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Proposed-post Lock Down Advice. United Kingdom.

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Proposed-post Lock Down Advice. United Kingdom.

Postby Nevis » Thu May 07, 2020 9:32 am

:rules :joker :innocent
Phase One (18th May) :earth
Outdoor workers like builders and gardeners will be able to return to work.
Some retail outlets, such as garden centres, hardware stores, electrical stores, homewares and repair shops will re-open at this point. Some outdoor sporting activities in small groups with a maximum of four people, will also be allowed. Outdoor public sports amenities such as football and rugby pitches, tennis courts and golf courses will be re-opened where social distancing can be maintained.
Phase Two. (8th June) :earth
Workers that can maintain a two metre distance from colleagues constantly will be allowed to return to work. Small retail outlets with a small number of staff will be allowed to re-open on the basis that the retailer can control the number of individuals that staff and customers interact with at any one time. Livestock marts where social distancing can be maintained will be re-opened. Restrictions on exersise will be extended from within 5km of your home to 20km. Specific retail hours will be designated across all retailers for people who are cocooning. Visits to the homes of those who are cocooning will also be permitted where they involve a small number of people for a short period of time using personal protective equipment and observing social distancing. Up to four peple will be allowed to visit other households for a "short period" while maintaining social distances. Public libraries will be re-opened with limited numbers. People will be permitted to engage in outdoor sporting and fitness activities, involving small group team sports training (but not matches) where social distancing can be maintained and where there is no contact.
Phase Three (29th June) :earth
Organisations where employees have low levels of daily interaction with people and where social distancing can be maintained will be allowed to re-open.Creches, childminders and pre-schools will re-open for children of essential workers in a phased manner with social distancing and other requirements applying. The gradule phasing in and the opening of all other non-essential retail outlets on the basis of restriction on the number of staff and customers per square metre so that social distancing can be maintained. This is to be limited to reatail outlets with street level entrance and exit, for example those which are not in enclosed shopping centres, due to higher risk. Open playgrounds where social distancing and hygiene can be maintained. Permit "behind closed doors" sporting activities events where arrangements are in place to enable paticipants to maintain social distancing. Open cafes and restaurants providing on-premises food and drink where they can comply with social distancing measures and strict cleaning in operation.
Phase Four (20th July) :earth
Commence loosening restrictions on high-risk services like hairdressers and barbers that involve direct physical contact for periods of time between people and for which there is a high population-wide demand. At this point travel outside your region will be permitted. Slightly larger number of people may visit another household for a short period of time while maintaining social distancing. Small social gatherings by family and close friends limited to a maximum of attendees for a limited period of time, where social distancing can be maintained, for example this will cover small weddings and baptisms. Small social (non family) gatherings will be allowed, limited to a maximum number of participants for a limited period of time. Re-opening of creches, childminders and pre-schools for children of all other workers on a gradually increasing phased basis, for example, one day per week slowly increasing thereafter. Organisations where employees cannot remote work to be considered first for a return to on-site working arrangements. It is suggested that staggered hours should be operated to increase the number of workers available for work in any 24 hour period, as long as they can limit their number of workers interacting with each other. Museums, art galleries and other cultural outlets where people are non stationary, social distancing can be maintained and strict hygiene practiced will be re-opened. Permit sports team leagues, for example, football and G.A.A (Galic Athletic Association), but only where limitations are placed on the numbers of spectators and where social distancing can be maintained. Re-open public swimming pools where effective cleaning can be carried out and social distancing maintained. Re-opening of hotels, hostels, caravan parks, holiday parks for social and tourist activities initially on a limited occupancy basis (or number of people per square metre) and then increasing over time (and where social distancing is complied with) hotel bars will remain closed.
Phase Five (10th August) :earth
This stage will see the lifting of almost all restrictions :thunbsup :scarf However, "large social gatherings" such as large weddings will continue to be restricted due to risk. Pubs, bars, nightclubs and casinos, will be re-opened [1-beer.gif] snack.gif where social distancing and strict cleaning can be complied with. Visiting rules for hospitals, residential healthcare centres and other residential settings, including prisons, will return to normal. Opening of enclosed shopping centres where social distancing can be maintained. Further loosening of restrictions on services involving direct physical contact for periods of time between people for which there is not a population-wide demand (such as tattooing and piercing) :thumbsup Theatres and cinemas will re-open where social distancing can be maintained. Sports that involve close physical contact, like rugby, boxing and wrestling, will resume :punch Gyms, exercise, dance studios :dance and sports clubs will be allowed to re-open where regular and effective cleaning can be carried out and social distancing can be maintained. Spectator sporting events which involve mass gatherings will be allowed to resume in accordance with both indoor and outdoor numbers restrictions and where social distancing can be complied with. :celebrate Indoor recreational venues, such as roller skating rinks, bowling alleys and bingo halls will be allowed to re-open :celebrate where numbers can be limited, cleaning can be maintained and where social distancing can be complied with. Festivals, events and other social and cultural mass gatherings uK-icon.png will be allowed to take place :celebrate in accordance with both indoor and outdoor numbers and where social distancing can be complied with. Schools :read and universities will return at the beginning of the 2020/2021 academic year. :read :celebrate

:earth :mz :earth

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