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message from, Charlie Chaplin.

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message from, Charlie Chaplin.

Postby Nevis » Mon Jan 24, 2022 5:03 pm

An outstanding clip from the Charlie Chaplin movie. 'The Great Dictator' Take note :director A message from 80 + years past...


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01/02/2022 the year of the Tiger began...

Postby mzawf » Sun Jan 30, 2022 3:20 pm
Philosophy- Discipline- Wisdom –Insight- Forward Vision.
The Year of the Tiger begins 01/02/2022
The following text is a hugely truncated view as written by us, on how the animal inherited by birth integrates into nature’s forces and yin Yang of all existences
The Chinese lunar calendar first introduced in 2037 B.C. A compete cycle takes sixty years and is made up of five smaller cycles of 12 years each. The 78th cycle started on 02 February 1984 and will end on February 05 2044
According to legend, the Lord Buddha summoned all the animals before he departed from Earth. Only twelve came to bid him farewell. As a reward he named a year after each one in the order that they arrived. First to arrive was the Rat, then the Ox, the Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep. Followed then by, the Monkey, the Rooster, Dog, and Boar.
The twelve animals we have today.
The animal ruling the year in which you were born exercises an influence on your life. The Chinese say
‘This is the animal that hides in your Heart’
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luma art.NFT

An explosive year ahead as the Tiger begins its reign is all supreme , usually it begins with a bang and ends with a whimper. A year earmarked for war, disagreement and disasters of all kinds. But it will be also be a big, bold year. Nothing will be done on a small or timid scale. Everything good or bad, will be carried to extremes. Fortunes can be made and lost. If you take a chance, gambling with high stakes; understand the odds are stacked against you. This forceful and vigorous Tiger year, can be utilised to inject new life into lost causes.
The fiery heat of the Tiger’s year will no doubt touch everyone’s life. In spite of its negative aspects, we must realise that it could have cleansing effect.
:shock: :myopinion Just as heat is necessary to extract precious metals from their ores, so the Tiger year can bring out the best in us. Just one brief word of advice “Hang on to your sense of Humour and hope things turnout the best.
I am the Tiger, a paradox of delight.
The entire world is my stage.
I seek the unattainable.
I set trails ablaze and seek the unobtainable
All hail me the unparalleled performer.
2022 will be a moderately calm and good year, for those born under the sign of the Tiger. The Tiger will be lucky in the sense that others will come to its aid when help and support is needed. Still, those born to the Tiger sign should avoid taking risks relying on instinct over adversity. The year ahead should be free from illness, health and wellbeing looks good. No major upheavals are forecast and a status quo will exist moving forward. Finances could be under pressure and the Tiger will need to pay out more monies than being put aside for investment or savings. Attention to detail in all things being a must!
Health & Happiness

Tiger years: 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
Sir Richard Branson, Beethoven, Marilyn Monroe, Princess Anne, Groucho Marx, Ho Chi Minh, Alex Guiness, Rudolf Nureyev, St Francis Xavier, Marilyn Munroe, Emily Bronte, Simon Bolivar…
Corresponds to the western sign: Aquarius

I am the Rabbit; I am in tune with the pulse of the universe.
In my quiet and solitude I hear the melodies of the soul.
I subdue by my ability to conform.
I colour my words in delicate pastel hues.
I epitomize harmony and inner peace.
A year in which the Rabbit must be extra careful and diplomatic, as the tendency to be drawn into conflicts presents itself. Disputes or disagreements arising from unreasonable demands in day to day life are prevalent at this time. Be cautious and thrifty with money and with signing important documents. Careful thoughtfulness to your surroundings, people and the environment will help facilitate wellbeing. 2022 features few serious hardships along the way. Some gains towards goals and the wider picture may come to fruition, towards the end of the year. As in all things, fitness is key, facing natures’ elements, relaxation healthy eating strengthens the mind and the body’s immune system to that ‘ninja status’, Win Win!
Health & Happiness.
Rabbit years: 1951 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023 :celebrate
Special people born in the year of the Rabbit
Albert Einstein, Queen Victoria, Orson Wells, Fidel Castro.
Peter Falk, Ali McGraw, Queen Victoria, Albert Einstein.
Corresponds to the western sign:Pisces.

