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Year of the Dragon

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Year of the Dragon

Postby mzawf » Sat Feb 10, 2024 5:14 pm

Philosophy- Discipline- Wisdom –Insight- Forward Vision.
The following text is a hugely truncated view as written by us, on how the animal inherited by birth integrates into nature’s forces and yin Yang of all existences
The Chinese lunar calendar first introduced in 2037 B.C. A compete cycle takes sixty years and is made up of five smaller cycles of 12 years each. The 78th cycle started on 02 February 1984 and will end on February 05 2044
According to legend, the Lord Buddha summoned all the animals before he departed from Earth. Only twelve came to bid him farewell. As a reward he named a year after each one in the order that they arrived. First to arrive was the Rat, then the Ox, the Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep. Followed then by, the Monkey, the Rooster, Dog, and Boar. The twelve animals we have today.
The animal ruling the year in which you were born exercises an influence on your life. The Chinese say ‘This is the animal that hides in your Heart’
The Year of the Dragon , wood-Dragon, begins 10/02/2024....................................
After what should have passed as a period of respite from thEe pending abyss, praying for a less violent and more even tempered calmer world as deemed by the Rabbit will continue in part.
When Wood meets Fire-Wood & Fire.
The wood-Dragon native returns to all magnificent.
The Fire dragon of jan31 1976 to February 1977 is noted to be have especially feared wreaking more havoc than other Dragon elements
Forty Eight Years past Fire -2024 Wood Dragon
Luma art

theme 48 [Panic_.gif]
A spark to potentially bring the Dragon year towards disaster and mayhem,
Full- Oscillation. :nopity

1948 Israeli Declaration of Independence; The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 broke out when five Arab nations invaded territory in the former Palestinian mandate immediately following the announcement of the independence of the state of Israel on May 14, 1948. (Sourced from google)
The trial of persons accused of participation and complicity in the Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi;
The 1948 Summer Olympics opens in London, United Kingdom; after a long hiatus because of world war 2

This Dragon year will bring on disastrous times, massive waves of tsunami human madness challenging the will of good people.
A year inflamed by acts of violence under a guise that it benefits all but in reality jus t a few.
Tempers will flare the world over while many stage real or imaginary revolt.
Brothers, Sisters go to war in the name of something
Leaders build shelters accumulate more wealth while sending off comrades to fight unwinnable conflicts “don’t mind if hang out in my 5star bunker while the fighting and destruction continues “ this electric atmosphere created by the mighty Dragon will affect all and one.
Insane fighting and war achieving no reward
Although the lucky dragon showers blessing indiscriminately on all but disappears when the time comes for making retributions for our errors.
Successes as well as failures will thus be magnified. Still as a Dragon he will ultimately relate everything to the oversized ego. And will condescend to change only when sure of self- benefit..
Peace not War.
John Lennon
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
Albert Einstein

I am the Dragon,
I am the centre of all energy with a stout & heroic heart.
I am the Dragon creative and magnanimous
My presence driven by sound and logic.
I have chosen to tame fate with an unquenchable fire
Those born to the Dragon sign have strong leadership skills and a captivating personality
After a relaxing period of the Rabbit era the Dragon returns good fortune a good year with numerous benefits ahead, much recognition and good progress @ work and in business dealing.
Success comes more easily to mostly all undertakings.
Both a busy exiting period forecast keeps the Dragon alert and very much occupied.
Choices between conflicting views will be necessary but by nurturing calmness and rational devoid of bitterness or negative mentality will avail.
Health & Happiness

Famous people born to the year of the Dragon include;
St Joan of Arc, Martin Luther king Jr, John Lennon, Al Pacino, Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Isabella Rossellini,. Vladimir Putin, Che Guevara, Ringo Starr, Harold Wilson, Salvador Dali, Frank Sinatra, Haile Selassie, Boris Johnson, Deng Xiaoping.
Dragon Years: 1952, 1964, 76, 88, 2000 2012, 2024 :celebrate
Corresponds to the western sign:Aries

I am the Snake, mine is the wisdom of ages.
I hold the key to the mysteries of life,
My sights are fixed, my gaze unchanging.
Unyielding, inexorable and deep I advance with steady, un-slackened gait, the solid earth beneath me.
A difficult and challenging year forecast.
No suitable gains can be expected in business or career.
Listen and be alert to gossip and negativity espoused by others.
Stay focused and be realistic about all possible outcomes.
Most problems if any will be over by the summer months and by the colder months will be fully resolved.
Best avoid personal wealth extravagance and live the life within budget.
Not a time devoid of welcome gains but any will be of a modest nature, best act with prudence.
Albeit still have fun and enjoy life to the full!
Personal Rewards and quality Relaxation a key factor to wellbeing.
Health & Happiness.

