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Crawley High Street and around. 2011

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:43 pm
by Nevis
I wonder what it will look like in 50 years time? :crawleyscarf Video from :

Re: Crawley High Street and around. 2011

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 7:25 pm
by steveizy
Lovely photos of our High St - Swan Lake makes it all so peaceful and calm!

Sadly, I think the Market will be gone as will all sorts of other businesses that rely on cash transactions. Governments can't stand cash changing hands and everything will be paid electronically with no chance of anything slipping past the taxman. This country will lead that change - of that I'm sure, alas. :thumbsdown

The lovely old buildings will either be flattened or left to fall into disrepair, housing hoards of immigrants from Ulan Bator or some other godforsaken place with no historical connection to the UK, depending on the whims of the Councils and Government and Society and the World. The level crossing will still be there without barriers but "cars" of the future will 'know' about oncoming trains and stop automatically, unless they are running Micro$oft 2062 Super Driver Edition, in which case they might not.

The numerous kebab places and other "unhealthy" eating establishments will be outlawed by the Nanny State long before they would have gone bust from the cashless economy. Pubs and restaurants will have to jump through increasing numbers of hoops to stay in business and only a few "approved" (by the healthfood nannies and Inland Revenue) outlets will be permitted to trade. The Street will be quiet.

Either all of that or it will all be destoyed in World War Three after the European Union collapses. Historically many such treaties have collapsed and left their members at war with each other. 3-runway Gatwick which will include Langley Green and Charlwood will ensure that the town is an early target.

I hope I'm wrong in every respect - I love our town! I won't be about in 50 years to say "I told you" but I hope that someone then will stumble upon :mz on the Wayback Machine and be able to say "steveizy - you got it all wrong" :neernerneener

Re: Crawley High Street and around. 2011

PostPosted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 12:35 pm
by Nevis
Sadly, steveizy, I think you may be right. Good post. :clap :clap :clap :unionjack :thanks