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Senate Circus

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Senate Circus

Postby mzawf » Wed Jan 20, 2021 3:52 pm

'sinking duck' and now the former U.S. President Donald Trump said the value of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are based on “thin air.” [laugh.gif]
My 2 Invite: CoinBase...
Elon Musk's Tesla buys $1.5bn of Bitcoin causing currency to spike
My 2 Invite: CoinBase...

As a great many clear and rational thinking individuals breathe a sigh of relief [surrender.gif] seeing a new administration moving into the White House [2thumbup.gif] bigwave.gif to a wealthy cronyistic wannabe autocrat :punch who, unlike, the incoming presidential team-having a real-life grip on reality :nurse along with the credentials to a get the job done snack.gif vis- vis seemingly a delusional man absent of proven governance acumen :getsmiley who for past years formulated havoc while furthering the fortunes of the Trump dynasty :punch
Off to continue living a life of true luxury :celebrate :celebrate :celebrate :celebrate
Breathe America the sun is shining over DC [partyanimal.gif]
All is not lost :innocent
There is the new Trump wine made with 100% sour grapes while being grown in the best Bison manure soil giving it aromas of pure bullshit with every sip leaving a foul after-taste akin to a lame-duck :earth
A time to hussle :drummer
Rupert Murdoch is considering a plan to offer Trump a $100 million package that would include HarperCollins publishing Trump’s post-presidential memoir and Fox News giving Trump a contributor deal or his own show, the sources say. On November 10, the Murdoch-owned New York Post reported Trump could land a $100 million book advance, but made no mention of the Murdochs. “Rupert is going to make a humongous offer,” one of the sources said. “The thinking is, Let’s buy Trump off so he shuts the fuck up.” Fox Corp. did not provide a comment. However, a source close to the publishing company denied it would make an offer for Trump’s memoir’
Soros levelled direct attacks at Trump, saying the president “is a con man and a narcissist, who wants the world to revolve around him.”“When his fantasy of becoming president became a reality,” that narcissism ramped up, also saying. “This has turned his narcissism into a malignant disease.”
‘Richard Branson said
"What concerns me most, based upon my personal experiences with Donald Trump, is his vindictive streak, which could be so dangerous if he got into the White House," While more recently, old describing the President as an "embarrassment for the world".
Bill Gates calls Trump’s decision to halt funding for WHO ‘as dangerous as it sounds’
Jack Goldsmith on why Donald Trump’s obstructionism will fail
The president cannot block a transition of power to Joe Biden, but he will cause enormous destruction along the way
Sourced @ google
Following the presidents passing spiel [sleepy1.gif] amazingly paying homage to the incoming administration :celebrate and who didn’t mention the ‘Steal’ once hide.gif ‘The word miracle featured several times :notworthy
demagogue? Demigod :lol:
Job well done’???
Trumps singalong
parting letter [laugh.gif]
To ever it may concern :-D
And now the end is near And so I face the final curtain My friend, I'll say it clear I'll state my case of which I'm certain
I've lived a life that's full I've traveled each and every highway And more, much more than this I did it my way
Regrets I've had a few But then again too few to mention I did what I had to do And saw it through without exemption
I planned each chartered course Each careful step along the by-way And more, much more than this
I did it my way
Yes, there were times
I'm sure you knew When I bit off more than I could chew
But through it all when there was doubt I ate it up and spit it out
I faced it all And I stood tall And did it my way
I've loved, I've laughed, and cried I've had my fill, my share of losing And now, as tears subside
I find it all so amusing To think I did all that And may I say, not in a shy way
"Oh no, oh no, not me
I did it my way"
For what is a man, what has he got? If not himself then he has naught To say the things he truly feels And not the words of one who kneels The record shows I took the blows
And did it my way Yes, it was my way
Frank Sinatra
Founders-UK 51st state of America []
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Better than Dallas the trump show