I am the Dragon, I am an unquenchable fire.
I am the centre of all energy with a stout heroic heart.
I am truth and light and hold power and glory in my sway.
I have been chosen to tame the fates.
Many challenges forecast moving ahead in the year of the Tiger. The Dragon will need to be pay attention to both stamina and sanity to avoid difficulties achieving desired results free of resistance. Choices between conflicting views might be necessary keeping the calm towards the rational, and away from bitterness and negative grudge mentality. Strength and soundness of thought a prerequisite to keeping friends and associates happy. A good time for consolidation with both family friends ‘Your home is your Castle as your body is your Temple’, pay attention to both.
Health & Happiness

Famous people born to the year of the Dragon include;
John Lennon, St Joan of Arc, Jimmy Connors, Ringo Starr,
Harold Wilson, Salvador Dali, Frank Sinatra, Haile Selassie.
Dragon Years: 1952, 1964, 76, 88, 2000 2012, 2024 :celebrate
Corresponds to the western sign:Aries

I am the Snake, mine is the wisdom of ages.
I hold the key to the mysteries of life,
My sights are fixed, my gaze unchanging.
Unyielding, inexorable and deep I advance with steady, un-slackened gait, the solid earth beneath me!
The Snake is best to continue along the path exercising lightheartedness in both mind and soul. Avoid being drawn into disagreements irritations’ albeit stemming from outside influences, a good sense of humour along with pragmatism helps.
While the snake will find reward keeping a steady gaze on finances with meticulous precision, the Tiger influence will threaten with, uncertainty, clear thinking is required to enhance possible outcome.
Downtime Reward & Relaxation should be high up the ‘todo’ list maximizing all potential.
Health & Happiness.

Anniversaries’ of the Snake, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013,2025 :celebrate
Famous people born in the year of the Snake:
Howard Hughes, J. Paul Getty, King Hassan of Morocco, Picasso.
Princess Grace, John F Kennedy, Howard Hughes
Corresponds to the western sign: Taurus

I am the Horse
I am a Kaleidoscope of the mind.
I impart light, colour, and perpetual motion.
I think, I see, I am moved by electric fluidity.
I am unshackled by mundane holds’ unchecked by sturdy binding goals.
I run unimpeded through virgin paths.
My spirit unconquered, my soul forever free.
Following the Ox year, the horse native still blessed with both Health & Happiness. ‘Tiger days’, deep pockets required if, finances aren’t kept in ‘check’, reining in frivolities and wasteful indulgences. With a leaning to professional and self-improvement much can be achieved with challenges being minimal rewards phenomenal. Pastures anew!
Past Years: 1966, 78, 90, 2002, 2014, 2026 :celebrate
Famous people born to the year of the Horse:
Neil Armstrong, Patty Hearst, Anwar Sadat, King Faisal, Rembrandt, Sir Paul McCartney, Barbara Striesand.
Corresponds to the western sign: Gemini

I am the Sheep
I am nature’s special child.
I trust and am rewarded by trust.
All things blossom in the gentleness of my love.
I strive to find beauty in all I behold.
I am fair of face and full of grace.
The Tiger year brings forward a time of mixed blessing with time, existence being dilemma and both a conclusion. The sheep native can retain power, calming family life and unity. Everyday business is busy, reward and benefit plentiful! Selflessness the willful trait bringing on a year of contentment and passion and calm. Linage forecasted to increase ‘strength in numbers’ happiness in times of peace!
A good time to implement lifestyle changes focusing on holistic principles to enhance longevity.
Health and Happiness

Years 4 (Sheep) 1955, 1967 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027 :celebrate
Born to the Seep sign…
Andy Warhol, Barbara Walters, Catherine Deneuve, Muhammad Ali, Billie Jean King, Michelangelo. Carol nevis Vincent.
Peace and love to our Brothers and Sisters let’s not let Evil prevail!
Corresponds to the western sign: Cancer

The year of the Monkey :punch
The Monkey was ninth to arrive to the party. snack.gif
Bringing a ‘can do’ positive attitude! It’s the Monkey :clap
I am the Monkey a seasoned traveler of the Labyrinth,
Spellbinding coupled with diversions creating impossible scenarios.
The Monkey’s brilliance is unmatched to its guile and originality.
The Monkey’s heart is filled with potent magic that could cast a hundred spells or more.
Basically I am put together for my own pleasure. :kiss
An excellent time ahead [guitar.gif] .
changing possibilities seizing opportunites staying ‘sharp’ :punch Attention to detail amust :getsmiley
Achievements, happiness and recognition, indicated over the coming months. :thumbsup
Progress is seen in a positive light and is with abundant opportunity prevailing at time. 'Best the enemy you Know than Ones you Don't...act with caution keeping your adverseries close :firey allies onboard...
Any health concerns might manifest due to overexertion, and best to ‘chill ‘as much as is possible!
All in all another bumper year ahead for the monkey sign.
Health & Happiness

Born to the ‘Monkey sign’.
Charles Dickens, Mick Jagger, Nelson Rockefeller, Bette Davis, Jennifer Aniston, Joe Cocker, Tom Hanks, dub
Monkey years, 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956,…1992, 2004, 2016, 2028 :celebrate
Corresponds to the western sign:Leo

