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The Olympics - good or bad?

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The Olympics - good or bad?

Postby steveizy » Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:28 pm

With FIFA in the news over bribery and corruption allegations and the general distaste of their self-serving modus operandi, maybe it is time to look at their bigger brother. Yes, the Olympic organisers who seem bent on taking control of our country by the back door before, during and possibly after the event that ordinary people have been priced out of.

Numerous restrictions will be imposed on Londoners and others which will range from what type of Cola is allowed to be advertised in the media to road, and airspace closures. Only one type of credit card will be accepted. The Queen has been "ordered" to attend a meeting with the organisers by contract! Quite what would happen if she refused is debatable.

QUOTE: "The picture that emerges is of our capital city yielding up its public infrastructure, legal powers and identity and handing them over to an international sporting body with a taste for the high life. Taxpayers are paying £12bn and counting for the games, another £1.4bn has been raised from private sources and millions more have been donated by the IOC – so this is going to cost us dearly." ... shin.thtml

This link also reveals the actual contract signed by our government on our behalf down to the last word. Loads of terms and conditions to make it difficult to read - a lawyer's paradise. You won't have read about this in the mainstream media as it has been suppressed. No one there wants to derail this gravy-train for obvious reasons.... slurp :oops:

In fact, as the article explains, it took two years for this information to become public against the wishes of the IOC and the Mayors office. The Information Commissioner had to step in and allow publication.

I find the whole business of this leaves a very bad taste in my mouth and I would like to see the people responsible for the back door subjugation of the populace put up for trial. :angry

What say you :no :yes
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Re: The Olympics - good or bad?

Postby dub » Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:02 am

:joker :joker :joker
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Re: The Olympics - good or bad?

Postby steveizy » Sat Jun 11, 2011 5:06 pm

No it's not a joke. It might seem like it.
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Re: The Olympics - good or bad?

Postby goodtimesdisco » Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:01 pm

Let’s hope it’ all worth it and the U.K reaps the rewards and some ordinary working people prosper as well. :celebrate
The numbers are too big for me to comprehend and, yes, the ticket system is crazy. :dizzy
250,000 people who applied for tickets to next summer’s games were left empty-handed, :angry

City Mayor Boris Johnson was more than “slightly cheesed off” at not winning any tickets in the international ticket lottery. It has even been said that even the designers of the Olympic torch (aka The Golden Cheese Grater) for next year’s games have not managed to secure tickets to any events.
A son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has been allocated almost 1,000 for next year’s Olympic Games, Mohammed al-Gaddafi has been given the tickets in his role as the head of the Libyan Olympic Committee – which the International Olympic Committee has refused to expel, in spite of the country’s domestic civil war. :angry
If you believe what you hear that is :rotfl

1.8 million Individual tickets were requested for the flagship men’s 100m final, when only 40,000 seats will be available to the public.
All the popular events are oversubscribed and that includes the sport Basketball. If you want Tickets there is a second round sale later this month but people who lost out 1st time round will get first refusal, although it's said that tickets to the games are available to Britons who exploit a loophole by buying in European union countries :unionjack
You got your tickets steveizy and
Bring back the Egg & Spoon Race :rotfl
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Re: The Olympics - good or bad?

Postby steveizy » Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:31 pm

Big Al wrote:Let’s hope it’ all worth it and the U.K reaps the rewards and some ordinary working people prosper as well. :celebrate
The numbers are too big for me to comprehend and, yes, the ticket system is crazy. :dizzy
250,000 people who applied for tickets to next summer’s games were left empty-handed, :angry

City Mayor Boris Johnson was more than “slightly cheesed off” at not winning any tickets in the international ticket lottery. It has even been said that even the designers of the Olympic torch (aka The Golden Cheese Grater) for next year’s games have not managed to secure tickets to any events.
A son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has been allocated almost 1,000 for next year’s Olympic Games, Mohammed al-Gaddafi has been given the tickets in his role as the head of the Libyan Olympic Committee – which the International Olympic Committee has refused to expel, in spite of the country’s domestic civil war. :angry
If you believe what you hear that is :rotfl

1.8 million Individual tickets were requested for the flagship men’s 100m final, when only 40,000 seats will be available to the public.
All the popular events are oversubscribed and that includes the sport Basketball. If you want Tickets there is a second round sale later this month but people who lost out 1st time round will get first refusal, although it's said that tickets to the games are available to Britons who exploit a loophole by buying in European union countries :unionjack
You got your tickets steveizy and
Bring back the Egg & Spoon Race :rotfl

I think that the games will actually make a loss overall. This is what happens. Certain individuals and sponsors will make an absolute mint from it to the detriment of the tax-payer who will lose bundles. It will turn out to be a very efficient way of converting public money into private fortunes. Arguably this is why the games are staged at all. Nations pay for it. :dizzy

The "temporary" regulations and laws will not turn out to be temporary at all and will, inevitably, become permanent restrictions on our freedoms done via the back-door. The control-freaks will have profited alongside the money people - leaving the man in the street not only fleeced but also with less rights to privacy and freedom of movement. :protest

The ticket lottery is an absolute debacle and is already proving to be the work of idiots (who will profit vastly) and the one and only credit card company allowed by sponsorship who love every minute of their unfair market position. :censored

Then, when the games come, all the logistical nightmares will follow. Moving tens of thousands of spectators around during the working week and them clashing with commuter traffic in an already overloaded transport infrastructure will cause no end of problems despite improvements currently being made here and there. As everything must go ahead to plan and possibly with one or a dozen new laws against them, the everyday users - the commuters will be disadvantaged.

You read it here first :blob10

And no, I won't be buying a ticket Big Al :no :no :thumbsdown
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Re: The Olympics - good or bad?

Postby lal » Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:45 pm

Just go with it, it :blob8 no use fretting mzafers :violent lets hope we win loadsa medals and if it makes some profit win win - :unionjack come on England :unionjack
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