Postby mzawf » Thu Feb 11, 2021 6:08 pm

IF WE ARE TALKING HISTORY CASTOR SAID :director that’s why we broke away from Great Britain [] in order to be able to say what we thought in the most robust political debate. NOTING The United States declared its independence from Great Britain in 1776. []
The American Revolutionary War ended in 1783, with Great Britain recognizing U.S. independence. The two countries established diplomatic relations in 1785 :celebrate
These very concepts of liberty that drove us to separate from Great Britain [] “I can’t believe these ‘fellas’ are quoting what happened pre-Revolution as if that’s somehow a value to us” [smiliefurious.gif] (History Matters [2thumbup.gif] ) we left the British system! Are we really going to use pre-Revolutionary history from Great Britain, the precedent then being, we would have a parliament and a king [partyanimal.gif]
King Donald Trump the ruler of the free world aspirations abound hide.gif
The last time a body such as the United States Senate sat at the pinnacle of government with the responsibility that it has today, it was happening in Athens and it was happening in Rome. Republicanism, the form of government, republicanism, throughout history, has always and without exception, fallen because of fights from within. Because of partisanship from within and furthering this concept
"When I was growing up in suburban Philadelphia, my parents were big fans of Everett Dirksen from Illinois. And Senator Dirksen recorded a series of lectures that my parents had on a record. And we still know what records are, right, on the thing you put the needle down on and you play it."
Republican/Democrat it's all the same its about the well being will of the masses. not the will of a few privilege rich persons [Panic_.gif]
And in the words of Manfred Mann's Earth Band /del amitri
Post office clerks put up signs saying "Position Closed"
And secretaries turn off typewriters and put on their coats
And janitors padlock the gates
For security guards to patrol
And bachelors phone up their friends for a drink
While the married ones turn on a chat show
And they'll all be lonely tonight and lonely tomorrow
"Gentlemen time please, you know we can't serve anymore",
Now the traffic lights change to stop, when there's nothing to go
And by five o'clock everything's dead
And every third car is a cab
And ignorant people sleep in their beds
Like the doped white mice in the college lab
And nothing ever happens, nothing happens at all
The needle returns to the start of the song
And we all sing along like before

And we'll all be lonely tonight and lonely tomorrow
Telephone exchanges click while there's nobody there
The Martians could land in the car park and no one would care
Closed-circuit cameras in department stores
Shoot the same movie every day
And the stars of these films neither die nor get killed
Just survive constant action replay
And nothing ever happens, nothing happens at all
The needle returns to the start of the song
And we all sing along like before

And we'll all be lonely tonight and lonely tomorrow
And bill hoardings advertise products that nobody needs
While "Angry from Manchester" writes to complain about all the repeats on TV
Computer terminals report some gains in the values of copper and tin
While American businessmen snap up Van Goghs
For the price of a hospital wing
And nothing ever happens, nothing happens at all
The needle returns to the start of the song
And we all sing along like before
And nothing ever happens, nothing happens at all
They'll burn down the synagogues at six o'clock
And we'll all go along like before
And we'll all be lonely tonight and lonely tomorrow.

It's not a done deal
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Joined: Mon May 28, 2012 7:31 pm
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Senate Circus

Postby mzawf » Sat Feb 13, 2021 8:04 pm

Bruce Castor said ‘concepts of liberty that drove us to separate from Great Britain
no sense or iota of homage to our great Nation []
The U.S Senate seeks to impeach, the 45th president Donald J Trump snack.gif
As testament to the six of one and half a dozen of the other arguments continue and with media mud-slinging [1-beer.gif] selective reporting 21st century propaganda abound [pottytrain5.gif Factotum, mushrooms, kept in the dark, fed on bullshit [surrender.gif]
Rumour [sleepy1.gif] fake news, icon_paper.gif :getsmiley false narrative albeit Fox or CNN the BBC, Sky... As entertaining as it is and is :shock: encompassing quotes platitudes moral/ immoral assertions.
Benjamin Franklin said
“Make Yourself Sheep and the Wolves Will Eat You”- [partyanimal.gif]
:mz says... :punch those wielding the biggest stick prevail and money talks we all got to :director FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHT to a decent Life Fight Like Hell! IF we don't it'll all end in Hell :devil
How about a wealth-cap on the greedy :scratch
How much is enough :confused

Stop Trump's deadly final act, and save millions from starvation.
Trump used his last days in power to condemn hundreds of thousands of innocent women, men, and children in Yemen to starvation by making it virtually impossible for life-saving food and medicine to be delivered to millions of desperate civilians. But we can stop it -- join the urgent call for new President Joe Biden to reverse this decision and save lives -- sign now and share with absolutely everyone: Join Now click & undo trumps murderous decision
UN predicts 'famine not seen in 40 years' due to Pompeo's :devil Yemen policy
Mike Pompeo’s designation of Houthis as foreign terror group will block food and other aid, senior humanitarian says

Sign & show support for sanity ... c/?cLSnkob

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