Anniversaries’ of the Snake, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013,2025 :celebrate
Famous people born in the year of the Snake:
Howard Hughes, J. Paul Getty, King Hassan of Morocco, Picasso.
Princess Grace, John F Kennedy, Bob Dylan, Audrey Hepburn, Benzar Bhutto, Xi Jinping.
Yasser Arafat.
Corresponds to the western sign: Taurus

I am the Horse
I am a Kaleidoscope of the mind.
I impart light, colour, and perpetual motion.
I think, I see, I am moved by electric fluidity.
I am unshackled by mundane holds’ unchecked by sturdy binding goals.
I run unimpeded through virgin paths.
My spirit unconquered, my soul forever free.
A mixed year
Many unsteady and unsettled affairs which test the Horse’s patience and worries tend to weigh upon its mind causing health concerns.
Best not to expect the worse by keeping a positive outlook as circumstance allows.
The storm will blow itself out and there may not be as much damage as contemplated.
Best to look on the bright side of things while cultivating friends and placating enemies.
With a good run ahead still many wins on the cards
Past Years: 1966, 78, 90, 2002, 2014, 2026 :celebrate
Famous people born to the year of the Horse:
Neil Armstrong, Patty Hearst, Anwar Sadat, King Faisal, Rembrandt, Sir Paul McCartney, Barbara Striesand.
Corresponds to the western sign: Gemini

I am the Sheep
I am nature’s special child.
I trust and am rewarded by trust.
All things blossom in the gentleness of my love.
I strive to find beauty in all I behold.
I am fair of face and full of grace.
Fortune smiles upon my countenance.
Hetic but sober year.
The Sheep’s gains will be marginal and although there maybe numerous challenges they will not face any major calamity.
The Sheep will find it more difficult to accumulate money at this time and ride out the stormy conditions so best not gamble or make drastic changes to normality.
The Sheep/Goat symbol will emerge from all potential hassles with more gains than losses
A good time to implement lifestyle changes focusing on holistic principles to enhance any longevity.
The Goat and the Rabbit are known to be close companions and a good match with good vibes!
Any health problems can be avoided by making positive lifestyle choices.
Health and Happiness

Past years- 1955, 1967 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027 :celebrate
Born to the Goat/Sheep
Andy Warhol, Barbara Walters, Catherine Deneuve, Muhammad Ali, Billie Jean King, Michelangelo. Carol nevis Vincent.
Peace and love to our Brothers and Sisters let’s not let Evil prevail!
Corresponds to the western sign: Cancer

The Monkey , ninth to arrive to the party. snack.gif
Bringing a ‘can do’ positive attitude! It’s the Monkey :clap
I am the Monkey a seasoned traveler of the Labyrinth,
Spellbinding coupled with diversions creating impossible scenarios.
The Monkey’s brilliance is unmatched to its guile and originality.
The Monkey’s heart is filled with potent magic that could cast a hundred spells or more.
Basically I am put together for my own pleasure. :kiss
The year of the Monkey :punch
Gains this year for the Monkey will be in the form of Knowledge or technical know-how.
Any benefits received will not be tangible or both realistic and immediately realised.
Troubles and unsettled differences cloud the mind resulting they may have to spend own money or savings to push plans through.
A year to watch and learn.
And speculate from afar
An excellent time as always [guitar.gif] .
Health & Happiness

Born to the ‘Monkey sign’.
Charles Dickens, Mick Jagger, Nelson Rockefeller, Bette Davis, Jennifer Aniston, Joe Cocker, Tom Hanks, dub
Monkey years, 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956,…1992, 2004, 2016, 2028 :celebrate
Corresponds to the western sign:Leo

“Hear me” “I am the Rooster”
I am on hand to herald the day and to announce its exit too.
I thrive by clockwork and all but precision in my unending quest for perfection.
All things will be restored to their rightful place
The taskmaster the ever watching administrator
I seek a perfect order in the world. I represent unfailing dedication.

A very good and prosperous year.
Success shines over the Rooster .
Occupying leading positions by accomplishing much and falsely facilitating the notion of power to shape own destiny.
As always attention to detail avoid miscalculations a time to join forces with like minded individuals opposed to acting independently.
Caution being a wise approach, as things can happen fast, too fast, for proper assessment, reactive is good prudent is better!
Home-wise and health-wise, there may be frustrations that make him tense and tired.
All can be resolved with healthy lifestyle decisions and strong routine.
Health & Happiness

Famous people born in the year of the Rooster include
Elton John, Peter Ustinov, Pope Paul V1, Prince Philip and more….
Rooster Years include, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, and 2017, 2029 :celebrate
Corresponds to the western sign: Virgo

I am the Dog
Faithful to who is holding the ‘chew’
I am the protector of Justice, Equality only but a sole friend.
A life with honour is a neck never chained.
Albeit my life is yours,
A good year ahead!
A Busy time ahead is forecast.
The Dog will have to face many challenges and strive hard to maintain status.
Competition is full on with a constant need to be on guard.
People attempt to take advantage of perceived weaknesses while underestimating canine guile.
Predatory behaviours are easily managed, joining forces instead of acting independently.
Be prudent to decision making facilitating reward.
The Dogs loyalty is without boundaries but comes with territory.
Love is unconditional. Health & Happiness

Born in the year of the ‘Dog’;

