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Take Action Now!

Postby smug » Tue Jul 21, 2020 6:58 pm

Dear friends,
This is unbelievable -- western governments are dumping millions of tonnes of plastic waste on developing countries instead of recycling it!
We’ve all seen shocking pictures of paradise beaches choked with plastic waste. But I bet none of us knew the plastic could be from Europe, the US, and Canada!
Right now, in a bid to tackle this scandal, a summit in Geneva is deciding whether to stop the export of plastic to countries that can't process it.
There’s huge support for the idea, but big business and powerful governments like the Trump administration are trying to block it. Champions say a massive show of public support could make the difference, and will take our voices into the room in 48 hours -- so let’s speak out urgently with a single clear message: stop dumping plastic in paradise!
Sign to stop plastic dumping ... c/?cLSnkob
Plastic is literally choking our oceans. Everywhere we look we see the carnage -- dead whales washing up with stomachs full of plastic, seabirds suffocating, turtles drowning in plastic nets. And most of the plastic enters the sea in developing countries without strong recycling systems.
Which is why it’s so INSANE that rich countries are shipping their plastic waste to some of these exact countries!
Now we have a chance to change it. A coalition of countries led by Norway is pushing to add plastic to a deal on hazardous waste, meaning it couldn’t be exported unless there were safeguards it would be properly processed, and giving poorer countries the right to refuse it.
We can’t solve the plastic crisis engulfing our oceans while using pristine coastlines as a global plastic dump. The decision will be made in days -- so join now to tell our governments: stop dumping plastic in paradise!
Sign to stop plastic dumping ... c/?cLSnkob
Our movement has fought the scourge of plastic pollution again and again. We’ve helped win bans on plastic bags, funded clean up plans on polluted rivers, and delivered a giant call to ban throwaway plastics to the UN. Now we need to rise to defend our oceans again.
With hope and determination :earth Sign to stop plastic dumping ... c/?cLSnkob
Risalat, Rewan, Bert, Iain, Spyro, Alex, Rosa, and the rest of the Avaaz team
More information:
The world's recycling is in chaos. Here's what has to happen (Wired) ... to-happen/
Norwegian proposal to place trade controls on waste plastics gains support (Resource) ... port-12823
America’s new recycling crisis, explained by an expert (Vox) ... onal-sword

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Take Action Now!

Postby smug » Mon Sep 07, 2020 2:47 pm

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dub, mzawf
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Take Action Now!

Postby smug » Tue Sep 15, 2020 3:02 pm

Brand Spoofing, SimRing, Phishing, Data Harvesting, online muggers, URL shorteners, and with scams that are continually evolving, becoming more inventive, sneaky and underhanded... It has been suggested the cost alone to people in the UK is, roughly ‘£10.9 billion’ p.a. and with an ecommerce market worth £300 billion plus online bandits are there trying to get ahead of the game. Some examples:
Christmas :xmas is coming be on your guard against a tsunami of scammers out to ruin yours :party


examples: First one refers to a problem with my NetFlicks account and following the link in a private browsing mode red alert!
The Power Ball email isn’t even addressed to me “dodgy” and I hope if I had won 1.5 million dollars I’d hope for a little more security
Lastly my Spoofed Boots email with its shortened url link which went nowhere
Christmas :xmas is coming be on your guard against a tsunami of scammers out to ruin yours :party
Stay Safe!!!
If in doubt leave it out!

If in doubt leave it out!
For more ... n-scammed/ ... hing-scams

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Stay Safe

Postby smug » Sun Oct 18, 2020 6:08 pm

sharing his collection spear-phishing sms messages :aok before assigning them to their rightful place [pottytrain5.gif Spear-phishing differs from phishing in that the attacker knows the name of the target whereas phishing is more randomised as an example of a low-level cyber attack :shock: As society progressed to Smartphone technology, resulting a bigger target audience, for the internet scammer. The following sample of SMS attacks will likely take the user (if and when followed) often to a ‘ringer’ :phone scam site many big Brand names being targeted :Spammer

At one time exclusively an email based type annoyance [smiliefurious.gif] now having migrated to smartFones and unsolicited text messaging.
The bottom line being that this account has been hacked and mobile number shared and well & truly speared-phished :fishing

So from a +44 UK number and likely a spoofed. If the sms inbox becomes peppered with message [surrender.gif] , human nature takes over, intrigue or opportunity whatever sense the wording might appeal too icon_paper.gif Temptation prevails am I going to or not :scratch read a message or two? :joker Just opening one sends off a signal ‘ping’ which then pretty much guarantees more unsolicited text messages :confused
:director :getsmiley
:lol: 1721...Shall I pass this on to someone else? I’m still waiting for you as I can see you haven’t followed my advice here it’s not too late...
From some bloke called Gary ‘Your entry has won Jan!! Go to http: and complete the form to start with up to 5,900 TODAY!’ and Jessica...Jan this is a message regarding an investment on hold, Check your status here, a url shortener as well as, an invalid link.

