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Parish of Bermondsey 1905 to 1906

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Parish of Bermondsey 1905 to 1906

Postby Nevis » Wed Sep 25, 2013 5:16 pm

Minutes of the Board of Guardians of the Parish of Bermondsey
From the 12th October 1905 to 12th April 1906

Your Committee are informed that Staff Nurse O'Dwyer who was granted leave of absence without pay, from the 1st February last, is not likely to return to duty, and they have therefore decided to definitely terminate her appointment.
Your Committee have also requested the clerk to communicate with Nurse O'Dwyer requesting her to return certain articles of uniform in her possession belonging to the Guardians.

Your Committee report the absence through sickness of the undermentioned officers:
Laundryman W. Harding from the 9th instant (accident) further week granted.
Scrubber May Saunders from the 19th instant, further week granted.
Scrubber Beatrice Smith from the 15th to the 19th instant.
Laundry worker Martha Morris, 2nd weeks absence, further week granted.

Your Committee have received an application from Mrs E. Ham whose appointment as Scrubber at the Hospital was terminated on the 15th January last, after her absence through sickness for a period of six months, for the amount of her contributions under the Poor Law Officers Superannuation Act 1896, to be refunded to her, and they recommend that the Steward be instructed to refund the amount of such contributions out of the petty cash in his hands.

Your Committee have approved of the Matron taking three weeks of her annual leave from the 2nd of July.

Your Committee have requested the Clerk to apply for vacancies at the Lancing Homes of Rest for Charles William Belbee, aged 33, and Alfred Hill, aged 66, patients at the Hospital, for a period of three months, in each case. The following is a copy of the medical certificate in these cases:
27th June 1921.
"I hereby certify that Charles William Belbee, aged 33 years and Alfred Hill, aged 66 years, are suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis, and are recommended for three months convalescent treatment." H.W. Bruce, Medical Superintendent.

Your Committee have requested the Clerk to apply for a vacancy at the Walton Convalescent Institution for Kathleen McCarthy, aged 21, a patient at the Hospital.

George R. Bartlett, aged 26, Painter and Decorator with wife and one child dependant, able bodied and unemployed, 10 shillings in money and 10 shillings in kind for one week.

Your Committee have authorised the Clerk to return the Post Office Savings Book of Merton Fillmore, who was chargeable at the Hospital, for a period of 16 weeks, upon payment by him to the Collector at the rate of 5 shillings per week in respect of his maintenance.

Your Committee have authorised the discharge of Florence E. Collins, aged 15 years, from High Wood, Brentwood, to her Mother, as the Medical Superintendent of the School states that she is sufficiently improved to be discharged.

Upon the report of Mr Oldman, G.R.O., your Committee recommend that the Collector be instructed to collect the following:
2 shillings and sixpence per week from William Pemberton, in respect of the maintenance of his wife chargeable at the Hospital.
6 shillings per week from Ernest Tylee in respect of the maintenance of his wife in Bexley Mental Hospital. Also that the arrears due from Mr Tylee be excused and proceedings stayed.
Your Committee rose at 6.50pm. Dated the 20th day of October 1920.

Special Business.
The Clerk, to draw attention to the Sugar Rationing (Emergency Amendment) Order, 1920, stating that, under the new Modifications, the sugar ration is reduced from 12 ounces to 8 ounces, including both Brown and White sugar, and that he has accordingly given directions for the officers allowance of sugar to be reduced accordingly, during the present emergency.

Last bumped by Nevis on Wed Sep 25, 2013 5:16 pm.

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