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How will you fare in the Year of the Rat

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How will you fare in the Year of the Rat

Postby mzawf » Mon Jan 27, 2020 2:54 pm

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The following text is a hugely truncated view as written by us, and based on the mazwf interpretation of the cosmos 
Only intended as a loose guidance as a more in-depth reading can be obtained from a practitioner of Chinese Astrology or by viewing the enumerable sites featured on the World Wide Web (www) connected to this discipline.
Chinese Astrology – Saturday the 25th January marks the beginning of the Chinese New Year and start of the 19th cycle since 1804 for the Rat sign.
The Chinese lunar calendar was first introduced in 2037 B.C. A compete cycle takes sixty years and is made up of five smaller cycles of 12 years each. The 78th cycle started on 02 February 1984 and will end on February 05 2044
According to legend, the Lord Buddha summoned all the animals to come to him before he departed from Earth.
Only twelve came to bid him farewell. As a reward he named a year after each one in the order that they arrived.
First to arrive was the Rat, then the Ox, the Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep. Followed then by, the Monkey, the Rooster, Dog, and Boar.
The twelve animals we have today.
The animal ruling the year in which you were born exercises an influence on your life. The Chinese say
This is the animal that hides in your Heart’

1st in the door at Buda’s farewell party, The Rat
The Rat year is a year of plenty, bringing opportunity and good prospects. It will be marked by speculation and fluctuation in the prices of commodities and the stock markets, the world economy in general will boom. Business will be on the upswing, fortunes can be made and it will be a time to accumulate wealth. However this is also the time for making long-term investment plans as the bonanza of the Rat year prepares all for the bleak years that may follow. All ventures begun at this time should be fruitful if one prepares well. But do not take chances or unnecessary risks: the year of the Rat is still ruled by the coldness of winter and the darkness of night. Those who speculate indiscriminately and overextend themselves will come to a sad reckoning.
On the whole, this will be a happier year than most: free from the destruction of pointless wars and with fewer catastrophes than, say, the Tiger or the Dragon years.
Nonetheless, it will be varied in its nature as life brings, bickering, discussing, disagreeing’ agreeing ‘throwing the toys out of the pram’ resolution, compromise, common consensus, sadness, happiness, open-mindedness and all .
A congenial way forward! (Extracts taken from T Lau, Chinese Horoscope Handbook)
I am a link and yet function as an autonomous entity.
I aim at encompassing new heights and never miss the target.
Every new beginning must end in success following through a challenging quest.
Life is one joyous pathway to survival and a life full of contentment and blessed in happiness.
I am the Rat a self proclaimed achiever
2020 …. The Rat native brings good fortune. Career progression or promotional possibilities may present themselves; the learned and determined will succeed. Cleverness and quick thinking opens possibilities of unexpected achievement and or monitory gains. Stay healthy!
Healthy eating with regular rest and sleep habits will ensure you have the stamina to accomplish goals and challenges ahead. Stay focused and don’t lose sight of your expectations and more importantly your dreams.
Health, Wealth and Happiness
Famous people born in the year of the Rat: Prince Charles; Charlotte Bronte, Mozart. William Shakespeare. Rat years forgone: 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008,
I am the Ox Ranking 2nd
I seek to serve integrity and carry the burden of righteousness.
I am the stabilizing force standing against the test of adversity.
I abide by the laws of nature resolute and unimpeachable.
Patiently, and stoically guarding the wheels of destiny.
Thus I might stumble to weave a path to my fate.
2020 The OX
Both a smooth and prosperous path lay ahead for the OX. Luck will favour undertakings and any previous complications being resolved and assigned to history. Gains or recognition in the work place could result in bigger challenges moving forward. Celebrations can be expected at home.
With focus, forging the path ahead, converging the straight and narrow the Ox whose own path it follows.
Health & Happiness
Famous people born in the year of the Ox
Walt Disney, Margret Thatcher, Vincent van Gogh, I am the Ox
Famous people born in the year of the Ox
Walt Disney: Margret Thatcher; Vincent van Gogh, (Ox Years) 1949, 61, 73, 85 97, 2009, 2021.
(ranking 3rd)
All hail me the unparalleled performer, agile fast and clever.
If you get me onside we can transverse life’s carousels rides
The Tiger Setting trails ablaze, seeking the unobtainable
I am the Tiger a paradox of delight. The entire world is my stage.
2020 The Tiger Not a very lucky year for the Tiger. Life’s business is difficult best keep a grip on financial situations to stay ahead of the game. Rewards are hard earned Prudence, patience engage.
Impulsive acts avoided and with a modest forecast moving forward.
Family affairs
…. One doesn’t have a normal family albeit Tigers tend to make good parents exercising guidance in a non conformist manner. Cultivating intelligence and encouraging creative thinking. Strong loyalties within a ‘Mischief’ of cats health & happiness
Tiger years: 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022.
Sir Richard Branson, Beethoven, Marilyn Monroe, Princess Anne, Groucho Marx.

