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Satire Truth Reality :)/)

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Satire Truth Reality :)/)

Postby Luma » Sat Feb 26, 2022 4:15 pm

An outstanding clip from the Charlie Chaplin movie. 'The Great Dictator' Take note :director A message from 80 + years past...


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Stop this kin war special operation bullshit!

Postby Guest » Sun Mar 06, 2022 8:09 pm

Z has become a symbol of Russian is it referencing Zelensky :notworthy
grrr.gif Russia stop making war with Ukraine :row
while Putin and his cronies live in absolute luxury :hippy and the worlds talking heads just talk & peoples lose their lives homes and more.... :cry :cry :cry
u Warmongers you don't even deserve to rot eternally in Hell :devil
Families Children good people suffer this shit [pottytrain5.gif while you sleep in your palaces of excess :firey
It's Sickening watching the bullshit spouted by the politicos attempting to justify this caranage & evil... :devil
International leaders :rotfl

Putin says this war will only end when Ukraine lays down it's arms :firey
Putin why not take the moral high ground or are you to distracted by fine wine :celebrate & food :hungry and country retreat
We can ony learn from history not recreate it :indifferent
One world :earth

special operation an expession of hate...

Postby Guest » Mon Mar 07, 2022 5:49 pm


Re: Satire Truth Reality :)/)

Postby Guest » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:24 pm

'Cursed be he who violates the territory of his neighbour'. book of Deuteronomy: :read
While both ordinary people on both sides of this conflict suffer and as the wider world will feel the economic consequences moving forward.
Ukraine and its people living an unamaginable hell through this Russian aggression. Freedom and civil liberties (religious freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom to assemble, and freedom to petition the government) are being taken away from Russian people. Putin's alleged 200 billion personal wealth could ease the pain of his country's plight but in reality as with the kleptocratic elites. inward thinking is key. hide.gif
Leaders & Cronies "intoxicated" by power — engaging in violent behavior simply because they can and can get away with it [Panic_.gif] "
Pray for rationality and peace amongst all good people, albeit a distance 'pipe dream' @ this time :cry
Stop this conflict u warmongers as you go about satisfying your own aims and wants, you don't represent free and loving people :heart
If hell exists outside of this worldly existence that's your destiny :devil
Stop Attacking Ukraine :blowup

Satire Truth Reality :)/)

Postby Guest » Thu Mar 10, 2022 5:00 pm

Does Vladimir Putin have Parkinson's disease? ...
Hang on to that chair hide.gif

Re: Satire Truth Reality :)/)

Postby Guest » Fri Mar 11, 2022 4:34 pm

While Russians feel the brunt of the special operation a recent picture of putin wearing a Patek Philippe’s Perpetual Calendar watch worth $60,000 and something on your average Russia income would take 5 years to purchase if they lived on a diet of rye bread, cabbage soup, and thin kasha with ham. Forget heating in times -7c maybe then 10 years it could be yours. Allegedly with an estimated personal fortune estimated $200 billion along with owning a $1.4 Billion Black Sea mansion 19 other houses and 700 cars, as well as a collection of 58 aircraft and helicopters including a $716 million dollar plane called “The Flying Kremlin” that has a toilet made of gold.
And to keep his options open by land, air, or sea, he also has a $100-million-dollar mega yacht + the $160000 presidential despotic salary. The symbol of “Otechestvo” vis a vie a cold-blooded, egotistic dictator, who has led a clandestine life filled with mysterious affairs, czar-worthy palace intrigue, and incalculable wealth handed to him by oligarchs who stole from the Russsian people grrr.gif Surely is this a joke :joker
When a Russian reporter asked Putin in 2008 about a rumoured wedding with Kabayeva, he said, “I always disliked those obsessed with erotic fantasies who stick their flu-ridden noses in other people’s lives.” Tell that the suffering people of Ukraine while you continue to deceive your own people. One rule for them and another for me...

Re: Satire Truth Reality :)/)

Postby Pukeing » Sun Mar 13, 2022 3:10 pm

Read in the new scotsman 'By launching his invasion of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin has revealed his true colours to the world. He is no president, strongman or autocratic leader, he is a 21st-century fascist dictator'.


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