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Motavational Speaker

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 1:13 pm
by Amethyst
Hi all,

I find this guy quite an intersting read - craig harper ... -question/

Why We’re All Here

At least once a week I find myself having a version of the ‘life purpose’ conversation. I never initiate it but I seem to have it often. Why am I here? What’s my purpose? What am I meant to do? Where am I going? How do I know if I’m on the right path? Or the wrong one? In many ways, these are unanswerable questions and in my experience, there is no (single) universally-endorsed answer.

Ask ten experts the “what’s my purpose” question and there’s every chance you’ll get ten very different responses based on (1) their life experience (2) their religious beliefs and (3) the window through which they currently view the world. I often get asked to write on this topic but to be honest, I hesitate because all I know (on the matter) is all I know. So to speak. Like everyone, I view the world through my own window. Like most tricky subject matter, the challenge for us (individually) with questions like this one is to be prepared to peek though a new window. Even for a moment. To (maybe) consider a different paradigm. Possibly one that challenges a previously-held view or belief.

Here’s a version of a conversation I’ve had many times:

“Craig, I don’t know what I’m meant to do with my life.”
“What do you mean… ‘meant’ to do?”
“Well, I want to discover what my purpose is.”
“What makes you think you need to ‘discover’ it? Why don’t you just choose it? Create it?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you sound like your life purpose has somehow been pre-determined and you need to figure out what that determination was.”
“Isn’t that how it works?”
“At the risk of ruffling a few feathers, I’m gonna go with… no! Unless there’s a memo I missed, you’re not a mindless puppet in some kind of cosmic play.”
“Then what?”
“Here’s a concept: you totally decide what your purpose is. All by yourself. Not your parents, not your boss, not your friends and not your guru. You.”
“Hmm… but I was raised to believe something different.”
“And how’s that working out for you?”
“Not so good.”
“Until someone can prove that your life story has already been written, your future predetermined and that you have no say in how it all plays out, then I’m gonna suggest that you to write your own story. Choose your own purpose. Consciously, responsibly and passionately determine your own destiny with your day-to-day choices, reactions and behaviours. I suggest that you get clear about your core values and then live in alignment with them. You don’t need someone or something to tell you what to do with your life or how to do it.”
“Allowing someone else to determine your future is the ultimate betrayal of your potential and possibilities. It’s also completely unnecessary.”

Give Me a Sign!

I’m of the (not always popular) opinion that many of us have already wasted too much time and energy waiting for some kind of mystical, magical, spiritual directive or sign from… who-knows-where? Some people will spend their entire lives waiting for that life-defining download, revelation or awakening to tell them what they are meant to do. Sadly, many people will spend so much time waiting to ‘discover their purpose’ (without actually doing much) that they will eventually die of old-age in the waiting room.

For what it’s worth, my personal philosophy is that your life is kind of like a book. You are the writer of your own story and every day you get the chance to write a few more pages. Your writing tools are your mind, your courage, your creativity, your values and your commitment. Of course, your story won’t always be beautiful or inspiring and the writing process won’t always be comfortable or easy but over time you might just create a masterpiece.

Or, you could keep waiting for a sign.