Volotaire, Charles Bronson, Cher, Zsa ZSa Gabor, Itzhak Rabin…
Past: 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018. 2030 :celebrate
Corresponds to the western sign: Libra

I am the Boar
Of all God’s children I have the purest heart.
By giving myself freely I am richer and twice the best.
Bonded to all mankind by common fellowship, my good will is universal and unconditional and without bounds.
A smooth year.
The Boar could cultivate the support of powerful people and add value to endeavours elevating status and recognition winning respect of others .
Family life is smooth but any health concerns can be easily overcome.
Material loss is of concern and balancing the books a must.
Too much of a good thing is bad.
Be generous in all things.
Health & Happiness

Boar Years: 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007,2019, 2031 :celebrate
Famous people born in the year of the Boar:
Alfred Hitchcock, Al Capone, Woody Allen, J D Rockefeller, David Bowie, Amy Winehouse,
Corresponds to the western sign:Scorpio

I am the Rat a self proclaimed leader!
I am a link, yet I function as a complete unit.
Life is one joyous journey for survival
I am progress, exploration and insight.
I am a womb of activity and share the night!
A very good year.
Excellent business and romantic prospects.
The family gets larger
The Rat will have a manic time with finances outcomes albeit surprisingly good.
Self promotion and keeping busy pays dividend.
While the Rat could be recognised for achievements this year, they must pay attention around new found friends.
Moving forward the Rat will experience life’s Riches in abundance following the turmoil from the past couple of years.
Health & Happiness

Famous people born in the year of the Rat
Prince Charles, Charlotte Bronte, Mozart. William Shakespeare.
Past: 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008>>>2032 :celebrate
Corresponds to the western sign: Sagittarius

I am the Ox. I am the stabilizing force; I seek to serve integrity, and bear the burden of righteousness.
I abide by the laws of nature
Patiently pushing the wheels of fate
Thus I shall weave my own destiny

A moderate year many changes and unexpected challenges keeping the Ox native busy.
Plans and forward vision being slow to fruition although worth the wait albeit not be realised as as wanted.
Hard Work a prerequisite to driving things in the necessary direction.
Connecting the dots clears ambiguity. ........
Health is good and as is family life Health & Happiness

Famous people born in the year of the Ox-Walt Disney, Margret Thatcher, Vincent van Gogh,
1949, 61, 73, 85 97, 2009. >>>>2033 (Ox Year.) :celebrate
Corresponds to the western sign:Capricorn

I am the Tiger, a paradox of delight.
The entire world is my stage.
I seek the unattainable.
I set trails ablaze and seek the unobtainable
All hail me the unparalleled performer.
A, sublime moment over this coming year meets the Tiger native. Finances could be under pressure from exuberance.
Wise to not be influenced by others or making dodgy investments.
Some unhappiness foreseen such as a separation from a given path or goal while focus to detail being key .
Best to believe change can be worth a risk bringing many benefits and reward. ..........noting little moves in a straight line......
Health & Happiness

Tiger years: 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
Sir Richard Branson, Beethoven, Princess Anne, Groucho Marx, Ho Chi Minh, Alex Guiness, Rudolf Nureyev, St Francis Xavier, Marilyn Munroe, Emily Bronte, Simon Bolivar…
Corresponds to the western sign: Aquarius

I am the Rabbit;
I am in tune with the pulse of the universe.
In my quiet and solitude I hear the melodies of the soul.
I float above commonplace dissent & decay.
I colour my words in delicate pastel hues.
I epitomize harmony and inner peace.
The Rabbit can expect an exceptionally happy but moderately busy time at home and in career for this year. Things may feel mixed or mediocre at times, but the Rabbit will still find it easy to be congenial and contented with all things.
Business aims and goals become clearer again as another auspicious year with very many agreeable accomplishments met.......
. As with all things, fitness brings many rewards, as does bracing natures’ elements, relaxation healthy eating also strengthens the body & mind. Health and Happiness

Rabbit years: 1951 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023 :celebrate
Special people born in the year of the Rabbit
Albert Einstein, Queen Victoria, Orson Wells, Fidel Castro.
Peter Falk, Ali McGraw.
Corresponds to the western sign:Pisces.

Authors note: all predictions are a summerised vision of the Dragon influence in the days ahead. For example a Monkey born in the hours 11pm / 1pm will have traits of the Rat native as in the Monkey born in hours of the Boar 9pm/ 11 pm will carry some Boar influences. With many more considerations e.g. the five elements?:...
How deep do you want to go we live in a time of information technology “it’s all on your fingertips?” Stay safe! Health & Happiness!
Confucianism is a philosophical school developed from the teachings of Confucius
Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism are considered the “three pillars” of ancient Chinese society. As philosophies and religions, they not only influenced spirituality, but also government, science, the arts, and social structure. :scratch :scratc icon_paper.gif :earth :wub :getsmiley :mz:
extracts from The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (1979 Theodora.Lau) .

Last bumped by mzawf on Sat Feb 10, 2024 5:14 pm.

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