she said that she had suffered from delusions but they had passed away. Gave medical O.
Dec 21st 1888. Woman been to convalescent home, only remained 4 days as the place was cold. Was not happy. Boy Llewlyn was staying with a friend.
Wished to go to an Aunt at Bayswater. Had medical aid for 4 weeks. Children to remain.
Hannah Fulcher
Hannah Fulcher, 8 Amoy Place. Rent 6 shillings. Widow since Nov 1886.
Hannah born 1879 (died). Martha born 1881 (died). Charles born 1886 (died 1887). Robert 15, William 11, Emma 4, Mary A. 21 (at home)
Elizabeth 19 (in service) Walter 17 (at home. Alfred 13 (Ship Exmouth).
Occupation. Mangling and washing.
Changes of address. The eldest child was born at Dalgleish Place in 1867, also second in 1870. Four were born 1871-77 at 25 Park St, Poplar, one in 1879 at Ropemakers Fields, two 1884-86 in Lockside St. From this address they moved to Park St and thence to Amoy Place.
Relief given, medical aid and one child admitted to schools. Cause of Pauperism, death of Husband.

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Last bumped by Nevis on Wed May 11, 2016 11:35 pm.

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