“Hear me” “I am the Rooster”
I am on hand to herald the day and to announce its exit too.
I thrive by clockwork and all but precision in my unending quest for perfection.
All things will be restored to their rightful place
The taskmaster the ever watching administrator
I seek a perfect order in the world. I represent unfailing dedication.
General plans moving ahead comfortably for the Rooster. Luck, money business ventures life stuff. A wise decision to excise caution as things can happen too fast for proper assessment. While reactive is good prudent is better!
Health & Happiness

Famous people born in the year of the Rooster include
Elton John, Peter Ustinov, Pope Paul V1, Prince Philip and more….
Rooster Years include, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, and 2017, 2029 :celebrate
Corresponds to the western sign: Virgo
I am the dog
Faithful to who is holding the ‘chew’
I am the protector of Justice, Equality only but a sole friend.
A life with honour is a neck never chained.
Albeit my life is yours,
A good year ahead!

Full on with both friends and family but without any serious disputes or disruption in both home life & work. Romance is in the ‘spotlight’ romantic squabbles a possibility, fortunately permanent or long term damage being avoided. This will create a more sublime existence moving forward. Fitness and health need to kept optimum many advantages to be gained exploring the outside environment. The Dog’s net results this year will be mixed both good and not so good. As the year of the Rabbit approaches Finances and business aspirations will start to come together as the Dogs loyalty pays dividends. This year will bring a need for and clarity thoughtful planning ahead.
Health & Happiness

Born in the year of the ‘Dog’;
Volotaire, Charles Bronson, Cher, Zsa ZSa Gabor, Itzhak Rabin…
Past: 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018. 2030 :celebrate
Corresponds to the western sign: Libra

I am the Boar
Of all God’s children I have the purest heart.
By giving myself freely I am richer and twice the best.
Bonded to all mankind by common fellowship, my good will is universal and unconditional and without bounds.
The Tiger year ushers in a tough and challenging year for the Boar native. The Boar may encounter difficulties that need to be faced alone, a problematic time for finances with unexpected expenses. At this time following the chosen path being a wise consideration, trusting in self belief in important affairs & suchlike help to overcoming any obstacles.
Stay true to hopes and aspirations’ laying foundation for future successes or opportunities.
Health & Happiness

Boar Years: 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007,2019, 2031 :celebrate
Famous people born in the year of the Boar:
Alfred Hitchcock, Al Capone, Woody Allen, J D Rockefeller, David Bowie, Amy Winehouse,
Corresponds to the western sign:Scorpio
I am the Rat a self proclaimed leader!
I am a link, yet I function as a complete unit.
Life is one joyous journey for survival
I am progress, exploration and insight.
I am a womb of activity and share the night!

The Rat sign will benefit on focusing on the factual. This year is unsafe for speculation; avoid spontaneity or taking actions against better judgment. A solitary time where life’s realities become all too real!
Travel, revisiting the past is forecast, allowing for accomplishment and a comfortable resolve to any uncertainty.
Moving forward the Rat will experience life’s Riches in abundance while navigating the turmoil inclusive to the year of the Tiger.
Stay True!
Health & Happiness

Famous people born in the year of the Rat
Prince Charles, Charlotte Bronte, Mozart. William Shakespeare.
Past: 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008>>>2032 :celebrate
Corresponds to the western sign: Sagittarius
I am the Ox. I am the stabilizing force; I seek to serve integrity, and bear the burden of righteousness.

Both a difficult and challenging time is forecast. The Ox will meet opposition from many sources but will be able to conquer or persevere through presented hardships. Being patience an all important factor, not being disappointed if results are not visible immediately. Time being a fickle thing a disadvantage today could be winner for the future. Time for staying open minded, reassessing ones situation avoiding taking unnecessary risks or drastic measures during the reign of the Tiger.
Health & Happiness

Famous people born in the year of the Ox
Walt Disney, Margret Thatcher, Vincent van Gogh,
1949, 61, 73, 85 97, 2009. >>>>2033 (Ox Year.) :celebrate
Corresponds to the western sign:Capricorn
Authors note: all predictions are a summerised vision of the Tiger Reign and influence in the days ahead. For example a Monkey born in the hours 11pm / 1pm will have traits of the Rat native as in the Monkey born in hours of the Boar 9pm/ 11 pm will carry some Boar influences. With many more considerations e.g. the five elements?:...
How deep do you want to go we live in a time of information technology “it’s all on your fingertips?” Stay safe! Health & Happiness!
Confucianism is a philosophical school developed from the teachings of Confucius
Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism are considered the “three pillars” of ancient Chinese society. As philosophies and religions, they not only influenced spirituality, but also government, science, the arts, and social structure. :scratch :scratc icon_paper.gif :earth :getsmiley :wub :mz:

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