ranking 4 the Rabbit
Hours ruled by the Rabbit 5a.m to
I am in tune with the pulse of the universe.
In my quiet and solitude I hear the melodies of the soul.
Sometimes I’ll subdue my ability to conform bucking trends to follow a norm.
The colour of my words is in delicate pastel hues.
The words I speak are from the heart and in my best belief, are true.
I epitomize harmony and inner peace and move easily with the flow.
I am a Rabbit I see I know
2020 The Rabbit
…………A calm and both good year ahead for the Rabbit sign. No surprises, no big problems along with modest outcome on everyday situations.
Be conservative this year and do not act independently and avoid setbacks that cause extra expense albeit a good year for property (residential) speculations and investment
Self belief offers opportunity laying strong foundations into the future.
Health Happiness
Rabbit years: 1951 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023.
Famous people born in the year of the Rabbit: Albert Einstein, Queen Victoria, Orson Wells, Fidel Castro.
Peter Falk, Ali McGraw, Queen Victoria, Albert Einstein. I am the Rabbit

I am the Dragon Ranking 5th
Hours ruled by the Dragon 7a.m to 9 a.m
I have been chosen to tame the fates
I am an unquenchable fire.
I am the centre of all energy with a stout heroic heart.
Occupying the 5th position in the Chinese Zodiac, the Dragon is the mightiest of the signs. Dragons symbolise such character traits as dominance, ambition, authority, dignity and capacity.
Dragons prefer to live by their own rules and if left on their own, are usually successful. Occupying the 5th position in the Chinese Zodiac, the Dragon is the mightiest of the signs. Dragons symbolize such character traits as dominance, ambition, authority, dignity and capacity. Dragons prefer to live by their own rules and if left on their own, are usually successful. (google)
2020 The Dragon A lively year is forecast romance and business featured heavily throughout. Cash flow should be even but poor decision making could set back progress to given targets. No big problems confront the Dragon at home or at work. With overall performance being good R&R comes easily.
Stay Focused while paying attention to health and well being. Compromise, Understanding Belief, (CUB) being is ‘key’ moving forward.
Some Famous people born in the year of the Dragon include; John Lennon, St Joan of Arc, Jimmy Connors, Ringo Starr,
Harold Wilson, Salvador Dali, Frank Sinatra, Haile Selassie.
Dragon Years: 1952, 1964, 76, 88, year 2000, 2012, and 2024.
I am the Snake 6th to the party
I hold the key to the mysteries of life.
Mine is the wisdom of the ages.
My sights are fixed, my gaze unchanging.
Reticent. Private Intuitive.
2020 The Snake Bagatelle and activity affronts the Snake. New outlooks and opportunities present themselves. The Snake will make some advancement in career. This year may feature dramatic events both good and bad. Financial gains will balance out losses and problems solved through goodwill. A time to neither lend nor borrow money.
Practice good lifestyle choices
Health & Happiness.
Anniversaries’ The Snake sign, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013.
Famous people born in the year of the Snake:
Howard Hughes, J. Paul Getty, King Hassan of Morocco, Picasso.
Princess Grace, John F Kennedy, Howard Hughes

I am the Horse
I am a Kaleidoscope of the mind.
I impart light, colour, and perpetual motion.
I think, I see, I am moved by electric fluidity.
I am unshackled by mundane holds’ unchecked by sturdy binding goals.
I run unimpeded through virgin paths.
My spirit unconquered, my soul
2020 The Horse
Very likely this year will be problematic for the Horse sign, although with a willingness to please and the heart of a champion progress can still be gained, comfortably passing the winning line. Be on guard from troublesome and romantic involvements which might lead to sadness and a broken heart. The Horse native must stay clear of confrontation especially with in officialdom and or the law. Some monetary problems might crop up involving family and other close connections, a time to be thrifty nor lend or borrow money.
Past Years: 1966, 78, 90, 2002, 2014.
Famous people born to the year of the Horse:
Neil Armstrong, Patty Hearst, Anwar Sadat, King Faisal, Rembrandt, Sir Paul McCartney, Barbara Striesand.

I am nature’s special child.
I trust and am rewarded by trust.
All things blossom in the gentleness of my love.
I strive to find beauty in all I behold.
I am fair of face and full of grace.
I am the Sheep
2020... A very good year is forecast for the ram lamb, and ewe. Gifts and gains from unlikely sources such like gambling, lottery etc. Business opportunities are indicated. Home life might feel placid but love is strong. No illness or insurmountable problems are forecast
Health and Happiness
Past Years: (Sheep) 1955, 1967 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
Born to the Sheep sign…
Andy Warhol, Barbara Walters, Catherine Deneuve, Muhammad Ali, Billie Jean King, Michelangelo. Carol Nevis Vincent. :
Peace and love to all our Brothers and Sisters and families "stay safe” let’s not let Evil prevail!