My mate Harley ..Careful, hard to watch Jan. This is how people around you make up to 2k everyday! Last time you missed it! Don’t miss it again! This link returning a server error...403 - Forbidden: Access is denied and you do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.
Sharewnn...Jim Davidson reveals how he recovered from bankruptcy
Twentyripple... *Breaking News* British citizens breaking the bank:
thirtyripple... *Breaking News* British banks taking aim at British citizens
Ripplefifty...Student bought his mum a house:
Hankychain...Jan -17 year old kid purchased a house
:heart Diana Hello Jan, We have received your application to work with us from home!! Which is paid with 350/ hour details here...
William.. Jan, Can’t sleep well? This helps thousands of people to sleep well every night!
54857... Jan £23,347 Pending in your trading account! Confirm your details within 24 H >> <<


more invalid links...
Conduitjab... Jan I read [sleepy1.gif] the write up and thought of you:

Andrew... You’ve won Jan balance is now available we’ve reloaded your app To see what you received Please enter here:
Ryan... Hey Jan , as I promised,. Here you can find what we talked about :shock: returning link...

'Oops! You've reached an invalid link
'Please contact the source of the link you just clicked and let them know.
What is is a url shortener used by 1,000's of businesses.
Please understand that the reason you're here has nothing to do with us.
What if I want to report spam?
We enforce a strict anti-spam policy. If you've received an unsolicited email,
SMS text, or other "spam" that contains a link, let us know at:
abuse @
Please be sure to include a copy of the unsolicited email, or details of
the unsolicted text message or other "spam" you received.
This isn't some "black hole" on the web. We promise a reply within 48 hours.
What is your Privacy Policy?
As a click tracking service, we use cookies to track your clicks on any of our
users' tracking links. We do not collect or store any personally identifiable info'

More... [surrender.gif]
+44 738... PayPal: We have detected unusual activity and our systems have placed a block on your account & services. Go to to lift the block
Buboedpuppy.... Cancellation will take place unless action is taken. Login to specify request and resubmit pwcaq.clib/P68BpKkA
Will... Jan , Incredible results on your account! Nice Job! Check here:
Hi, this is Amy from Irene’s office. I just put something together which will really make your week and mine too unless I’m fired.

HMRC: We have determined that you are eligible to receive a tax refund from HMRC Please complete your form via returning deceptive / dangerous...

Gigi.. Gooday , here Jan is the piece about *Corona Financial Effect* & how to make 3 digits daily Automatically! Time limited=>
... Hi Jan I know you’re stuck at home and wanted to share this with you when i saw it
infoSMS...Jan U have been selected in our weekly draw plus text stop to OPT OUT :cry
Sixtyripple... Jan I read this story and thought you’d like it
A big thank you to the above contributors albeit computer generated personalalities and with regret to the virtual
Hedgebrunch, Hippycan, Vendingamid, Treegrunt, Bushmeal, Graneelude, Jerry, Alice, Olivia, Wilson and Harry for not including your unimaginative material but who have helped me to that point, of wanting a change of identity.
Stay safe
:xmas :party :cake :xmas

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Be Aware

Postby smug » Tue Oct 27, 2020 5:34 pm

Bogus phone call :phone
Be aware an automated phone call scam doing the rounds pre-crimbo :xmas :cake alledgedly from HMRC snack.giftelling the target that if they don’t, press one and ??? a warrant will immediately be issued for your arrest. hide.gif didnt press one skipping level 2 of the scam :indifferent
in summary
As crimbo closes in be on your guard :punch potentially a case for a seasonal bombardment of Brand Spoofing [Panic_.gif] targeting the seasonal necessities and services, netflik, amazon scams, banking purchase order scams :shock: :shock: or very likely anything else you can dream up [sleepy1.gif]
Be on your gaurd & Stay safe :aok
Rachel [partyanimal.gif]

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