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Help save the Planet

PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2023 2:51 pm
by donna
Donate to the RSPCA

As the ‘world environmental day approaches 50 years since it was established. World Environmental Day 2023 focussed on the BLIGHT of plastic pollution. A 20th century invention ‘then changed the world giving benefits to many’. The 1st part of the statement has now come to pass.
:notworthy Respect to the many volunteers and peoples who make an effort to educate and attempt to implement change and save our planet ‘super stars :notworthy
:earth ’ Reality has to change ‘It’s all about the money money’ considering we are in the 21st century some dodo invents a disposable e cig . So if you’re happy to get sucked in :joker by a negative aspect of freedom of choice and make bucks for those who don’t give a fuck about you or yours ce-la-vie., profit v :earth While most users disposing spent vapes along with packaging in a considerate manner :notworthy
on account then to go to landfill if not the 100 of thousands but the millions. Passing the buck to future generations...Dangerous Metals [Panic_.gif] noting battery recycling has come a long way and hopefully disposable lighters will follow being hard plastic, taking years to break down the chemicals therein. Best we all take an interest ‘be it only small ,if you subscribe to the disposable vape industry don’t throw your discarded spent vapes on the ground in the bushes for some little critter to chance along smell a flavour’ try and eat something which potentially will kill the blighter. Featured a collection of green edge verge e-cig trash recovered. Maybe take up rolling tobacco as an option help the planet :earth if you’re hell :innocent destined for "hissatsu" (必殺)


Re: World Environment Day june 05 2024

PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2024 11:20 pm
by grfuf
:director when madness takes over mov

World Environment Day june 05 2024

PostPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2024 2:57 pm
by donna
luma art
:heart :heart :heart :heart :heart :heart :heart
- World Environment Day is an annual event celebrated on the 5th of June to raise awareness about the importance of preserving and enhancing our environment.
Established by the UN General Assembly Conference in 1972 , assessing the consequences moving forward of the impact humans have on the environment and its current distruction.
In 1974 the first worldenvironmentday
was held with the theme "Only One Earth". :earth
More than two million pieces of litter are dropped in the UK every day. The cost to the taxpayers for street cleaning is over £1 billion a year. Litter is anything from a crisp packet or cigarette butt to a bag of rubbish. All litter is unsightly to most :punch making local green spaces less beautiful along with our outside areas looking both untidy and neglected :cry
Facts about Waste and Recycling Did you know that…
The average household in the UK produces more than a tonne of waste every year. Put together, this comes to a total of 31 million tonnes per year, equivalent to the weight of three and a half million double-decker buses, a queue of which would go around the world two and a half times.
One tonne is about the weight of a small car. In less than two hours, the waste we produce would fill the Albert Hall in London, every eight months it would fill Lake Windermere, the largest and deepest lake in England!
The U.S. is the king of trash, producing a world-leading 250 million tons a year—roughly 4.4 pounds of trash per person per day.
On average, each person in the UK throws away every month roughly their own body weight in rubbish.

Each year, if we produce about 3% more waste than the previous year, which might not sound much, although if this continues unabated, we will double the amount of waste we produce every 25 years. [Panic_.gif]
The average UK family throws away 6 trees worth of paper in their household bin a year. icon_paper.gif :earth
Paper and card make up about a fifth of the typical household dustbin. About half of this consists of newspapers and magazines. Two-thirds of paper is recycled, making it important resource to use again.
Each Christmas as much as 83 square kilometres of wrapping paper ends up in UK rubbish bins, enough to cover an area larger than the island of Guernsey. :scratc
It is not known how long glass takes to break down, but it is so long that glass made in the Middle East over 3,000 years ago can still be found today.
For example glass milk bottles can be used on average 13 times before recycling.
The recycling of glass saved enough energy to launch ten space shuttle missions in 2003 :-D

Plastic consumption has quadrupled over the past 30 years.
Most plastic shopping bags are used only once and a plastic bag can take more than 100 years to decompose!
30 two litre pop bottles can be recycled into 3 midsized fleece jackets and more...
We use about 5 billion drinks cans every year. snack.gif
Each one could be recycled back into a new can, possibly saving large amounts of energy, raw materials and waste.
Weights for weight empty aluminium cans are worth 6 to 20 times more than any other used packaging material. snack.gif
There is more than 30 million pounds worth of empty aluminium drinks cans in the UK just waiting to be collected, cashed in and recycled. :thumbsup
Many recklessly just discarded on our streets and or in our green spaces and borders grrr.gif
UK households throw away between £250 and £400 of potentially edible food every year. uK-icon.png
It has been calculated that, before they are toilet trained, [pottytrain5.gif the average child goes through 3,796 disposable unrecyclable nappies, most of which end up buried in landfill sites.

It has been estimated that up to 80% of the contents of our dustbins could be easily recycled or composted.
Other countries recycle a lot more than we do in the UK. For example, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Germany recycle around 80% of their waste.

More Facts about Waste and Recycling Did you also know that…
Recycling one aluminium can saves enough energy to run a TV for 4 hours?
On average each primary school generates around 50kg of waste per pupil per academic year and each secondary school pupil produces around 22 kg? Much of this waste is card and paper (> 50% < 90%).
Around 1/3 of all the food we buy ends up being thrown away. This is not only a waste of your money as well as resources in growing, harvesting, packaging, transporting, storing and retailing but rotting foodstuff in refuse sites contributes to global warming by producing methane. although resident worms can eat half of its bodyweight in waste each day :shock:

Most of the world's waste is produced by people from the 'developed' world (which includes Britain), even though these people only make up about 5% of the world's population.
Roughly 3 billion disposable nappies each year in the UK are sent to landfill. Disposable nappies take at least 500 years to decompose.
Over 20,000 tonnes of batteries are sent to landfill site in the UK each year. It takes 50 times more energy to make a battery than it gives during its life. :confused
Each and every day, we all contribute to producing enough rubbish to fill Trafalgar Square to the height of Nelson's Column.
Each year, one person gets through roughly 90 drink cans, 250 food cans and hundreds of bottles and jars along with 100kg of plastic
:director waste. []
"Only One Earth". :earth