The Monkey was ninth to arrive to the party.
I am the Monkey a seasoned traveler of the Labyrinth, a wizard of the impossible with brave and honest guile.
The Monkey’s brilliance is unmatched in its guile and originality.
The Monkey’s heart is filled with potent magic that could cast a hundred spells.
I am put together for my own pleasure.
I am the Monkey 2020
Being both lucky and prosperous this year allows good progress to be made. Additional finances coming from unlikely sources and it is an excellent time for the monkey to further interests and advance the general situation forward.
Problems are easily solved and the monkey sign being feted or sought after by important people. New members added to the family brood.
Health & Happiness
Born in the year of the ‘Monkey’.
Charles Dickens, Mick Jagger, Nelson Rockefeller, Bette Davis, Jennifer Aniston, Joe Cocker, Tom Hanks, dub, and DJ Morris
Monkey years; 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956 1992, 2004, 2016.

“Hear me” “I am the Rooster” I am on hand to herald the day and to announce its exit too.
I thrive by clockwork and all but precision in my unending quest for perfection. All things will be restored to their rightful place.
A difficult year for the Rooster and generally needs to cut outgoings within budget. Focus on using resources wisely and with prudence and good thought, relying on instinct and self belief. Self support is critical so not to be left in the cold or alienated as there is strength in numbers. Do not get distracted with minor hassles, exercising discretion and moderation in serious matters a must.
Family fortunes are looking blessed and good news is indicated
Famous people born in the year of the Rooster include
Elton John, Peter Ustinov, Pope Paul V1, Prince Philip and more….
Rooster Years include, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, and 2017.

In at Eleven and joining the party, we have The Dog in all its glory
I am the Dog
Your Faithful best buddy without end.
I am the protector of Justice, equality only but a sole friend.
A life of honour is a neck never chained.
My life is yours, all so sweet.
For me, to all who hold the treats?
Be blessed by the spirit of the dog
2020 The Dog
A year filled with good fortune. The Dog can be successful in business or will receive additional income from some past investment or gambling. Health is good but there will be some problems either in his home area concerning siblings Best to avoid lending out money this year. Travel is featured heavily
Self belief is your strength.
Be health conscious with a positive mental attitude, stay fit eat and drink plenty (water is good) facilitating good health and a sound mind.
Dog Years: 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
Some Famous Names Born to the Dog Sign: Donald Trump Bridget Bardot, Harry Houdini, Donald Trump, George W Bush, Bill Clinton, Elvis Presley, Winston Churchill, Prince William, Jenifer Lopez,

I am the Boar
Last to arrive at Buda’s Bash
Of all God’s children I have the purest heart.
By giving myself freely I am richer from the start
Bonded to all mankind by common fellowship, my good will is universal,
All encompassing, unconditional and without restraint
I walk in Loves protective light and see all that’s good
2020 The Boar
This year if filled with uncertainty, things are unsettled at home and at work The Boar will be able to surmount difficulties but worries are weighing down and adversely affect & hinder progress decreasing the chances of all out success. It’s both fortuitous and a frustrating year for the native Boar, aspirations and desires. He-and-her maybe disappointed if expectations are too high Difficulties may arise from many directions possibly a result of past neglect, miscalculations or errors in judgment. The Boar would be wise to pay caution to confidentiality on a personal level using a need to know approach, and deal with criticism constructively.
Be positive in all endeavors’ being a sensible way forward.
Health Happiness & Wealth
Boar Years: 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
Famous people born in the year of the Boar:
Alfred Hitchcock, Al Capone, Woody Allen, J D Rockefeller, David Bowie, Amy Winehouse,

....additional info...
During the 60 year cycle each of the animal signs I combined with five main elements: Wood, governed by the Planet Jupiter; Fire, by Mars; Earth by Saturn; Gold or Metal, by the Planet Venus; and Water by Mercury. These 5 elements are further split into magnetic poles, Positive and negative which the Chinese call Yin Yang.
In the Lunar calendar, the day begins at 11 P.M. and twenty-four hours are divided into twelve segments of two hours. Each section is ruled by one of the animal signs
Since ancient times the Chinese have as ascribed the source of all movement of matter, and all of life’s force, holding to the constant, and to balance equally the pull of negative vis a vie the positive sides of energy. This they call Yin and Yang. Like the ripples in a pond when you drop a pebble into it.
Yin Yang attributes: Yin Is Dark; and Yang is Light; Yin is Female and Yang is Male; Yin is Passive and Yang is Active; Yin is the Moon Yang is the Sun; Yin is the Rain and Yang is the Sunshine; Yin is the odd number, Yang is the Even; Yin is the Earth, and Yang is the Heavens; Yin is the Water, and Yang is the Mountains; Yin is Winter, Yang is Summer; Yin is Cold and Yang is Hot; Yin is the Tiger and Yang is the Dragon; Yin is the pond , Yang is the Ripples.
The Yin and Yang are embodied in the Chinese symbol for T’ai Chi
I Ching, T’ai chi, Feng Shui, Chinese Astrology, a Chinese system of food cures’ and how to balance the Yin & Yan in the food you eat.
To get to the ninja/sage status much reading and study must be undertaken ‘grasshopper’Tao the absolute truth
There is plethora of internet sites offering information on Chinese philosophy promoting wellbeing.
Our forecast for the year ahead is more built around an overview summarized vision.
How the animal inherited by birth fares into Yin and Yang and forces of nature!

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